Posts tagged "ducks"

Duck with apples and prunes for the festive table
Duck with apples and prunes for the festive table
The festive table is always full of dishes that are prepared especially for special occasions. Duck with apples and prunes is a culinary masterpiece for a special occasion. How ...
Mandarin duck: description, nutrition, bird reproduction
Mandarin duck: description, nutrition, bird reproduction
The mandarin duck is known all over the world. This is an incredibly beautiful bird that can be most often found in China. The bird is picky enough, but to grow it at home, ...
Duck recipe in the oven whole and in pieces for all occasions
Duck recipe in the oven whole and in pieces for all occasions
On the eve of any holiday, the hostesses make a list of dishes for the festive table in order to purchase the necessary products and prepare for meeting guests. Looking through the recipe for duck in the oven, you need to decide ...
Duck Favorite walks in the courtyard
Duck Favorite walks in the courtyard
Duck poultry is considered a lucrative industry with continuous improvement of breeds through crossbreeding. Duck Favorit, the description of the breed of which we present, was bred in Bashkiria in 1998. The basis is taken from Beijing ...
Treatment and prevention of wet plumage of ducks
Treatment and prevention of wet plumage of ducks
Wet plumage is the most common disease in ducks, caused by limited regular access to water. Other causes of the disease can be: poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, external parasites. If your ...


