Posts tagged "cake"

Rotten stump cake with jam: recipes with photos
Rotten stump cake with jam: recipes with photos
It seems that rotten stump cake with jam has always existed. It was baked by our grandmothers, then our mothers, now it's our turn. It always turns out very tasty and ...
Cake Bird's milk with semolina and lemon - a treat for the whole family according to simple recipes
Bird's milk cake with semolina and lemon - a treat for the whole family according to simple recipes
A classic dessert with this name is made from biscuit, thick cream soufflé with agar-agar or gelatin, whipped proteins. No semolina! Bird's milk cake with homemade semolina and lemon ...
Making strawberry cake is easy and simple
Making strawberry cake is easy and simple
Among the many desserts available on the Internet, strawberry cake holds a special place. This is a real portion of happiness that even those who do not like sweets cannot refuse. ...
The most interesting recipes for a delicious cake with cherries
The most interesting recipes for a delicious cake with cherries
Almost every housewife has numerous recipes for a cake with cherries. After all, adults and children love him. This is a delicacy that you want to try again and again. Its feature is ...
Let's prepare a cake for the holiday Drunk cherry
Let's prepare a cake "Drunk cherry" for the holiday
The Drunken Cherry cake is an excellent dessert for a festive table. The essence of the recipe boils down to making a chocolate biscuit with a delicate and at the same time juicy cherry-cream filling. Our step by step ...


