Posts tagged "foxglove"

Live and learn: how to grow digitalis correctly
Live and learn: how to grow digitalis correctly
Your garden already has a huge number of different flowers. These are annuals and perennials, early flowering and autumn flowering, tall and short. If, among this variety, it is not yet visible ...
The medicinal properties of digitalis and other advantages of the plant
The medicinal properties of digitalis and other advantages of the plant
The medicinal properties of digitalis have been known to people for a long time, but have been officially used in medicine since the middle of the eighteenth century. It is noted that the most useful are the leaves of the plant, which contain biologically ...
The majestic species and varieties of foxglove are an amazing accent of the garden
The majestic species and varieties of foxglove are an amazing accent of the garden
What kind of flowers do not bloom in the summer on the garden plot of a country house? But the types and varieties of foxglove cause unprecedented delight among true fans of home gardening. This is an unpretentious plant ...


