Posts tagged "strelitzia"

Secrets and subtleties of growing strelitzia from seeds at home
Secrets and subtleties of growing strelitzia from seeds at home
Strelitzia is one of the brightest and most colorful plants with unusual flowers, reminiscent of fabulous birds with lush crests. Strelitzia from seeds can be grown at home ...
Self-propagation of strelitzia
Self-propagation of strelitzia
"Bird of Paradise" Strelitzia is a valuable exhibit in the collections of flower growers who are not indifferent to exotic plants. However, this flower is not often found in the store, and independent reproduction will come to the rescue ...
Description of types of ornamental plant strelitzia
Description of types of ornamental plant strelitzia
The active exploration of the world and its previously inaccessible corners gave man a meeting with the most amazing plants. Among them are Strelitzia, the description and types of which have become available to botanists ...
Tips for growing strelitzia at home
Tips for growing strelitzia at home
Many people try to diversify the interior of their home with exotic plants. In this regard, it is becoming more and more popular to grow strelitzia at home. This is a troublesome business ...


