Pink bouquet of maple leaves

pink bouquet of maple leaves The multicolored maple leaves during the golden autumn are a true miracle of nature. A bouquet of maple leaves can easily overshadow varietal flowers with its beauty and originality.
In September-October, tree crowns are painted in yellow, orange, red, crimson colors, which gives ample opportunities for creativity.

Maple Leaf Bouquet: Preparation

picking maple leaves

The sheet plates have a large area. They are soft and flexible and can be folded and rolled in different directions. A do-it-yourself bouquet of autumn leaves can be supplemented with green twigs, spikelets and bunches of forest and garden berries.
From maple leaves, you can create buds that resemble real roses... For this purpose, you can use plain leaves or specimens interspersed with different colors. They are also ideal raw materials for weaving wreaths and other flowers.

How to make roses from maple leaves in stages

step by step making a bouquet of maple leavesTo assemble the roses, you need to prepare fresh maple leaves of different sizes and colors. You can also use summer green specimens. Gathering can be combined with a walk in the park, involving children in this activity. The amount depends on the planned size of the composition. The collected leaves must be rinsed from possible dirt and dried with a paper towel. Then you can start creating "flowers".shaping a rose bud

Consider the technology of forming a rose from maple leaves step by step:

  1. You should take a sheet, put it with its front side to the working surface, find the top and bend it in half towards you. Then, roll it into a tighter or looser tube. In the first case, the flower will turn out to be miniature, not yet opened, in the second - lush, at the peak of flowering.
    The first twisted leaf will become the core of the future rose. The next ones are her petals.
  2. To continue the work, you need to take the first blank and surround it with the next layer of natural material. The second sheet also needs to be bent so that the front side is outward, and all carved edges are hidden inward. The rose began to take on a magnificent appearance.
  3. After wrapping the second leaf around the center, the workpiece must be fastened using a needle and thread. A few stitches are enough.

flower readyIt will take five to six leaves to create one full flower. The most beautiful is a bouquet that includes seven to nine flowers.

It is better to form a rose in multi-level layers so that the basket is as close as possible to the real one. The middle should be slightly below the level of the surrounding petals.

Natural composition

natural compositionThe colors of maple leaves in autumn repeat the colors of common varieties of roses: red, burgundy, yellow, tea and pink, similar to the structure of marble.
bright bouquetAfter making individual flower heads, they need to be combined into a bunch of maple leaves and made stems so that it is comfortable to hold in your hands and put in a vase.
Flowers need to be sewn together, beautifully distributing them next to each other. This is also done with a thread and a sewing needle.
Each leaf, like a flower, has a "leg". They do not need to be torn off. Together they form a thick stem. It can be wrapped with thread, and, if desired, rolled over a green maple leaf and stitched for strength.

How to wrap a bouquet of maple leaves

leaves for decorating an autumn bouquetAn important component of a festive bouquet of maple leaves is its packaging. It can also be made from identical raw materials.The leaves should be medium in size so that the flowers are not "lost" among them, but also do not turn out to be too small. Then the composition will look harmonious and proportional.
bouquet decorationYou need to take a bunch and circle it with separate leaves with the front sides inward, then bend the carved edges of each leaf outward. As a result, the bouquet will take on a finished look.

The leaves for creating the wrapping layer should be radically different in color from the roses. For example, a bouquet of bright autumn shades should be surrounded by green or brown leaves, and a composition of green roses should be wrapped in a package of yellow or red flowers.

clusters of viburnumFor strength, the craft, together with the wrapping layer, must be stitched again, we will connect all the elements together. Perfectly complement the composition with bunches of berries rowan, viburnum or cranberries.a bunch of rowan

Ways to preserve autumn bouquets

beautiful compositionNatural materials will delight the eye much longer than the short-lived petals of real roses, but the dry air of a city apartment does not help preserve moisture in the foliage.
In order for maple roses to serve as a decoration for a home for a long time and preserve their pristine beauty, you can apply several practical secrets.

To do this, you can use:

  • liquid wax;
  • glycerin solution;
  • varnish for finishing work.


paraffin-coated bouquetThe hand-made bouquet can be covered with a thin layer of hot paraffin. To do this, you need to take a household candle, melt it in a suitable container using gas or in a microwave oven and apply the liquid composition to all parts with a thin layer using a brush, then cover with a newspaper: excess wax will be absorbed into the paper.
You can also prepare raw materials, process them with liquid wax and use them for crafts in winter and spring.


use of glycerinIn order to preserve the aesthetic appeal of natural material, you can use a glycerin solution, which is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. water + 0.5 tbsp. substances.
The leaves must be completely dipped into the composition, then dried. They will stay soft and will not crumble when bent.

Collecting bouquets of maple leaves is a real creative process and a good opportunity to show your artistic talent. Such a souvenir can be presented to a loved one, made as a craft for an exhibition in a kindergarten, school, or to decorate a home interior with it.

Autumn bouquet of maple leaves - video tutorial


