What flowers can be planted in April

variegated spring flower bed It's the second spring month in the yard, April, it's already getting warm, and I want to transform the dull grayness, adding brightness and colors to the surrounding reality. Of course, ornamental plants will help with this, attracting the eye and raising the mood with their beautiful flowers. But which ones can be planted so early without fear that they will die from low temperatures? We will tell you about it.

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Two options for an original flower garden

Some flower gardens almost always look elegant, without spoiling the impression with withered foliage and withered grass. The secret is simple: you need to correctly select and combine plants with different flowering periods, and then the decorative look will remain all the time. If you want living floristic compositions to please the eye already from mid-spring, it is necessary to optimally select frost-resistant species. Let's see what options are possible:

  1. If you want to see vibrant flowers as soon as possible, plant seedlings. Moreover, it is possible with already set buds - so the ornamental plant will appear in all its glory faster.planting flower seedlings
  1. If you take your time, sow with seeds. This method is more preferable from the point of view that the plant automatically adapts to the environment, does not get sick after transplanting and develops quickly. But it blooms, of course, later.seed shoots in the open field

Planting ready-made flower seedlings is a risky business. Young, unadapted to environmental conditions, representatives of the ornamental flora can burn in the sun or freeze. That is why it is recommended to cover them at first, protecting them from adverse natural conditions. After a few days, the film is removed.

Flowers that are not afraid of light frost: seedlings

Let's start with a seedling method to decorate a flower bed. The following types of plants are suitable for you, which are not afraid of small frosts and actively bloom already in mid-spring or summer:

  1. Marigold. Choose varieties that are specially bred to withstand cold weather. Although the flowers are undemanding, they are afraid of the sun - they burn very easily, then they get sick for a long time. April cannot boast of an excess of hot days, but we still recommend covering young seedlings.marigolds grade Queen Sofia
  2. Asters. Some varieties are quite cold-resistant, but in the northern regions it is better to wait until May, when the threat of frost has passed. True, the "star" will bloom not in April, but closer to the middle of summer. But on the other hand, it will delight you with an elegant look for a long time.
  3. Dahlias. It can also be planted in the last April decade, but again, if you are sure that severe frosts are not expected. Blooming in summer.

In the southern regions, already in the middle of spring, a fairly warm climate is established, about 20 ° C. In such conditions, you can plant seedlings of snapdragons, carnations, ageratum, delphinium, decorative tobacco, nasturtium, petunias, Iberis, Ipomoea, Zinnia, Celosia, salvia, annual varieties of phlox.phlox variety Star rain

Most annual plants are suitable for early planting. Perennials are more demanding on temperature, and they are sent to open ground in May.

Flowers that are not afraid of light frost: seeds

Many flower crops are grown with seeds in April. They turn out to be stronger, accustomed to difficult environmental conditions, not afraid of temperature changes, precipitation and an unfavorable climate.

For sowing directly into the soil, it is preferable to choose flowers that develop quickly, actively, having time to please with beautiful buds in one season.

These include cornflowers, poppies, mattiola (levkoi), calendula, adonis, clarkia, very unusual-looking ornamental cabbage, gypsophila, sweet peas, escholzia (California poppy), morning glory (in regions with a stable warm climate).Ipomoea purple

Be sure to prepare the soil before planting. Flowers - plants are quite capricious, many like light, fertile soil with a small content of sand. Preparation begins about two weeks before sowing the seeds. Consider the heating temperature of the soil, which directly depends on its structural structure. For example, sandy loams warm up faster than heavier chernozem or loam. That is why the landing dates will vary by several days. In some regions, such soil is sown only in the first decade of May.

If done correctly, the flower bed will very quickly change its dull, gray look to a much more elegant and bright one. Plant plants with different flowering periods - and you will enjoy its decorative appearance all summer, and even in autumn. Moreover, later handsome men can also be dropped off in April days. While they get stronger and develop buds, the early varieties will already fade, and new ones will come to replace them. So the appearance and design of the flower garden will change every week. And all you have to do is enjoy the wonderful view that will cheer you up.

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We sow flowers in April - video

  1. Nina Nikolaevna

    Very helpful tips and clear explanations!


