A selection of the best recipes for caviar from squash for the winter

caviar from squash for the winter When preparing conservation, squash is not as popular as squash. And in vain, because caviar from squash for the winter is in no way inferior in taste to squash caviar, it even turns out to be more tender.

For caviar, both young squash and old ones are suitable. Young vegetables can be used with the skins. The seeds are also left, since they are not yet fully formed, and they cannot spoil the appearance of the caviar and the taste. As for the old squash, here it is already necessary to remove the thick peel and large seeds, so as not to disturb the delicate texture of the caviar.

Delicate caviar from squash with spices

tender caviar from squash

To add a special taste, spicy spices are added to the caviar. A simple recipe for squash caviar is a bit like squash caviar, but thanks to the spices it acquires an individual taste.

Products required to get 2 liters of caviar:

  • 8 large squash;
  • 4-5 tomatoes;
  • 4 carrots;
  • 4 onions;
  • 80 ml of oil;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 80 g granulated sugar;
  • 5 g curry;
  • 0.4 tsp ground pepper;
  • 2 tsp mixtures of provencal herbs;
  • 40 g vinegar.

To give the caviar from squash for the winter, according to this recipe, you can add a couple of cloves of garlic to it.

Cooking caviar:

  1. Peel the squash from the peel, seeds and grate (coarsely).grate squash
  2. Put in a cauldron, lightly sprinkle with salt so that the juice stands out.
  3. Cut onions and tomatoes into rings.chop onion and tomatoes
  4. Grate the carrots on the same grater as the squash.grate carrots
  5. Put all the vegetables in a cauldron, pour in the oil. Boil for 1 hour. Stir the caviar periodically with a wooden spatula so as not to burn.stew caviar
  6. Add spices and sugar to vegetables.
  7. Grind the workpiece in a blender, transfer it back to the cauldron and add vinegar.grind caviar in a blender
  8. Protome, stirring, for 10 minutes, and immediately roll up in sterilized jars.

Caviar from baked squash

baked squash caviarIn this recipe, squash caviar for the winter is pre-baked in the oven. Wash the vegetables, drain off excess moisture. Remove the tails, cut one and a half kilograms of squash into circles and bake.peel and bake the squash

Pass the baked squash through a meat grinder.pass the squash through a meat grinder

Lightly fry 3 large onions (half rings) in oil in a pan, adding at the end tomato paste (4 tablespoons).stew onions and pasta

Fold the prepared vegetables into a cauldron, pour in half a tablespoon of vinegar, add spices to taste and boil to the desired density.

When the caviar has cooled slightly, roll it up.

Caviar from fried vegetables

roasted squash caviarAny housewife can cook squash caviar according to an easy photo recipe. The combination of sweet and hot peppers will give the caviar a unique taste, and the herbs will add flavor:

  • squash - 5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • a kilogram of onions;
  • ripe tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • greens;
  • 3 hot peppers;
  • half a glass (50 ml) of apple cider vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • a glass of oil.

How to cook:

  1. Fry the onions until golden brown.fry the onion
  2. Cut the skin off the squash, chop it into small pieces and brown on both sides in a pan.fry the squash
  3. Divide the bell peppers into parts, select the seeds and also fry.chop and fry the peppers
  4. Chop the carrots into circles (if the fruits are very large, they can be in half rings), sauté.roast carrots
  5. Cut the peel from the tomatoes.peel the tomatoes
  6. Chop the garlic with a knife.chop the garlic with a knife
  7. Finely chop the greens.finely chop the greens
  8. Pass the fried vegetables through a meat grinder, adding tomatoes and hot peppers (on a medium wire rack).
  9. Pour the workpiece into a cauldron, salt, add sugar and simmer for 30 minutes.stew the preparation for the winter
  10. Add vinegar at the end and remove from heat after 5 minutes.

Fast vegetable caviar

If suddenly guests come unexpectedly, you can quickly cook caviar from squash in a slow cooker. It is enough to lay the vegetables and turn on the device, and spend the time remaining before the guests arrive for yourself.

squash caviar in a slow cookerPrepare vegetables:

  • Cut 2 young squash into small cubes;
  • Cut 4 carrots into cubes;
  • Chop 4 medium-sized onions;
  • Cut 4 sweet peppers into thin strips;
  • 8-10 tomatoes, peel and chop.

Pour 80-100 ml of sunflower oil into the multicooker bowl, add prepared vegetables, add sugar and ground pepper, salt.

Crush half a head of garlic in a garlic bowl and add to the rest of the ingredients.

stew caviar in a slow cookerSelect the "Pilaf" mode on the multicooker.

Grind the prepared caviar in a blender until smooth.

Such caviar is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 months.

Hearty squash caviar with mayonnaise

hearty caviar with mayonnaiseIf the squash in the garden did not have time to pick in time, and they are overripe, it does not matter, because they make wonderful caviar. Mayonnaise is added to make it taste more intense.

The fat content of mayonnaise depends on taste preferences: for tender caviar, they take mayonnaise with a fat content of 45%, and if someone prefers a more satisfying one, then all 80%.


Peel the squash, the net weight of vegetables should be 3 kg. Cut into thin slices and fry until golden brown, then chop with a blender or meat grinder.grind caviar in a blender

Saute the onion (one and a half kilograms) in half rings in a frying pan and chop it too.

Fold the vegetable mass into a cauldron, add a small pack of mayonnaise, half a half-liter jar of tomato paste. If desired, you can put finely chopped greens.

Pour 2 tablespoons of salt and half a glass of sugar into the caviar. To make a hot snack, add 1-2 hot pepper pods, garlic and black pepper.

Put out the workpiece for 15-20 minutes and immediately roll it up.

During the preparation of caviar from squash for the winter with mayonnaise, sunflower oil is not added, but only vegetables are fried on it.

Caviar from pieces of squash with mayonnaise

Another recipe for caviar from squash for the winter with mayonnaise for those who like snacks in pieces.

Cooking caviar:

Cut two and a half kilograms of onions and five kilograms of squash and fry separately in a pan. Transfer to a common cauldron, add 300 ml of oil and boil for 20 minutes.simmer squash

Add 500 grams of tomato paste and a large packet of mayonnaise (400 grams). Salt (4 tbsp. L.), Pepper, put 3 heads of garlic squeezed through the garlic. Pour 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Protomit for 15 minutes and roll up. Turn the jars, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool.

Caviar from squash and zucchini

caviar from squash and squashSquashand peel the squash, cut into strips and put in a cauldron. To get 4.5 liters of ready-made caviar, you will need 2 kg of vegetables (already peeled). Pour in 250 g of refined oil and simmer for about an hour.prepare vegetables

One kilogram of onion and carrots fry separately in a pan (straws).

Chop half a kilo of tomatoes together with the peel, and cut 5 sweet peppers into half rings.

When half of the liquid has evaporated from the squash and zucchini, add the rest of the vegetables to them, as well as another 200 g of oil, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt. Simmer for another hour.cook caviar

At the end, pour in 4 tablespoons of vinegar and put in tomato paste (2-3 tablespoons). Put ready caviar from pieces of squash and zucchini hot in containers and roll up.

Any hostess will be able to prepare a delicious appetizer from "curly zucchini". Caviar from squash for the winter rolls up without sterilization. Long-term heat treatment of vegetables and the addition of vinegar make this process unnecessary. Not only delicious caviar is prepared from squash. Young fruits are used for rolling a variety of salads, as well as pickled.Delight your loved ones with delicious recipes. Enjoy your meal!


