Posts tagged "host"

Preparing hosts for winter encourages abundant growth in spring
Preparing hosts for winter encourages abundant growth in spring
Although these herbaceous plants are hardy, they still require little attention. Preparing hosts for winter is carried out for at least two reasons. In certain regions ...
Reproduction of hosts in no time
Reproduction of hosts in no time
The end of August is a great time to divide perennial crops. The hosts also breed in the spring. As soon as cone-shaped sprouts hatch from the soil, they are immediately dug out, completely ...
Khosta in the spring: sanitary work
Khosta in the spring: sanitary work
This amazing perennial is planted in shady areas of the garden on slightly acidic soils. But no matter how the host looks in the spring, she should be helped. Then she will thank the owner with amazing ...
This diverse hybrid host will forever win your love
This diverse hybrid host will forever win your love
Hosts with green monochromatic leaves grow in almost every yard. But this year, while visiting relatives, I saw a real miracle there - ...
Hosta - planting and caring for a beautiful and unpretentious perennial
Hosta - planting and caring for a beautiful and unpretentious perennial
Green leaf hearts, over which tall flower stalks with delicate fragrant flowers rise, are all hostas, planting and caring for which even novice gardeners can do, if ...
Planting hosts of different varieties and caring for it in the open field will give good results.
Planting hosts of different varieties and caring for it in the open field will give good results.
Every owner of a garden plot dreams of making it attractive and unique. Hosts can help with this, planting and caring in the open field for which does not require serious skills ...
All about hosts - decorative flowers for summer cottages (video)
All about hosts - decorative flowers for summer cottages (video)
Beautiful host bushes look very attractive in the landscape design of any summer cottage. The multicolored large leaves create a real green oasis, especially if there are several varieties of varieties on the flowerbed ...


