Posts tagged "hares"

Thinking in autumn how to protect trees from hares in winter
Thinking in autumn how to protect trees from hares in winter
Serious damage to the bark of fruit crops gradually leads to plant death. In order not to mourn our garden in the spring, we will figure out how to protect trees from hares in winter in the most affordable way. Experienced ...
How to catch a hare in the summer in the country - we save our plants from omnivorous rodents
How to catch a hare in the summer in the country - we save our plants from omnivorous rodents
Help with advice: how to catch a hare in the summer at the dacha? We live on the edge of the village, a forest begins right behind the garden. Everything was good and beautiful until these little ears got into the habit ...
How to get rid of hares in the country
How to get rid of hares in the country
Anyone who cultivates soil knows that hares can do much more harm than a few carrots eaten. These long-eared animals have a huge appetite for all kinds of fresh ...


