Gorgeous maiden grape hedge: how to plant and which varieties to use

In our country house, on the north side, there is an old stone fence. It's a pity to disassemble it, the building is solid, but such a fence does not shine with special beauty. So they decided to close it with a girlish grapes... Tell me, is this possible, given that in that place with lighting it is not very good? And yet, how to make a hedge from maiden grapes correctly?

hedge in summer If you want a dense green wall that will grow well anywhere and with minimal maintenance, girlish grapes Is a great choice. This deciduous liana is able to soon hide the area from prying eyes, climbing higher every year.

Read also the article in the topic: how to make a trellis for grapes?

Shrub Benefitshedge in autumn

A maiden grape hedge is one of the best options for creating a green fence. The plant has several advantages over other hedge shrubs. Among them, it is worth noting the following advantages:

  • high frost resistance;
  • resistance to most diseases;
  • the ability to grow in the shade;
  • absolute absence of requirements for the composition of the soil;
  • minimal care;
  • fast growth.

Liana has almost no drawbacks, except that, like all deciduous species, in the fall it will add the hassle of harvesting fallen leaves, and in winter it will stand naked. It is worth considering one more nuance: if you do not plan to regularly cut your green wall, then it is better to opt for another shrub that does not require pruning. Grapes without it will quickly become shapeless, ugly thickets.

How to make a hedge?landing

It is best to start planting maiden grapes in the fall. The best option is to get ready-made seedlings that take root quickly. You can also grow bushes from seeds on your own in the spring, or ask a neighbor for cuttings and root them (also in spring).

You can plant grapes anywhere: it is not picky about the sun, but the general appearance of the shrub depends on the quality of lighting. In the sun, the leaves will delight in different shades, but they will fall off faster, and in the shade they will remain green until winter.

Make hedge from grapes is not difficult, for this you need:

  1. Dig up the selected area.
  2. Prepare holes for seedlings, leaving a distance of 1-1.5 m between them.
  3. Add a little humus and compost to the planting pits (this is not necessary on fertile soil).
  4. Plant seedlings, water and mulch.

It is imperative to provide for a support along which the vine will curl. This can be a wall, fence, or stretched mesh.

Maiden grapes are distinguished by good growth and already in the first year it can "grow" up to 3 m. In order to prevent the bush from creeping chaotically in different directions, it must be cut regularly. In the spring, it is necessary to remove the dried, broken and thickening plantings of the branches, and in the summer to cut off the tops and control the formation of the bush.

Vine species suitable for hedges

Most often, the following varieties of maiden grapes are used as a green wall:

  1. Five-leaf... The tenacious bush rises along the support to a height of up to 20 m. Large, shiny and green leaves of five petals turn purple in autumn.five-leaf grapes
  2. Triangular... For the leaves with three lobes, it is also called ivy. The foliage also changes color in the fall.The variety is not as hardy and grows more slowly.triangular grapes
  3. Henry... The five-finger leaves are characterized by characteristic white veins, and turn red by autumn. Average frost resistance.henry grapes

We plant girlish grapes for a hedge - video


