A symbol of prosperity and well-being ficus Benjamin: the nuances of caring for a family amulet

ficus benjamin in the room Not many growers undertake to grow Benjamin's ficus, fearing his capricious nature. Most often, they are confused by the causeless leaf fall of the tree, the change in leaf color and slow growth. And it is completely in vain, because with proper care this plant will become a real decoration of the house and not only preserve its foliage, but also increase it.

Ficus Benjamin plays the role of a kind of talisman that attracts prosperity and abundance of money to the house. It is believed that if the bush grows lush, then everything is fine in this house.

So, what you need to know for successfully growing your own amulet and how to create ficus such conditions so that it grows actively and does not lose its beauty? First of all, it is necessary to choose the right "place of residence" for him, and preferably a permanent one.

In addition, competent care should be organized, including:

  • appropriate watering, depending on the conditions of the flower;
  • feeding scheme;
  • regular pruning depending on the goals pursued (sanitary or formative).

On this topic:ficus benjamina home care photo!

How to choose a ficus "place of residence"?

Before placing a flower pot on a windowsill or on a stand, you should pay attention to the air temperature and the light intensity in the room. For ficus benjamin good lighting is the key to a lush and richly colored crown, especially for its variegated varieties. However, you should avoid the southern windows, where the sun is most active, because the leaves get burns from its scorching rays. It would be nice to place an adult flower on a stand near the east window, and a young plant on the west window sill.

You can not put the flowerpot near the radiator, where it will be hot and dry, as well as in front of the opening window, where there are drafts.

Since ficus is quite thermophilic, it is worth choosing a room for it, in which the air temperature does not drop below 18 degrees in winter and does not exceed 25 degrees in summer.

Ficus immediately reacts to a lack of light, cold or heat with leaf fall.

Watering frequency

When keeping the ficus in a cool room, especially in winter, it is enough to moisten the soil every 5-7 days. But if the heating is working too actively, you will need to water the flower almost like in summer mode (every 2-3 days). Between waterings, the soil should have time to dry out a couple of centimeters.

But the ficus loves spraying - from it the leaves become clean and beautiful, and the humidity of the air rises.

For watering and spraying, you must use settled and warm water.

Top dressing scheme

For the ficus to develop actively, it is necessary to feed it correctly. To do this, you can use universal complex preparations or special fertilizers for ficuses in liquid form. They are brought in according to the following scheme:

  • March-April - once a month;
  • May-June - once every 3 weeks;
  • July-August - every 2 weeks.

Pruning features

Adult ficuses need to be periodically rejuvenated by trimming the tops of the branches and carving out the shoots inside the crown to provide it with good lighting.

If desired, you can give the plant any shape - a lush bush or a tall tree.Several plants planted in a pot and intertwined with each other look very interesting.

All work should be carried out only in spring, when growth processes are activated.

How to care for Benjamin's ficus - video


