Turkish carnation: planting and care, photo of flowers on the site

turkish carnation planting and care photos A Turkish carnation will take a worthy place on the flower beds of the site. Planting and care, the photos of the varieties of which are presented below, are not difficult. The plant has enough sun and fertile soil to delight the gardener with bright colors.

Growing features

Little Willy Turkish Carnation

A perennial herb, the Turkish garden carnation, has erect stems up to 0.7 m high, oblong leaves and flowers reaching 15-30 mm in diameter. Depending on the species, not only the shade differs, but also the inflorescences themselves. A very beautiful Turkish carnation is double, simple and semi-double.turkish carnation varieties purple mountain

In the first year of cultivation, the Turkish carnation, after planting and with good care, does not give such lush flowering as in the photo. At the first stage, only a rosette of leaves is formed.

Turkish carnation OndineAfter flowering carnations, a fruit is formed - a box with seeds of an oblong shape. Collected on time, they remain viable for up to 5 years.duplex grade

Turkish carnations can be grown not only to decorate the area near the house, but also for cutting, since the inflorescences are well preserved in water up to a crescent.

Turkish carnation - planting and care, photo

blooming turkish carnation

There are several ways to grow Turkish carnations on the site:

  • direct sowing of seeds in open ground in March-April;
  • growing seedlings from seeds, which should be started in May-June;
  • layering;
  • cuttings
  • sowing seeds before winter in October, without watering.

In addition to these methods, the Turkish carnation also propagates by self-sowing.

Landing in open ground

turkish clove seedsGrowing from Turkish carnation seeds can begin in May. For this, grooves of small depth are prepared, literally 10 mm. The rows are not made too close, the distance between them is about 0.2 m or more if the variety is tall.

Since the gap between plants in one row should be at least 0.15 m, then the excess seedlings are removed. There is also an alternative approach - to wait until the seedlings reach a height of 0.1 m and transplant them to a new place for further growth. This will avoid thickening.

The gardener should be aware that the seed of the Turkish carnation has a long germination.

Young plants manage to form strong rosettes of leaves in their first summer, which will be able to overwinter. There is a possibility that flower stalks will be released within a few months after sowing the seeds with carnations. They will have to be removed, since an insufficiently strong plant is not yet ready for flowering and will not be able to grow strong enough before the onset of cold weather.

Sowing seeds in the ground in the fall is the most controversial method. It is likely that in wet soil, the first frost can destroy the seed.

Growing in a greenhouse

growing Turkish carnations in a greenhouse

Greenhouses and hotbeds make it possible to sow seeds as early as March. For this, the necessary conditions must be created:

  • temperature regime - not less than + 13 ° С;
  • the possibility of covering the beds with foil or glass.

After half a month or a little later, the first shoots appear. They, as well as when planting in open ground, must be thinned or planted.

When planting seedlings, you must:

  1. Introduce to a new place nitrogen fertilizers.
  2. Maintain the distance between plants - 20-25 cm.
  3. Wait for stable warm weather.

When growing Turkish carnations through seedlings, flower stalks in the first year can not be removed.

Growing at home for seedlings

seedling Turkish carnationGrowing Turkish carnations can be carried out at home to obtain seedlings. Small seeds are difficult to work with. They can be sown over short distances into a common container or use separate cups for this.

The seeds are laid shallowly - by 1 cm. In this case, watering should be moderate, not plentiful. It is also necessary to organize good drainage.

After the seeds are sown, the seedlings are transferred to a well-lit place. As needed, every few days, water the seedlings. A picking is always fraught with difficulties, since it is necessary to injure the roots as little as possible.

Before planting in open ground, the seedlings are hardened, starting from one hour, gradually bringing the time spent in the open air to a day.

Reproduction by layering

layered turkish carnation

If an adult bush needs to be propagated, then this can be done by layering. Work order:

  1. A strong, healthy stem is bent and pressed to the ground.
  2. Fix the stem in this position with a wire in the form of an inverted "V".
  3. The peduncle is cut off.
  4. Sprinkle the stem with earth.
  5. Moisten the soil.

Rooting should take place within 30 days. After that, the new plant can be transferred to another location.

This method allows a new plant to completely repeat the maternal characteristics.

Propagation by cuttings

turkish carnation cuttingsCuttings for breeding are cut from the stem of an adult second year plant. The stalk is planted in the ground, shading from the bright sun and providing sufficient watering the soil... After 20 days, the plant should take over and start growing. In the last month of summer, a new flower can be transplanted.

The propagation method by cuttings is suitable if it is very important to preserve the variety.

Turkish carnation, as in the photo, with proper planting and care, will delight you with beautiful flowers and lush greenery for many years. A large number of species allow you to create very beautiful flower arrangements on the site.

Growing Turkish carnations in the country - video


