Savoy cabbage in a nutshell and its uses

Looking at the bags with seeds of various crops in stores for summer residents and gardeners, I came across savoy cabbage. It looks like an ordinary white cabbage, only some wrinkled and unattractive. And they say that it is very tasty. Tell me if this is so and how to grow it.

savoy cabbage Savoy cabbage is more tender than its white sister. In fact, it is one and the same plant, only the Savoyard - with altered corrugated leaves. Just like the white cabbage of the Savoyard, it is distinguished by the degree of ripening into early maturing, mid-maturing and late. Sowing dates of seedlings are similar for both varieties. The agricultural technology of these types of cabbage is also very similar, only the Savoy cabbage depends less on watering, since it accumulates less moisture in its tissues. These cabbages differ in taste and shelf life.

Savoy cabbage seedlings

Savoy cabbage is ideal for making stuffed cabbage, its veins are soft and easy to roll. The leaves are delicate lacy, minced meat is beautifully visible through them, and the taste is simply amazing.

Savoy cabbage patchSavoy cabbage is good, and as a filling for pies, cabbage soup with savoy cabbage turns out to have an unusual yellow-green hue and is unusually fragrant. Savoy cabbage stew literally melts in your mouth.

Unfortunately, due to its tenderness, this cabbage is stored for a very short time, it is rarely stored until the new year. In addition, Savoy cabbage is completely unsuitable for pickling. Probably because of such features, it has not become widespread in our gardens.


