Causes of yellowing of garlic leaves

garlic leaves turn yellow Garlic is a plant from the bulbous family. Its bulb forms up to 15 babies - teeth that can be eaten. Garlic grows at a depth of 7 cm - 8 cm.

Like all bulbous plants, it is picky about the composition of the soil. In loamy heavy soil, the bulbs of garlic will be small, the tips of its leaves will turn yellow. There are several other reasons for the yellowing of garlic leaves:

  • lack of nitrogen in the soil;
  • fusarium of garlic;
  • weather;
  • varietal features of the plant.

If the tips of the leaves of the garlic turn yellow a week before the harvest, the garlic may be infested with pests or lacking moisture. In this case, the plants in the garden are irrigated and treated with thrips insecticides.

Read the article: onion turns yellow and what to do with it?

Planting garlic in virgin soil

Garlic does not develop well in virgin soil. The yellowing of its leaves may be due to a deficiency nitrogen in the ground. Before planting the garlic, rotted cow dung is introduced into the garden and the soil is loosened for aeration.

Biologicals are also introduced into the furrows. For planting winter garlic, use the drug "Fitosparin", and for spring garlic - "Baikal".

Young garlic needs nitrogen fertilization, so in the spring it is important to add nitrogen-containing fertilizers to the soil.

If you have planted winter garlic, use complex mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content. In order to get a good harvest of spring garlic, fertilize the beds with cow humus or herbal infusion, which contains a large amount of nitrogen.

Fusarium garlic

Fusarium is a fungal disease that affects not only the leaves, but also the roots of garlic. The fibrous root system of the plant begins to rot and cannot provide the flow of nutrients to the leaves, so they turn yellow.

Dig the garlic out of the soil. If the roots of garlic are infected with fusarium, urgently treat the garden with long-acting fungicides.

The leaves also turn yellow when the plant is affected by white rot. A white bloom appears on the roots of the garlic.

If white rot is affected, fungicides may not be used. Spill the plant bed hot (70ABOUTC) potassium permanganate solution.


If the garlic has already started to grow, and spring frosts have come, its leaves may turn yellow. Additionally, add potassium salt and manure to the soil to increase the plant's immunity.

Varietal features of garlic

The yellowing of garlic leaves is a varietal feature of all super-early and some early varieties, such as:

  • Hermidor;
  • Lyubasha;
  • Rocumball.

The color of the tips of the garlic tops of these varieties is rich yellow. When affected by fungal diseases or pests, it becomes dirty yellow.


