The best tomato varieties for the Leningrad region for a generous harvest in the greenhouse and open soil

tomato varieties for the Leningrad region Growing vegetables in the Leningrad Region is a complex and laborious process associated with high humidity, cool weather conditions and early onset of cold weather. When choosing varieties of tomatoes for the Leningrad region, it is best to prefer zoned species - these are hybrids and varieties specially adapted for growing in a particular region. They differ in terms of early maturity and yield, and are focused on growing in open soil or greenhouse conditions. With the right choice of variety, you can get a consistently rich harvest of tasty and juicy tomatoes, even in cold summers.

The best varieties of tomatoes for the Leningrad Region - selection rules

we choose varieties of tomatoes for the Leningrad region

When choosing tomato varieties for the Leningrad region, one should take into account the climatic features of the region. This territory is characterized by cool summers with high air humidity, frequent precipitation, a short period of summer days and an early onset of autumn coolness.

Tomato varieties, zoned specifically for the Leningrad Region, firmly endure all temperature fluctuations, short daylight hours, high humidity, sharp gusts of wind and low temperatures even in summer.

Also, summer residents and gardeners need to take into account that in conditions of high air humidity, the risk of developing late blight and other dangerous diseases increases significantly. Therefore, the selected variety must be highly immune to disease. The best option would be early ripening hybrids that manage to quickly form tasty and juicy fruits in a short summer.

Greenhouse and greenhouse varieties

tomatoes for greenhouses and greenhousesMany people in the region grow vegetables in greenhouses and greenhouses. There are more than 45 varieties of tomatoes for the Leningrad region, intended for cultivation in greenhouses.

The most popular varieties:

  1. Valentina is a high-yield variety. The bushes are low, no more than 60 cm, so the plant does not need to be formed. Ripe fruits are large in size, with dense pulp and thick skin.grade Valentine
  2. Sanka - an early ripe high-yielding variety with good frost resistance and strong immunity. With proper care, you can collect up to 13-15 kg per sq. m. Fruits are medium in size, fleshy, with a thin skin of bright scarlet color.Sanka variety
  3. Aurora is a low-growing, early-maturing hybrid variety that does not require formation and garter. Despite its small size, Aurora gives an excellent yield - up to 12-14 kg per square meter. m. Fruits of the correct rounded shape, with juicy pulp and a pleasant taste without sourness.grade Aurora
  4. Ground Gribovsky is a low-growing variety, semi-spreading bushes of which do not exceed 50-60 cm in height. From the appearance of the first shoots to technical ripeness, 100-115 days pass. From 1 sq. m. you can collect up to 4-6 kg of fruits weighing 80-120 g.ground tomato mushroom
  5. Leningrad early ripening is a standard plant, reaching 60-80 cm in height. Differs in good immunity to diseases and harsh temperature conditions, as well as an average ripening period. Productivity up to 11-13 kg per sq. m. Fruits are small, no more than 50-65 g. Dense skin provides excellent keeping quality of tomatoes.Leningrad early ripening tomato

Among the popular varieties focused on growing in greenhouses and hotbeds of the Leningrad region are Benito, Alpha, Uralsky Polycarpous, Dvortsovy, Fox, Leningradsky Osenny, Severnaya Krasavitsa, Fighter.

Varieties for cultivation in open soil

tomato varieties for open groundWhen choosing which tomatoes to plant in the Leningrad region in open soil, you need to pay attention to the strong immune system of the plant, resistance to negative weather conditions and lack of sunlight, as well as the ripening time.

Tomato varieties for garden beds:

  1. White filling is a determinant early ripening variety, reaching 70-80 cm. It has good resistance to cold and high humidity, gives a good harvest in conditions of minimal daylight hours. Productivity up to 4.5-6 kg per sq. m, the average weight of fruits is 80-150 g.grade white filling
  2. Baltic is a hydride bred specifically for cool climates. It is able to form fruits quickly, therefore it is excellent for a short summer. Fruits 130-160 g each, with a pleasant taste and fleshy pulp.Baltic tomato
  3. Severenok - refers to determinant ultra-early varieties, not exceeding 70-80 cm in height. One of the advantages is high resistance to lack of light, heat and sharp temperature changes. Fruits 90-120 g each, with a dense skin that provides durability during storage and transportation.tomato severenok
  4. Yamal is an early ripening variety. The bushes are small, compact and neat, resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions. The average weight of ripe tomatoes is 80-120 g, with a dense skin that prevents them from cracking.Yamal variety
  5. Stolypin is a popular variety, zoned for regions with cool climatic conditions. Low-growing plant with high resistance to frost and disease. Fruits with pleasant taste, average weight 110-140 g.Stolypin variety

For cultivation in open soil in the Leningrad region, the varieties Izyuminka, Dwarf 1185, Siberian Skorospely, Yantarny, Siberian troika, Probably-Nevidimo, Ballada, Agata, Gina, Leningradsky Gigant are often used.

Dates of sowing seeds for seedlings in the Leningrad region

growing seedlingsPlanting tomatoes for seedlings in the Leningrad region is carried out taking into account some features. For planting, it is best to use only seedlings older than 50-53 days. Transplant them indoors or outdoors after June 1.

In this case, about 3-4 days are spent on seed germination. This means that early varieties must be sown for seedlings 56-58 days before the scheduled date - that is, from 5 to 10 April. In the northern territories of the Leningrad Region, it is best to sow seeds 7-10 days later.growing tomatoes in greenhouses

If tomatoes are to be grown outdoors, they are best planted in the second half of June, when the risk of recurrent frosts disappears. In this case, seeds for seedlings can be sown from the end of March to 4-8 April.

Growing tomatoes in the Leningrad region will not be a problem, despite the cool climate and high humidity. The secret of success lies in the correct choice of regionalized varieties. In this case, even a novice gardener will be able to get a consistently rich harvest both in open soil and in a greenhouse.

Choosing tomato varieties for the Leningrad region - video


