Varieties of squash, their varieties, descriptions and photos

Squash dish The first cultivated varieties of squash had a white skin color and a regular fruit shape with a slightly wavy edge. Today gardeners can choose from dozens of varieties of different ripening periods, shapes and colors. Young fruits with a thin skin that did not have time to become coarse are used in cooking and canning, and ripe squash are stored no worse than pumpkins and can be used in winter.

Modern varieties of squash are divided into:

  • early, allowing to get the first harvest in 40-50 days from the moment the first shoots appear above the ground;
  • mid-season, bearing fruit after 50-60 days;
  • late, forming an ovary in 60–70 days.

Variegated color and horned form of squash

In addition to the fact that the squash bush can produce healthy and tasty pumpkins, some varieties with an unusual "horned" fruit shape and variegated color are a wonderful decoration for the site. And among the vegetable varieties there are not only white-fruited varieties of squash. Fruits with yellow, orange and green skin and pulp are no longer a rarity.

What do the squash of different varieties look like and what are the advantages of this or that variety?

Squash varieties White 13

Squash White 13This white-fruited variety with strong branchy bushes is considered one of the best for outdoor use. Discoid fruits with poorly expressed segmentation can be cut after 55–67 days. The pumpkins of this variety of squash, in the photo, have a smooth thin skin and dense unsweetened white pulp, reminiscent of the taste of zucchini. The average weight of a squash is from 0.3 to 0.5 kg, up to 3.5 kg of young fruits of universal use are obtained from a bush per season.

Patisson Polo F1, photo of the variety and its description

Patisson Polo F1An early ripe hybrid that forms compact bushes and produces flat-round fruits, weighing from 0.3 to 0.4 kg. Young squash have a light green skin color, which turns white as it ripens. The pulp of Polo fruit is light, dense, very tasty, which allows using squash for canning and for other culinary dishes. The hybrid is resistant to downy mildew and shows stable high yields.

Squash varieties Disk

Patisson DiscFrom germination to collection of the first delicious fruits of this wounded variety, it takes from 47 to 53 days. Young fruits, tied on a powerful bush, first have a greenish tint, then turn white. The shape of the squash is close to a bell, the lower part of the fruit is flattened, the upper one is almost spherical. The diameter of a mature fruit with high commercial qualities is 18-22 cm, weight is about 0.35 kg. Ripe squash is well stored until mid-winter, and the ovary at the age of 3-5 days is most delicious in canned vegetables and on the grill.

Squash varieties Solnyshko

Patisson SunThis variety is characterized by an average ripening period of 58–70 days from the moment of emergence. As in the photo, the variety of the patisson Solnyshko gives a strong compact bush, on which a beautiful orange-yellow ovary is formed, which becomes brighter as it ripens and gains weight up to 250-350 grams. Plants are high-yielding, rarely affected by downy mildew and true powdery mildew. Patissons are tasty, well kept and very attractive, therefore they have a universal purpose.

Description and photo of the variety of squash UFO White

Patisson UFO WhiteThe variety has an average ripening period of 55–65 days. On branching bushes, fruits are formed that resemble bells with a rounded-toothed edge. The mass of mature squash is 0.4–0.5 kg.The ovaries of this variety of squash are light green in color, at the stage of biological maturity, the color changes to white, the skin hardens. In squash with a diameter of up to 8 cm, the pulp is tender, tasty, the seeds are practically not felt. The purpose of the variety is universal.

Patisson UFO Orange

Patisson UFO OrangeOne of the features of this variety of squash is a very early ripening period, not exceeding 40–45 days. On a bush plant, from 20 to 30 fruits weighing 400-500 grams can ripen per season. The disc-shaped fruit with a slightly toothed edge has a smooth, yellow-orange skin and a dense, excellent-tasting white flesh. The most valuable variety is for culinary and canning purposes.

Patisson Solnechny Bunny F1

Patisson Solnechny Bunny F1It is possible to collect fruits from powerful bushes of this hybrid in 42 - 45 days after germination of seeds. Plants are distinguished by massive and very massive fruiting. At the same time, up to 20 young squash of this variety can be on the bush, as in the photo they have a beautiful disc-shaped shape, ribbed edges and a bright, saturated yellow color. The average weight of a squash ready to be harvested is 150–250 grams. The pulp is creamy or light orange, of excellent taste and dense texture. The bushes are resistant to powdery mildew infection. Purpose - culinary and home preservation.

Patisson Watermelon F1

Patisson Watermelon F1The original variegated-colored hybrid, reminiscent of a watermelon and received the corresponding name, will not only decorate the site, but also give a bountiful harvest of juicy disc-shaped squash, which round out as they ripen. The weight of the fruits of this variety of squash is from 300 to 450 grams, the ripening period is medium, the bushes are large, branched.

Patisson Chartreuse F1

Patisson Chartreuse F1A hybrid variety of squash demonstrates early ripening and rich yields of delicious fruits of a rich dark green color. The tender flesh, very pleasant to the taste, is greenish in young squash, and noticeably lighter in mature ones. Ovaries up to 3 cm in diameter are good in salads and grilled, larger fruits are suitable for stuffing and canning.

Patisson variety Gosha

Patisson GoshaThe disc-shaped fruits of the early variety are ready for harvesting 46–52 days after the start of plant development. The bushes are large and tall. In the photo, the squash varieties, at the stage of technical ripeness, are painted in a dark green color, becoming more saturated, almost black by the time of the biological ripeness of the fruit. Average weight is about 300 grams. Fruits of the Gosha variety are characterized by a dense crunchy texture, which is preserved during canning.

Plants bear fruit for a long time and without interruption, are resistant to diseases and rot, fruits are decorative and tasty.

Growing squash - video

  1. Peacock

    Stuffed squash with meat, baked in the oven, yummy ...


