Posts tagged "alokaziya"

How to revive discounted alocasia and propagate it with nodules
How to revive discounted alocasia and propagate it with nodules
In flower shops, you can often find discounted alocasia. Due to the fact that the plants have certain defects (loss of decorative appearance, damaged or fallen leaves), they are sold according to ...
Growing alocasia at home
Growing alocasia at home
The homeland of alocasia is the tropical jungle with its warm and humid climate, which leaves its mark on the character of the plant. Growing a flower at home is quite troublesome, ...
Popular types of alocasia
Popular types of alocasia
An ornamental plant of the Aroid family alocasia has firmly settled in our homes. At first, a tropical miracle adorned office premises, and over time, skilled flower growers found an approach to the capricious beauty and now ...
Large but fragile beauty alokazia polly
Large but fragile beauty alokazia polly
One of the most decorative types of alocasia is the Polly variety. This is one of Sander's alocasia hybrids, a moderately tall bush, with proper care it grows up to 70 cm in ...
What do we know about the amazing root of alocasia?
What do we know about the amazing root of alocasia?
Large, cordate or pointed like spearheads, alocasia leaves invariably attract the attention of both beginners and connoisseurs of indoor plants. Florists are attracted by the opportunity to decorate window sills and racks with plants ...
Features of home care for various types of alocasia
Features of home care for various types of alocasia
A modern human dwelling is often a stone box filled with furniture and appliances. Vapors of phenols from furniture are released into an enclosed space. Phonitis technology, producing and emitting harmful ions, a person smokes, ...
We provide proper care for alocasia at home
We provide proper care for alocasia at home
If there are many flowers in the apartment, and they are placed not only on the window sills, alocasia is chosen as an indispensable central link in the composition. It attracts with its harmony, imposing and beautiful sheets. Decorative ...
Possible difficulties in caring for alocasia at home
Possible difficulties in caring for alocasia at home
A healthy alocasia at home has a well-groomed appearance, its foliage is well developed, there are no traces of necrosis, no areas of yellow, brown or ...
Let's get to know the alocasia flower
Let's get to know the alocasia flower
The meaning of the existence of any species in nature lies in the continuation of the genus. Alocasia in natural conditions can multiply by all available means - vegetative, offspring from roots, seeds. Transfer and ...
An interesting story about the unique plant of the humid tropics alocasia
An interesting story about the unique plant of the humid tropics alocasia
Indoor plant lovers interested in alocasia can face an unexpected problem. The fact is that it will be very difficult to choose a suitable specimen, because alocasia is not one plant, ...
We study various ways of reproduction of alocasia
We study various ways of reproduction of alocasia
Alokazia is a welcome purchase for the indoor gardening lover. Some of them believe that several different varieties will decorate the room, fill the air with health. Leaving such a home flower garden will be easy ...
The reasons for the appearance of various spots on the leaves of alocasia and how to deal with it
The reasons for the appearance of various spots on the leaves of alocasia and how to deal with it
Numerous types of alocasia, actively grown as indoor plants, attract the attention of flower growers due to their unusual large foliage. Healthy bright leaf plates undoubtedly delight the amateur grower.But what to do if ...
Meet alocasia amazonian - the most common large-leaved domestic plant
Meet alocasia amazonian - the most common large-leaved domestic plant
The alocasia amazonian aroid flower is a hybrid of the Lowe and Sandera species, and is often sold as Sandera. It attracts flower growers with decorative leaves that grow even in captivity up to half a meter in length. Small ...
Photo and description of the types of alocasia
Photo and description of the types of alocasia
The region of natural habitat of alocasia extends to the tropical regions of southeast Asia, New Guinea, parts of the Australian continent and Malaysia. Today, botanists talk about the existence of more than seventy ...
Large types of alocasia
Large types of alocasia
The genus alocasia unites both tiny plants, no more than 15 cm in height, and giants under three meters in height. At the same time, types of alocasia with foliage similar to African masks ...
Descriptions and photos of varieties and varieties of alocasia for growing at home
Descriptions and photos of varieties and varieties of alocasia for growing at home
The flora of tropical rainforests is so rich and diverse that it still gives botanists both surprises and reasons for serious scientific discoveries. The genus of alocasia includes several ...
Choosing alocasia according to descriptions and photos of varieties
Choosing alocasia according to descriptions and photos of varieties
For Russian lovers of indoor plants, most of the varieties of alocasia are not yet very well known. To better understand the amazing variety of plants called "elephant ear", "African mask", "gold ...
Is the alocasia plant poisonous or not and how dangerous is it to grow at home for family members?
Is the alocasia plant poisonous or not and how dangerous is it to grow at home for family members?
Alokazia, shamrock, weatherman - indoor flower, which occupies a special place in flower arrangements. Tall plant, very beautiful leaves make alocasia desirable for the grower. Pay attention to the warnings of experts ...
The most interesting information about room alocasia
The most interesting information about room alocasia
Every year, more and more exotic, until recently unknown plants appear in the collections of Russian amateur flower growers. Thanks to the development of transport links between countries, shops offer varieties and types ...
Getting to know the healing properties of alocasia
Getting to know the healing properties of alocasia
Among indoor plants, medicinal species are common, which are not only beautiful, but also have medicinal properties. The healing properties of alocasia have long been used in Chinese traditional medicine. Drugs are widely used ...
How to care for alocasia at home Amazonica Polly
How to care for alocasia at home Amazonica Polly
Alocasia, as a genus, includes from 70 to 100 original and very different in appearance and size varieties, most of them growing in the south of the Asian and Pacific ...
Home care for large-root alocasia
Home care for large-root alocasia
Rainforests are famous for their diversity of flora, and thanks to the abundance of moisture and nutrients, plants here can reach truly enormous sizes. Large-root alocasia that lives in ...


