Posts tagged "garnet"

Both decorative and useful tree from the tropics in your home - how to grow a pomegranate from a stone
Both decorative and useful tree from the tropics in your home - how to grow a pomegranate from a stone
Please tell us in detail how to grow a pomegranate from a seed. The daughter is very fond of these fruits, and is also fond of indoor plants. Last year I planted tangerine seeds and now ...
Pomegranate for type 2 diabetes mellitus: how useful and harmful is the fruit
Pomegranate for type 2 diabetes mellitus: how useful and harmful is the fruit
For type 2 diabetes mellitus, pomegranate helps to strengthen the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, stabilizes the functioning of the heart muscle and starts metabolic processes. This is possible thanks to the entry ...
Pomegranate jam with seeds is a tasty and healthy delicacy
Pomegranate jam with seeds is a tasty and healthy delicacy
A delicious pomegranate treat helps to resist diseases during an outbreak of viral infections in late autumn and in the spring and winter. The tart, sweet-sour taste of the ripe fruit is preserved in the ...
At what age can a child be given a pomegranate and how
At what age can a child be given a pomegranate and how
Tell me, at what age can a child be given pomegranates? My daughter comes to us for the summer with a baby, the granddaughter is only 1.5 years old. She is very mobile and curious, she tries everything ...
How to grow pomegranate in the garden and in a pot on the window
How to grow pomegranate in the garden and in a pot on the window
Tell us how to grow a pomegranate. Since then, as I saw its flowering, the thought firmly settled in my head and to get such a tree for myself. But I just can't decide where ...
Step-by-step instructions for forming a room grenade
Step-by-step instructions for forming a room grenade
It is now possible to meet pomegranate on the windowsill quite often: a beautiful decorative view with a lush crown of small green leaves, gorgeous flowering and even fruiting make this plant a favorite ...
An important point when growing indoor pomegranate is flowering normalization
An important point when growing indoor pomegranate is flowering normalization
Lovers of exotic plants are always happy to get new pets in their collection, among which the indoor pomegranate is especially popular. In search of seed material, you do not need to go shopping, ...
We plant pomegranates in open ground correctly
We plant pomegranates in open ground correctly
Pomegranate is considered a heat-loving culture, because its natural habitat is dry subtropics - where the summer is hot, autumn is warm and long, and in winter the temperature does not drop below ...
Three ways to peel a pomegranate
Three ways to peel a pomegranate
Juicy red seeds with a unique sweet and sour taste - which of us doesn't like pomegranate? What can we say about the benefits of pomegranate juice, which is recommended to regularly drink for children and ...
We will tell you if you can eat pomegranate with seeds
We will tell you if you can eat pomegranate with seeds
Loyal fans of exotic fruits know how pleasant the taste of ripe pomegranates is. Its sweet and sour pulp is striking in its uniqueness, but is it possible to eat pomegranate with the seeds found in each berry. ...
The healing properties of a unique pomegranate tincture with vodka or moonshine
The healing properties of a unique pomegranate tincture with vodka or moonshine
Pomegranate tincture is a chic alternative to alcoholic beverages, which are often indispensable on the festive table. Moreover, this drink has unique healing properties. The pomegranate itself contains ...
What to look for when choosing a ripe and sweet pomegranate
What to look for when choosing a ripe and sweet pomegranate
Before choosing a ripe and sweet pomegranate, you need to know where it is often grown. Then carefully research some of the characteristics of the fruit. Appearance, smell, and also ...
How to choose a pomegranate juicer and squeeze juice from it correctly
How to choose a pomegranate juicer and squeeze juice from it correctly
A special pomegranate juicer will provide the family with a sufficient amount of healthy and fortified fresh juice. Although these fruits contain a lot of juice, it is still not so easy to get it. ...
Festive table decoration - salad with pomegranate
Festive table decoration - salad with pomegranate
Pomegranate salad is a festive table decoration. Still, smart, bright, extraordinary. Many people are afraid to make such salads, considering that pomegranate seeds do not harmonize well with other products. ...
How the casket of beneficial microelements grows - the incomparable royal pomegranate fruit
How the "chest" of useful microelements grows - the incomparable royal pomegranate fruit
Some people believe that there are no perfect creatures in the world around us. Perhaps this is so, but if we consider in detail how a pomegranate grows, it is easy to refute this theory. The majestic ...
How to quickly peel ripe pomegranate without splashing
How to quickly peel ripe pomegranate without splashing
When winter comes, our body needs useful elements that can be replenished by eating an exotic uncrowned fruit. For many, it remains a mystery how to clean a pomegranate in order to preserve the integrity of each ...
The uncrowned fruit king of pomegranate and its beneficial properties
The uncrowned fruit king of pomegranate and its beneficial properties
Among the vast array of fruits that fill the earth, the bright fruit with the royal crown stands out. This is His Majesty pomegranates, the benefits and harms of which have been observed for thousands of years. ...


