Thuja Tini Tim will give a special charm to the garden plot

thuja teeny tim in the garden Ornamental coniferous crops are very popular due to the needles that persist throughout the year, unpretentiousness and variety of forms. Dwarf thuja Tini Tim is an evergreen shrub that will find a place on any, even the smallest area.

An ephedra with a dense spherical crown, dark green needles and excellent winter hardiness can be planted as a curb that limits garden paths. Thuja western Tini Tim or Thuja occidentalis Tiny Tim will decorate the foot of an alpine slide, revive the edge lawn, will emphasize the beauty of perennial tall flowers and ground cover plants.

Description and photo of Tui Teeny Tim

delicate ball of thuja teeny tim

Guided by the decorative and unpretentiousness of the western thuja, breeders are tirelessly working to obtain new varieties of this evergreen ephedra. Today, several dozen varieties of different sizes, shapes and purposes are offered for the choice of owners of summer cottages and landscape designers.

Tuya Tini Tim belongs to small, almost dwarf plants and stands out among the relatives:

  • very low growth rate;
  • dense crown, shaped like a sphere;
  • thin, willingly branching shoots;
  • dark green scaly needles that do not lose their decorative effect throughout the year.

Plants usually enter the garden at the age of 2-4 years. Only by 10 years of age thuja forms a crown 30 cm high and 40 cm in diameter. As it grows, the crown expands, reaching one and a half meters. At the same time, the height of the shrub does not exceed 50–100 cm. Like all closely related species, the Thuja Tini Tim prefers to grow in light areas with moderately nutritious, drained soil.

If the ephedra is in the shade, most of the day it does not receive enough heat and light, the crown gradually loses its density, worse keeps its natural shape, and the needles fade.

One of the reasons the popularity of thuja western - unpretentiousness. The plant takes root on different types of soils, but a loose, moderately nutritious substrate will be optimal for a coniferous culture, which passes well, but does not accumulate much moisture.

unassuming thuja teeny timAccording to the description, Thuja Tini Tim, pictured, has high drought tolerance and can grow in high humidity conditions. And yet, in extreme conditions, you should not expect good growth and attractiveness from the ephedra. But thanks to its dense crown and small size, thuja perfectly tolerates frosts up to 34–37 ° C.

Planting thuja Tini Tim and caring for the shrub

Tui Tini Tim landing siteFor planting thuja, well-lit, protected from strong winds with light cultivated soil are preferred. On dense soil, the roots of the plant cannot receive the required amount of air, water and nutrients.

Their development is difficult in both dry and wet soil, and the accumulation of water can cause problems such as the development of bacterial rot and fungal diseases.

Before planting under the thuja Tini Tim, they dig holes for single shrubs, or trenches to create dense, low-growing curbs. The dimensions of the holes depend on the dimensions of the underground part of the plant. Backfill garden soil is mixed with peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Add to the soil 50 grams of complex fertilizer for conifers per plant.

In areas where stagnation of soil, melt or rain moisture is possible, the bottom of the pit is covered with drainage from broken brick, expanded clay or coarse sand with a layer of 10 to 20 cm.

thuja saplings Tini TimThuja seedlings entering the site from the nursery are grown in containers, so their root system is protected. Planting thuja Tini Tim and caring for the shrub in this case is simplified due to easy and quick rooting. If the seedling is grown independently, it is important to be very careful about the roots. They are neatly laid out on an earthen mound, poured at the bottom of the landing pit.

After filling the soil, the root collar of the shrub should not be under the soil. Otherwise:

  • thuja development is disrupted;
  • the risk of decay of the lower part of the trunk and skeletal branches is significantly increased;
  • growth slows down;
  • the plant may die.

When the pits are filled up, the soil is tamped a little and watered abundantly.

Dense mulching with peat or sawdust will help preserve the moisture that is extremely necessary for seedlings. The layer is restored and supplemented as necessary.

In the future, young thuja Tini Tim need regular, but not burdensome care. Soil under evergreen shrubs:

  • watered;
  • weed;
  • loosen, not deepening more than 8-10 cm.

young thuja bush teeny timIn the hot season, it is important to prevent the soil from drying out. To maintain the decorative effect, thuja crowns are irrigated with warm, settled water, which compensates for the evaporation of water from the surface of dense green needles.

In the spring, when the plant wakes up after the cold weather, thuja Tini Tim is fed using complex specialized mixtures of 50-60 grams per square meter.

So that young thuja do not suffer from sunburn, the bushes are covered with burlap or dense non-woven material.

Tuya Tini Tim: photography in landscape design

thuja teeny tim on an alpine slideThe western thuja variety is compact, has a very low growth rate, and a constant color of needles. It is not surprising that the features of the ephedra have become the focus of attention of landscapers.

In landscape design, thuja Tini Tim, in the photo, is used in single and group plantings, as well as as part of low curbs framing lawns and garden paths, functional areas.

Due to the unpretentiousness of culture, its resistance to harmful emissions from transport and enterprises, thuja easily take root in the city, near highways and in suburban cottage villages.

Acquaintance with dwarf thuja - video


