Posts tagged "radish"

Daikon radish - useful properties and contraindications of a sweet root vegetable
Daikon radish - useful properties and contraindications of a sweet root vegetable
What are the useful properties and contraindications of daikon radish? My nutritionist told me to use it more often to get rid of a delicate problem - constipation. I had to switch to vegetable salads, but ...
Adding radish salad recipes to your culinary piggy bank
Adding radish salad recipes to your culinary piggy bank
Fresh vegetables provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals, so they should be on the table every day. Different recipes for radish salad will help enrich the diet with useful trace elements. The root crop is not very ...
Cooking a delicious spicy snack - pickled daikon
Cooking a delicious spicy snack - pickled daikon
If you love Chinese radish, try the pickled daikon, a savory and slightly tangy appetizer suitable for a variety of dishes. Daikon contains a lot of vitamin C and very little ...
In the winter cold, fresh daikon salads
In the winter cold, fresh daikon salads
Daikon is a type of radish. It grows in Japan and translated means "large root". If we talk about the taste characteristics, the root vegetable resembles an ordinary black radish. ...
Influence of useful and harmful substances of daikon on human health
Influence of useful and harmful substances of daikon on human health
The daikon radish is native to Japan, in its homeland it is an essential part of the daily diet. The culture is known to many gardeners and gardeners, it has a high yield and a long life ...
We sow Margelan radish
We sow Margelan radish
On the territory of Russia, Margelan radish has not yet become widespread. In summer cottages, mainly white and black radish are grown. These varieties are known for their medicinal properties. Black root vegetables ...
Tanmuji or Korean-style pickled radish
Tanmuji or Korean-style pickled radish
Fans of oriental cuisine will appreciate such an unusual dish for us as tanmuji. An original pickled radish appetizer in Korea is called this mysterious word. Its highlight is ...
Varieties of radish or how to choose the right delicious root vegetable
Varieties of radish or how to choose the right delicious root vegetable
It has long been known that radish is not only tasty, but also very useful, therefore it is recommended to include it in the daily diet. No one will argue that the most ...
What kind of care does a radish need?
What kind of care does a radish need?
Radish will not cause much trouble for gardeners, because it is not a very capricious culture and, with the right approach, will soon delight you with juicy, tasty and healthy roots. Sown seeds ...
We sow radish for winter use
We sow radish for winter use
As you know, spring is a hot season for gardeners, because with the arrival of the first heat, they begin seasonal work related to planting garden crops. However, there are such vegetables ...
Fast growing green manure oil radish
Fast growing green manure oil radish
We were not very lucky with the soil at the summer cottage - the earth there is heavy, clayey. It takes effort to get the harvest. I want to try sowing a part of ...
Growing black radish at their summer cottage
Growing black radish at their summer cottage
I decided to plant a black radish this year. The grandchildren have already grown a little, I will treat them with folk remedies. Tell me how to grow black radish and when is it better to sow it? Black ...
We remove black radish for storage on time
We remove black radish for storage on time
Black radish has never been grown before. And now there are grandchildren in our family, they often get sick. To always have their medicine at hand, they sowed a radish. Tell me when ...
Useful properties and scope of radish
Useful properties and scope of radish
Everyone's favorite radish and, undeservedly fading into the background, radish are the closest relatives. Twins, you might say. For example, a daikon is sometimes called a Japanese radish, then a radish, and this ...
Photo and description of different types of radish
Photo and description of different types of radish
Garden or sowing radish is widespread in the world, especially in Asia, Europe and countries of Central and North America. The genus Raphanus sativus includes several closely related species, having both ...
The benefits and harms of black radish
The benefits and harms of black radish
Black radish, the sharpest variety of sown radish, has long been revered in Russia. This unpretentious root vegetable was included in the diet of almost all segments of the population both in summer and in winter, ...
All you need to know about Daikon radish
All you need to know about Daikon radish
The Japanese variety of radish is better known as daikon radish or sweet radish. For Japan, this culture is as important as potatoes for Russia. Daikon contains a lot of carbohydrates, ...
When to remove radish from the garden in the country
When to remove radish from the garden in the country
For a gardener and gardener, it is important not only to grow an ecologically clean crop, but also to collect it in time, properly store it in order to please their loved ones with fragrant fresh ...
Oil radish: green manure, forage, honey plant
Oil radish: green manure, forage, honey plant
Oilseed radish is an annual fodder and melliferous crop. Belongs to the cruciferous family. It is widely used as green manure - green fertilizer. The seeds of the plant contain up to 50% vegetable oil. ...
Margelan radish, Chinese radish or lobo
Margelan radish, Chinese radish or lobo
The Margelan radish received such an unusual name in honor of the ancient capital of the Silk Road, which ran from China, through the countries of Central and Asia Minor to Europe. Trapped in the city of Margilan ...
Planting and caring for black radish in the country
Planting and caring for black radish in the country
Black radish is not a variety. It is a variety with early, medium and late sowing varieties. The features that distinguish the species are the dark rind and the greatest sharpness of the pulp. Growing black radish ...
Effective fertilizer and green manure for the soil - oil radish
Effective fertilizer and green manure for the soil - oil radish
Almost every summer resident grows a radish on his garden plot in order to have a very useful and tasty root vegetable in stocks in winter, saving from severe colds. But ...


