Cooking the perfect substrate for adenium

substrate for adenium No matter how old the adenium is, the same composition of the soil substrate is suitable for it. If you cook it according to all the rules and technologies, then the culture will not understand where it is: at home or thousands of kilometers away. It is worth remembering that this plant is native to the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, a hot climate, as well as an abundance of moisture, are conditions without which he cannot live.

Many growers prefer to use ordinary deciduous or forest soil. Others put the seedlings in a clean lechuza. Still others prepare coconut-based soil material.

Features of the preparation of the substrate

The temperature that the plant withstands ranges from +30 to + 35 ° С. In this regard, the soil mixture should be as loose as possible in order to absorb and pass moisture. Therefore, it necessarily includes:

  • peat;
  • perlite;
  • vermiculite;
  • river sand;
  • lechuza.

Half of the planting substrate falls on loosening and structuring materials. Sometimes some of them are not at hand. Therefore, they are calmly replaced with sand, which is added several times more than the intended rate. Nevertheless, perlite is considered an indispensable component. This volcanic rock makes the soil soft and porous, allowing fluid levels to be controlled. Lechuza has the same properties because it consists of:

  • lava;
  • pumice;
  • zeolite;
  • several types of fertilizers.

When all the components are mixed, then the grower begins to knead / break the lumps. The mixture should be crumbly like dust. As a result, no water stagnation seals will form. This is especially important if adenium transplant is carried out in the winter. In the cold season, the roots of the plant very slowly absorb liquid, which provokes silting and rotting.

It is very easy to check the structure of an ideal soil. Gather the earth in your hand and squeeze. If a lump forms or the mixture clumps together, then it is not mixed enough.

Multiple sides of watering

It is important to note that the flower should be watered with extremely warm water, even slightly hot. The temperature should be such that you can hold your hand in it. For the procedure, use a special pumped spray bottle, not a watering can. It is advised to spray only the soil in the root zone. In the dry season, watering is carried out up to three times a day.

In summer, fertilizing is applied every seven days. In winter, this interval increases to 10 days.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to prepare a substrate for adenium. You just need to stock up on the necessary materials. At the same time, do not forget to properly moisturize and fertilize the soil.


