Description of the Lada pear variety of early summer ripening for a closer acquaintance

description of pear variety Lada Among the variety of pear species, Lada deserves special attention. Its positive characteristics and varietal characteristics are able to satisfy all the requirements of modern gardening. A description of the Lada pear variety, its positive and negative sides, as well as the rules of planting and care will help even a novice gardener grow a fruit tree.

Breeding work on the breeding of this variety of pears was carried out at the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K. A. Timiryazeva. In 1979, in the process of crossing, such pear varieties as Olga and Lesnaya Krasavitsa were used. The authors are breeders S. T. Chizhov, S. P. Potapov. Having successfully passed all the tests, in 1993 the early summer variety Lada was added to the State Register for such regions as Central, Central Black Earth, Srednevolzhsky.

A detailed description of the pear variety Lada

description of pear variety Lada

Many gardeners want to grow a pear of the Lada variety on their own plot, which will delight you with a stable high quality harvest. Therefore, before planting a fruit tree, you need to read its detailed description, find out the pros and cons of the culture.

Characteristics and description of the pear variety Lada

crown of pears of the Lada varietyThe pear tree, not exceeding 2.5 m in height, has a pronounced dark gray stem. The crown of young seedlings differs from adult plants in a funnel-shaped shape, which becomes pyramidal with age. The density of branches and shoots is average, which simplifies the process of tree formation.

The shoots are elongated, of medium thickness, slightly curved, round in cross section, brown in color. The plant is decorated with green foliage of medium size and elongated-oval shape. The leaf plate is elastic, smooth and has a serrated edge.

During the flowering period, the tree is covered with many snow-white flowers, which are collected in a corymbose raceme, 5-7 pieces each. They are cupped and medium in size. The petals are white, which does not change during the opening of the bud.

According to the description of the pear variety Lada, the tree does not need pollinators, since it is self-fertile. But to improve the quality of fruits and yield, it is recommended to grow it next to Severyanka and Rogneda pears.

Description of pear fruits and their taste

delicious juicy fruitsThe fruits of the Lada pear are obovate and have a maximum weight of 100-110 g. Their thin skin has a yellow color and a barely noticeable blush of a pale red tone. The seed box contains 5 brown seeds.

The pulp is yellow-white, with a characteristic fine-grained structure of medium density. The pear variety Lada is appreciated due to its balanced taste, harmoniously combining sweetness and acidity. The aroma of the whole fruit is almost not felt, only after cutting it, a subtle sweetish smell appears. The tasters rated this variety from 4.1 to 4.4 points.favorite pear of many gardeners

Chemical composition:

Dry matter 15,7%
Sahara 7,2%
Soluble elements 12,2%
Titratable acids 0,27%
P-active elements 92 mg / 100 g

Pear Lada embodies the best qualities of the famous varieties. Its taste is considered significant, characterized by a balance of sugar content and acidity, so the culture is in special demand.

Advantages and disadvantages of Lada pears

description of pear varieties Lada advantages and disadvantages

The description of the pear variety Lada also provides for the designation of its advantages, thanks to which it is in special demand among gardeners:

  • high and stable yield;
  • regularity of fruiting, non-shedding of ripe fruits;
  • winter hardiness, the ability to withstand frosts down to -30 ° C;
  • self-fertility, which allows you to plant a pear in a small area in a single copy;
  • adaptability to adverse conditions;
  • unpretentious care;
  • increased immune response to diseases and pests, especially scab;
  • versatility in use, the pear is good both fresh and suitable for preparing blanks for the winter;
  • a source of vitamins and minerals that regulate the work of the heart, stimulate the digestive system, improve metabolism.

When growing a crop, it is important to know about its disadvantages:

  • low transportability, since the fruits have a thin skin and delicate pulp;
  • poor tolerance to the dry period;
  • short storage period of the crop.

The Lada variety has much more advantages than disadvantages, which explains its popularity among summer residents.

Planting pears Lada

planting pear varieties LadaGrowing Lada pears is a laborious process. If you make an effort and adhere to all general planting norms, you can get a rich harvest of healthy fruits. To do this, it is important to correctly determine the time of planting seedlings, choose a suitable place, prepare planting material and plant.

A favorable time for planting seedlings is spring, autumn. The timing is determined depending on the climate of the region of cultivation. Spring planting is recommended for the Middle Lane. During the season, the young tree will get stronger, stock up on strength and successfully endure the cold winter. In southern latitudes, it is allowed to carry out planting work in the fall, but do this 3-4 weeks before the first frost.

The optimal time for spring planting is the end of April, for autumn planting - mid September.

Selection of seedlings

selection of pear seedlingsWhen choosing seedlings, give preference to strong, healthy plants without diseases or mechanical damage. The root system should be well developed without growths and bumps. The bark should not be cracked. Leaves must be cut off before planting.

It is better to purchase seedlings with a lump of earth around the roots - they will adapt faster in a new place.

The maximum survival rate of a plant that is 1-2 years old.

soak the seedling in the rootImmediately before planting, the roots of the seedling need to be processed in a clay mash or soaked in water with the addition of Kornevin for 1-2 hours. This will restore biological processes and help nourish the root system with moisture.

Choosing the right place

pear planting siteWhen choosing a site for planting, give preference to areas illuminated by the sun and protected from the north wind. Therefore, care should be taken that there is natural protection from the north or north-east - a fence, a structure, dense trees. In their absence, experienced gardeners install wooden boards painted white with lime. Coloring, reflecting the rays of the sun, contributes to additional lighting and heating of the plant. Fully pear will develop on a small southern or southwestern slope.

preparation of the landing pit

The quality of the crop is due to the soil on which the fruit crop grows:

  1. The soil must be fertile.
  2. The tree develops well and bears fruit on clay and loamy soil, rich in nutrients.
  3. The soil needs to be loose, this will provide excellent air circulation.
  4. It should be taken into account that pears do not grow on wetlands, on soils with a close location of groundwater. For the normal growth of a pear, their level should be no closer than 1.8-2.2 meters.
  5. Soils with an alkaline reaction are not suitable for them. They will grow better on neutral or slightly acidic soils.

Prepare the site in advance before planting. Spread it evenly over 1 sq. m scatter compost in the amount of 7 kg, superphosphate -50 g, potassium salt - 25 g. Then the site needs to be dug to the depth of the shovel bayonet. This will saturate the soil with oxygen and remove various weeds and their roots.

Sapling planting technology

description of pear varieties Lada planting

Correct planting is a guarantee of successful development and comfortable existence of a pear tree, therefore, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. Dig a hole in advance, 100 cm wide, no more than 70 cm deep. When planting in spring, do it in the fall, and when planting in autumn, 2-3 weeks before.
  2. At the bottom, form a mound from a mixture containing the top layer of garden soil, humus, superphosphate, potassium fertilizer.
  3. To form the correct beautiful crown, drive in a peg 90-110 cm high 10-15 cm from the center.
  4. Place the young tree on a hill, carefully spreading the roots, and cover it with nutritious soil. In this case, the root collar should be located 4-5 cm above the ground.
  5. Tamp the seat, moving from the outer edge of the trunk circle to the base of the trunk.
  6. Pour 35-40 liters of water under the planted plant.
  7. As the moisture is absorbed and the earth sags, mulch the soil with sawdust, dry grass or a layer of humus no more than 10 cm thick. This technique will prevent the growth of weeds and reduce moisture evaporation.
  8. Tie the stem of the seedling to the peg.
  9. At the end of planting work, cut the seedling to a height of 60-80 cm, and cut the branches in half.

When planting several seedlings, it is important to keep the distance between the planting units 2-3 meters. The optimum row spacing is 4 meters. Density of plantings negatively affects the growth rate of trees and can lead to a decrease in yield.

Subtleties of crop care

The health of the fruit tree, its growth, development and fruiting depends on the efforts that the gardener has spent on important agricultural practices. Proper care will increase its productivity, prolong life, give a corner of the garden a beautiful decorative look, prevent the development of diseases and the invasion of harmful insects.

Watering mode

watering pearsWatering is required based on weather conditions, soil type and plant age. It is recommended to water the pear at the time of intensive growth of shoots and ripening of the crop - from May to June, and during a drought.

An excess of moisture can provoke various diseases and root decay.

Under a young tree, you need to add at least 30 liters of water at a time, and under an adult pear - up to 50 liters. There are two ways to accomplish this procedure:

  1. Sprinkling. Water with the use of rotating fan, impulsive, pistol spray nozzles. Correct sprinkling should be shallow, even, scattered. Soak the soil 60-80 cm.
  2. Application of grooves. Dig a special groove 12-15 cm deep along the circumference of the tree crown. Pour water gradually until complete absorption is complete.

After each moistening, it is required to loosen the trunk circle, removing weeds.

In the absence of rain in the autumn period, the tree should be additionally provided with moisture before the onset of winter. Thanks to this, the root system can easily tolerate cold weather.

Seasonal fertilization

natural fertilizer for pearsPear Lada does not respond well to nutritional deficiencies. If the situation is not corrected, the tree can get sick in a short time and even die, unable to withstand the severe frosts in winter.

In the spring, feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizers. Apply nutrients as soon as the snow melts, when the weather is dry. The trunk must be treated with lime or red lead.

In autumn, feed with a complex of mineral fertilizers. It is better to do this in October, sealing the trunk circle with a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. potassium chloride, 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 10 liters of water.

Stimulating and shaping crown pruning

pruningIt is important to prune the plant regularly to prevent thickening of the crown. This procedure will allow you to adjust the yield of the plant, increase the sugar content of the fruits and their size.

Pruning will also help to improve access to the tree when harvesting:

  1. An agrotechnical technique should be carried out twice a year: in spring (before bud break), in autumn (in October).
  2. Carry out the first pruning immediately after planting.
  3. The next year, shorten the central conductor by 20-25 cm. Cut the branches by 5-7 cm.
  4. Subsequent pruning consists in removing excess branches that intertwine and grow into the crown, thereby preventing free air circulation between the branches.
  5. To accelerate fruiting, you can apply summer pinching of shoots, bending branches to a horizontal position.
  6. It is also important not to forget about sanitary pruning, which involves the elimination of damaged, old shoots.

Places of cuts, the diameter of which exceeds 1.5 cm, lubricate by taking a garden varnish (250 g of solid oil, 200 g of wax, 50 g of resin) or oil paint.

Mulching and whitewashing

trunk circle mulchingRecommended mulch near-trunk circle. The procedure will provide air to the root system of the plant, and the soil will make it light and with a porous structure. A layer of mulch will protect the soil from water erosion during irrigation, retain moisture and prevent the spread of weeds.

whitewashThe complex of measures for the care of pear varieties Lada includes whitewashing, which protects plants from sunburn. The white-painted trunk reflects the rays of the sun, making overheating of the trunk impossible. Whitewashing is also an effective way to protect the crop from pests.

Preparing the tree for winter

preparing a seedling for winterTo ensure a comfortable wintering for the plant, it is necessary to clear the near-trunk circle from foliage and branches before the first snow. It is also required to whitewash the trunk, skeletal branches to protect against rodents. To prepare the solution, dilute 0.5 liters of copper sulfate and 2.5 kg of lime in 10 liters of water.

To protect the roots from freezing will help mulching the soil in the zone of the trunk circle. For this purpose, peat, humus, sawdust, grass are suitable. Lay the mulch in a layer of 15-20 cm. Although the Lada pear belongs to frost-resistant varieties, in the initial stages of development, in the presence of severe frosts, young trees require shelter. To insulate the trunk, use a breathable material, which will serve as burlap, lay spruce branches around. A snow embankment, sketched in the area of ​​the trunk circle, will protect the tree from severe cold in winter, and will also saturate it with moisture in early spring.

In winter, you need to observe so that there is no sticking of wet snow on the shoots. They can break under the weight of the snow cover.

Diseases, pests, methods of control

Lada pear variety shows good resistance to crop diseases. But this indicator does not exclude the risk of infection. Therefore, it is important to correctly recognize the problem and solve it effectively.

Information about dangerous fungal infections and pests in the table:

name symptoms control measures  
Scab The appearance on the underside of the foliage of olive-brown spots with a velvety surface. Putrid spots form on the fruits, the skin cracks, the pulp becomes hard Treat plants with fungicide solutions in the early spring scab
Moniliosis Falling flowers, drying of peduncles and foliage, cracking of old shoots Cut out infected shoots with 20-30 cm of healthy wood. Carry out a cycle of fungicide treatments moniliosis
Powdery mildew Scattering of ovaries, flowers, foliage. Curvature of shoots Burn the affected parts of the plant. Treat before bud break and after picking fruits with 10% potassium chloride or 7% urea powdery mildew
Rust Red, rust-like bulging on the outside of foliage Burn off damaged leaves. Treatment with copper chloride, and after harvesting the fruits with 1% Bordeaux liquid


Sooty fungus Appears in the second half of summer. Its presence is signaled by an aphid invasion. A black bloom resembling soot forms on foliage, shoots eliminate insects using an insecticide, treat with immunostimulants and serial fertilizers, destroy spores with fungicides sooty fungus
Pear flower beetle The weevil beetle eats flower buds, feeds on leaves, ovaries and tips of young shoots With a small number of insects, collect by hand. In case of mass reproduction, carry out treatments using insecticides (Decis, Fufanon) pear flower beetle
Pear moth A butterfly that lays eggs on the bottom of the trunk circle. Caterpillars emerge from them. They crawl along the trunk to the crown and begin to damage the fruit Install trapping belts in spring, carry out lime whitewash, treat with insecticides pear moth
Aphid Pale green insects leading to twisting shoots, drying out and falling foliage


Treat with chemicals that are aimed at destroying insects that gnaw foliage aphid
Pear mite The appearance of blisters on the leaf plates, their premature subsidence Spray with colloidal sulfur solution pear mite
Ringed silkworm The presence of egg-laying on the shoots Timely treat with organophosphorus compounds, biological pesticides ringed silkworm

When using chemicals, strictly follow the procedure prescribed in the instructions on the packaging of the drug and do not exceed the dose.

Preventive measures

preventive treatment

It is recommended to fight diseases and pests using both agrotechnical, chemical and biological methods, as well as performing sanitary and preventive measures:

  1. Collecting fallen leaves, weeds, plant residues in autumn. This will help get rid of harmful insects that have settled down for the winter in the leaves, and from the spores of various fungi that are in dry, diseased branches.
  2. Whitewashing trees with a lime mortar with the addition of 1% copper sulfate in early spring. This procedure will prevent sunburn, will prevent parasites that try to get to the crown along the trunk.
  3. Digging of tree trunks in late autumn to kill spores of fungi, weevils and other insects.
  4. Spraying of dug up tree trunks and tree crowns with copper sulfate in late autumn. This is one of the most effective methods of fighting overwintering parasites and fungi.
  5. Treatment with pesticides in early spring and systemic fungicides after flowering, with an interval of 2-3 weeks for the prevention of diseases, pests.
  6. Regular and thorough inspection of the tree for signs of disease and pest infestation, and if problems are found, promptly take appropriate measures to combat them.
  7. Avoid increased aridity or excessive moisture content in the soil.

To prevent the tree from becoming the center of the accumulation of parasites, it is necessary to take timely protective measures, using special means and organizing proper care.

Ripening and harvesting

pear harvestWith good care of the pear, the fruits will delight for 3-4 years from the moment of planting. The harvest begins in early August. From one mature tree, 50 kg of fruit can be obtained every year.

The fruits can hang on branches for a long time without crumbling. This allows you to harvest in portions and gradually process. It is recommended to pick the fruit when the skin turns yellow near the cutting. For collection use boxes, baskets, buckets. You will also need a ladder to reach the pears from the upper branches.

It is impossible to shake off the fruits in order to avoid mechanical damage. They should be grasped with all fingers and removed, holding the stalk.

Storage conditions and use of pears

pear jamAfter harvesting, send the fruits for storage in an unlit, ventilated room with a positive temperature of 1 to 4 ° C and a humidity of at least 85%. Fruits must be folded in plastic boxes or wooden boxes in 2 layers, separating with thin paper or dry straw. In such conditions, the shelf life of the crop is 2-2.5 months.

To preserve pears until November, you can put them in boxes and sprinkle them with clean sand. For a longer preservation, make dried fruits by drying in natural conditions or using special drying cabinets.

Due to their taste, Lada pears are used in cooking, both fresh and processed. They make such homemade preparations for the winter: jam, jam, juice, dried fruits. Fruit is good as an ingredient in many appetizers, salads, pie fillings.

Pear Lada has gained popularity due to its quick adaptation to climate conditions, soil types, as well as the excellent taste and delicate aroma of fruits. A planted tree will become the dignity of a garden plot, and for a long time it will delight with the beauty of its flowering and a rich harvest of useful fruits. Having studied the detailed description of the Lada pear variety, you can make your choice when laying a garden at a summer cottage.

Video description of the pear variety Lada


