Propagation of acacia by cuttings: methods and timing

Please tell us how to propagate acacia by cuttings? Our site is located on the edge of the village, the dimensions are quite large, almost 40 acres. A fence was erected from the street, but the garden is still open. It is too expensive financially to put a fence there, so we decided to plant a hedge. And it will be cheaper, and the wind protection is good. An old acacia is just growing at the edge of the garden, we want to root its cuttings. When and how to do it?

propagation of acacia by cuttings Despite the fact that acacia is a culture, so to speak, wild, many plant it on their plots. It is especially good as a hedge, reliable and impassable, given the sharp thorns. Propagation of acacia by cuttings will save you the cost of purchasing planting material. If there is a forest belt nearby, acacia must grow in it. You just need to go and cut the cuttings. They take root well and grow quickly. In a couple of years you will already have full-fledged young trees.

Propagation of acacia by cuttings: methods

Acacia can be cut by two methods, using:

  • stem cuttings;
  • root cuttings.

The first method is more common and gives better results, but we'll cover both.

Rooting stem cuttings

rooted stem cuttings

You can harvest planting material in the spring or late summer. Both apical cuttings and shanks, cut from the middle of the shoot left after pruning, are suitable. The length of each should be at least 10 cm. For summer cuttings, remove the leaves from the bottom of the cuttings.

To speed up the rooting process, hold the cuttings in a growth stimulator before planting.

Root cuttings treated with a stimulator in containers with a sod-sand mixture and build a greenhouse. When the kidneys wake up, remove the shelter. Continue growing the acacia at 22 ° C. The bushes obtained as a result of spring cuttings can be planted in open ground in the fall. But summer plants are best kept in the basement for the first winter, and planted in the garden in spring.

When and how to root cuttings

root cuttings saplingIt is better to start propagating acacia by root cuttings in the spring. This is mid-May, when frosts will pass and a stable above-zero temperature will be established. Dig a lateral root from a mature tree. Cut it into shanks with a length of at least 15 cm, while making the upper cut at an angle. Powder the slices with charcoal. If the root already has thin lateral roots, leave them, do not remove.

For root cuttings, choose well-developed young roots with a diameter of at least 5 mm.

Root the cuttings in a light soil with the addition of sand and peatlaying them on a slope. It is convenient to use separate pots at once. Cover with foil for the first time. Young acacia can be transplanted to a permanent place in early autumn.

Interesting and useful facts about cutting trees and shrubs - video


