Posts tagged "zinnias"

Choosing spectacular types and varieties of zinnia - an aristocratic flower for your garden
Choosing spectacular types and varieties of zinnia - an aristocratic flower for your garden
Zinnias can rightfully be considered an old-time plant, because in flower beds and on flower beds they could be found long before our birth. Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders ...
Simple cultivation of zinnia in a flower bed of a summer cottage
Simple cultivation of zinnia in a flower bed of a summer cottage
Growing zinnia is a fairly simple procedure that even the most inexperienced gardener can handle. In nature, the plant has many names, but most of all the flower is known as ...
Planting zinnia seeds and caring for seedlings in the open field
Planting zinnia seeds and caring for seedlings in the open field
Majors, they are also zinnias, decorate the flowerbed with bright beautiful flowers throughout the summer season. Zinnia, planting and caring for which in the open field is not difficult, are grown ...
Zinnia seedlings turn yellow: why and what to do?
Zinnia seedlings turn yellow: why and what to do?
Last year my zinnia seedlings were almost completely ill. What exactly, I do not know, but the leaves at the seedlings gradually turned yellow, and in some plants they even crumbled. Save ...


