Useful properties and scope of radish

Medicinal properties of black radish Everyone's favorite radish and, undeservedly fading into the background, radish are the closest relatives. Twins, you might say. For example, a daikon is sometimes called a Japanese radish, then a radish, and this is a white radish. There is also black, green and red radish. They have much in common in the composition and development of plants, but each species has its own characteristics. However, the beneficial properties of the radish are undeniable.

What is the use of a root vegetable?

Radish Daikon

Radish has long been used in the cooking of the peoples of Europe and Asia as a healing product. The root vegetable was a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients in the off-season, when porridge and meat dishes were food. The radish was well stored in winter and did not lose its usefulness by spring. So grated as an appetizer, salad or turi, it added variety to the meager winter diet. It is now possible to buy greens at any time, to support yourself with synthetic vitamins. Half a century ago, there were no freezers, vitamins came to the table only with the appearance of greens in spring.

Black radish juice with honeyThe root vegetable has a sharp taste, which is due to the mass of useful components. Scientists have proven that without the use of bitterness, the human body cannot cope with the parasites that inhabit the body. Therefore, the beneficial properties and contraindications of the radish are due to the composition:

  • a set of vitamins, including those unstable during storage;
  • composition of trace elements and minerals, including iodine and phosphorus;
  • phytoncides that kill infections;
  • sulfur-containing - methyl mercaptan, myrinin, anthocyanins.

In any kind of radish, these substances are present, but the difference is in the quantitative composition. Radish is used without heat treatment, so nutrients do not change their structure.

Why is black radish good for you?

Radish in saladCommonly used for winter consumption black radish... In fact, only the crust is black. The flesh of the root vegetable is snow-white, but when cut, caustic volatile ethers sometimes make the eyes water. For medicinal purposes, this is the best type of radish. Radish juice is also caustic. Therefore, the root vegetable is used for food if a person's digestion is functioning normally and there are no problems with the kidneys and liver.

Radish juice is used to remove stones from the kidneys and gallbladder. Radiculitis is treated with grated radish compresses. Radish removes poisons from the body.

Why is black radish good for you? The use of radish juice for treatment mixed with honey is effective. The juice obtained inside the root vegetable stands, gains strength and acts on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract better than drugs, relieving inflammation. No less effective is the use of grated radish gruel for the treatment of external, long-term non-healing wounds.

Miraculous drinkThe presence of biologically active elements makes it useful to rub the radish juice into the scalp. At the same time, the bulbs are activated and the hair looks healthy. The mercaptans present create an unpleasant odor of volatile compounds. Excessive consumption of root vegetables can provoke flatulence. Radish juice can temporarily numb toothaches by rinsing your mouth with it.

White radish and its benefits

White radish also has beneficial propertiesNo less black, a winter variety of white radish is used, which is easy to grow in a summer cottage garden bed. The difference is less bitterness, softer fiber structure.Salads are made from the root vegetable with the addition of raw carrots or sauerkraut. There are also more sophisticated gourmet snacks. But the absence of heat treatment is invariable. Regular consumption of salads with radish will increase immunity and kill pathogenic microbes. The calorie content of the product is only 29 kcal per 100 grams and is perfect for a weight-controlled diet.

Healthy saladIn Japan, before, now throughout the European and Asian part, the daikon white radish has spread. The root crop is elongated, grown for summer and winter use. A vegetable of salad taste and bitterness is almost not felt in it.

Daikon radish maskIt is this radish that is used for cosmetic masks for skin whitening and cleansing. However, you must remember about the delicate skin of the face. Therefore, first, a nourishing cream is applied and only a mask of radish pulp with sour cream is applied to it. The mask perfectly strengthens the hair in equal compositions of grated radish and nettle leaves.

Radish gruel with vegetable oil is an excellent cleanser for thickened skin. When eating radish, the body receives enough potassium, and there should be no problem skin. The beneficial properties of white radish have been known since ancient times, and spicy dishes were always present on the table.

In past centuries, in the winter time, there was a jail, a cold first winter dish with radish, in the peasant table. And from white radish they made ointment. The radish slices were dried, ground, mixed with molasses, herbs and used as a sandwich.

Margelan radish

Margelan radish has special qualitiesThis green radish has several more names, including lobo, Chinese, summer. It is this variety of all varieties that has no contraindications. Use beneficial properties green radish all can moderately. Of course, if there is an individual intolerance, you will have to give up the delicious salad. It is this radish, as the most mild acting, will help chronic patients who are prohibited from eating acute root vegetables:

  • used as a choleretic product;
  • with kidney stones;
  • if you take radish with honey, the digestive tract will improve;
  • reduces pressure, improves heart function;
  • removes toxins;
  • lowers blood sugar levels.

Use with care

You need to eat radish carefullyHowever, despite the many beneficial substances contained in the radish, chronically ill people with diseases of the internal organs should be cautious about the advice to use radish in food. Based on the fact that each person is different, you need to include a spicy product in the diet with caution. At the slightest discomfort, you will have to give up the radish.

You don't even need to experiment with women who are carrying a child. The essential oils in this product can trigger miscarriage. For relatively healthy people, excessive consumption of radish can cause bloating and diarrhea.

Video about the benefits of black radish


