Posts tagged "corn"

Choosing a suitable variety of corn for popcorn and growing it on our own plot
Choosing a suitable variety of corn for popcorn and growing it on our own plot
Popcorn is a favorite homemade treat for many adults and children. But not every sort of grain is suitable for its preparation, because corn ...
How to make delicious corn popcorn in your home kitchen
How to make delicious corn popcorn in your home kitchen
For decades, cinemas and recreation parks have been offering people a cheap but tasty grain treat. However, many are interested in learning how to make popcorn from corn with their own hands, ...
High-quality harvesting of corn from the field for grain, silage and cobs
High-quality harvesting of corn from the field for grain, silage and cobs
According to agronomic standards, maize is harvested in different ways. Each of them has its own technology and depends on the purpose of growing the crop. Usually it is sown for grain, silage ...
When and which corn herbicides are best used
When and which corn herbicides are best used
During the growth and development of any plant, weeds must be removed in a timely manner. Herbicides for corn are especially needed when the plantation is large and manual treatment is not possible. In order to ...
Popcorn corn varieties - getting ready to make your favorite treat at home
Popcorn corn varieties - getting ready to make your favorite treat at home
Tell me what varieties of corn for popcorn are? I don't really like him myself, but my grandchildren have grown a little and this is their favorite delicacy. Now I have to go to ...
The timing of planting corn in the Moscow region
The timing of planting corn in the Moscow region
Tell me the timing of planting corn in the Moscow region. Last year, most of the seedlings froze out as a result of unexpected frosts. And this despite the fact that we planted her in early May. Maybe ...
How to plant corn: planting methods
How to plant corn: planting methods
Tell me how to plant corn and is it even possible to grow it in the northern regions? Spring warmth comes very late here, so we plant most crops with seedlings. We want to ...
Time-tested corn salad recipes
Time-tested corn salad recipes
“There is nothing better for a person than to eat and drink, rejoicing in the works of his own hands” - the justice of this truth is shown every day when a person comes to the kitchen. An abundance of vegetables, ...
Secrets of cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker for those who want to lose weight
Secrets of cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker for those who want to lose weight
People who follow their figure try to eat low-calorie meals. Surprisingly delicious corn porridge in a slow cooker has become a lifeline for many in the fight against extra pounds. After all ...
Growing delicious corn at their summer cottage
Growing delicious corn at their summer cottage
Corn does not grow in the wild. It can only be grown from seeds. In order to get a crop two weeks earlier, you need to grow seedlings. The best is corn ...
Harvesting corn for the winter
Harvesting corn for the winter
Corn became widespread in European countries at the end of the 19th century. French and Italian dishes are prepared using corn cobs. Canned grains are used in salads ...
Ripeness stages of corn
Ripeness stages of corn
Corn contains a lot of nutrients. It contains more than 50 vitamins and minerals. The most valuable of these is biotin. This substance is involved in the synthesis of antioxidants that ...
Growing sweet corn
Growing sweet corn
Corn is rightfully considered one of the world's grain crops, along with rice and wheat. Corn dishes are cooked all over the world.This crop is grown for export ...
Choosing a handy handheld corn cleaner from China
Choosing a handy handheld corn cleaner from China
Corn is a healthy food that can be eaten both in winter and summer. It is used in many dishes, including salads and side dishes. However, eating corn in ...
Medicinal properties of corn stigmas and contraindications to their use
Medicinal properties of corn stigmas and contraindications to their use
It is not so long ago that the medicinal properties of corn silk for human health began to be studied. Previously, they were considered waste and were simply thrown away at harvest time. Now the characteristics of this ...
Queen of the fields - sweet corn in the country beds
Queen of the fields - sweet corn in the country beds
In Africa and South America, this plant is the second bread, but on our continent it is loved and is widely used in the food industry. Sweet corn is very ...
Tips for choosing and using corn oil, taking into account its beneficial properties and contraindications
Tips for choosing and using corn oil, taking into account its beneficial properties and contraindications
Corn oil, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been well studied, has been used in cooking and traditional medicine for over 100 years. Like most other vegetable oils, it ...
Features of growing corn
Features of growing corn
Corn is grown for more than just nutritious and healthy fruits. The majestic plant, reaching a height of three meters, is a real decoration of the personal plot. The main thing is to know and observe ...
When corn is planted in different regions of Russia and Ukraine
When corn is planted in different regions of Russia and Ukraine
Only knowing when to plant corn in a given climatic zone can you get a good harvest of this valuable delicacy. It is not difficult to grow this culture. Particular attention is ...
Planting, growing and collecting corn in the country
Planting, growing and collecting corn in the country
Sweet corn is an annual plant with yellow, white, or two-colored petals. The long growing season starting after planting should take place in a frost-free environment. Because ...


