Reproduction of phlox by cuttings (video)

woman with phlox Phlox is a very beautiful decorative flower that can create a beautiful flower bed oasis. This video will tell you how you can plant your summer cottage with phloxes in a short period of time due to propagation by cuttings, which gives the most effective and healthy shoots, giving out the largest inflorescences the next year after planting.

A clear, beautiful phlox garden will inspire many novice summer residents to create such beauty on their site, applying all the tips. Even an inexperienced florist can repeat the step-by-step instructions for grafting.

  1. Natalia

    A very luxurious plant, my mother has been planting these flowers in the country for many years, but if I'm not mistaken, she does it with seeds ... this year, by the will of fate, I also ended up in my house with three small gardens and since the very early spring I was tormented by the question of which Shall I plant flowers? which will grow in the shade, and which only need the sun. Of course, she didn't cover everything at once ... but my mother also gave phloxes to me, I sowed, but in my opinion it did not grow, maybe there was also a special soil ... The video is very useful, the grafting method is also not easy, but the video is very everything available shown, I will prepare for next year ...


