Find out why feijoa is good for you and forget about thyroid problems

how is feijoa useful? The exotic fruit of a nondescript look contains the "lion's share" of iodine, as well as many vitamins and minerals. Therefore, everyone will want to know how feijoa is useful for the body. Moreover, you need to understand how to consume the berry in order to get the most out of this product. So this exotic has several secrets.

First acquaintance with feijoa

unique fruits of feijoa

A shrub from the genus Akka of the Myrtle family was first discovered in subtropical Brazil. The Portuguese traveler, Silva Feijo, immediately appreciated its decorative and exotic taste. A lush plant with white-pink flowers conquered him with a luxurious look. The unusual fruits of a dark green hue ripened on the branches with lumpy skin and a light waxy bloom interested an inquisitive naturalist. In shape, they resembled miniature apples, weighing 60-120 g.

Despite its unpretentiousness, the fruit struck the Portuguese with a special taste, which combined flavors:

  • kiwi;
  • pineapple;
  • strawberries;
  • strawberries.

feijoa fruit with juicy pulpThe juicy pulp with many seeds surprised me with its incomparable fresh aroma. The transparent jelly-like consistency of light cream color has caused pleasant sensations in Senor Feijo. So the tropical fruit came to Europe from distant Brazil, and then spread to other continents.feijoa cutaway

But how is the feijoa fruit eaten? This procedure is simple enough. The fruit is cut in half and the pulp is selected using a teaspoon / coffee spoon. Some throw away the peel. Others use it medicinally, such as for stool is feijoa

Nutritionists recommend eating the berry with the peel, as it is richand:

  • antioxidants;
  • catechins;
  • enzymes;
  • phenols.

Since the plant is a member of the Myrtle family, both the leaves and the rind contain a high percentage of essential oils. In this regard, dried portions of the culture are added to tea or a refreshing beverage as a flavoring agent. Understanding what feijoa is and how it is eaten, it will not be superfluous to include exotic in your daily diet. But first you need to take a closer look at some of the properties of the components contained in it, as well as find out the existing contraindications to the use of a tropical fruit.

Due to the high content of seeds, the feijoa fruit is called a berry.

What is useful feijoa will show its composition

what is useful for feijoa and its unique compositionFirst of all, it should be noted that exotic is an inexhaustible source of B vitamins, ascorbic and folic acids, as well as vitamins E, K, H and A. A number of organic acids contained in the berry play a special role in the electrolytic processes of the body. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus and copper are mostly in the form of salts.minerals and vitamins in feijoa

The content of pectins in the berry is up to 2.5%, which is 40% of the daily requirement. These polysaccharides lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.

Nevertheless, the determining factor in what the feijoa fruit is useful for is the iodine included in it. According to various estimates, 100 g of the product contains 35 to 70 mcg of the valuable macronutrient (18.7% of the daily value). Here it is presented in an easily digestible form, so the thyroid gland successfully uses the compound to synthesize hormones.thyroid treatment

Now we can say with confidence that feijoa heals:

  • hypotension;
  • mental retardation in children;
  • endemic goiter with hypothyroidism (thyroid pathology);
  • nodular hyperplasia;
  • diffuse euthyroid goiter.

The calorie content of feijoa is in the range of 50-61 kcal per 100 g. In this regard, do not worry that with regular use of the fruit, you can gain excess weight.

Any symptoms of a slowdown in the body's metabolic process are a good reason to use the fetus in your diet. Especially exotic is relevant for residents of the area with a clear iodine deficiency. The berry is used for both medicinal and prophylactic purposes. Nevertheless, it is recommended to use it as an adjunct to drug therapy.

Bonus plus

fiber-rich feijoa fruitFurther consideration of the composition of the fruit will help to determine how feijoa is also useful. It contains a lot of fiber, which improves the quality of the digestive process. At the same time, indigestible components contribute to the elimination of harmful substances from the intestines. As a result, cholesterol is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

Plus dietary fiber:

  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • lower blood sugar levels;
  • stimulate the immune system;
  • improve the condition of the skin and hair.

The berry contains unsaturated fatty acids - omega-3 and 6. The mass fraction of each of them in 100 g of products is 0.04-0.15 g, that is, about 2% of the daily value.

elements of the periodic tableThe beneficial properties of the fruit depend on what scientists have found useful in feijoa.

It turns out that the fruit contains (per 100 g):

  • vitamin C - 32.9 mg;
  • silicon (Si): 13-22 mg;
  • potassium - 172 mg (6.9% of the daily value).

Therefore, the tropical fruit may well compete with lemon in the amount of ascorbic acid. The leader among minerals, of course, is silicon. The benefits of this macronutrient for the human body are invaluable. Component compounds are actively involved in the metabolic process.treatment of the circulatory system

To a greater extent, Si accumulates in connective tissues:

  • bones / joints;
  • aorta;
  • skin;
  • trachea.

100 g of product contains 27 mg of plant sterols (50% DV). Phytosterols help to remove bad cholesterol from the blood and reduce the risk of developing cancer cells.

fight against cancer cellsSi has also been found in the liver, lungs, kidneys and spleen. Thus, diseases of the organs listed above are treated with feijoa, but only as an adjunct to drug therapy. It should be borne in mind that silicon deficiency most often affects the elderly, as well as cancer patients. Among other things, the chemical component improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. However, you can only feel all the beneficial properties of an exotic berry if you consume the fruit on an ongoing basis. And here there are pitfalls.

Potassium supports the functioning of all cells in the body and normalizes the functioning of magnesium. These 2 components strengthen the walls of the blood vessels and also support the activity of the heart muscle.


allergic reactionModeration is essential for all foods. Feijoa is no exception. At risk are people suffering from hyperthyroidism (excess iodine in the body), as well as diabetes. Patients with autoimmune diseases and obesity remain questionable.

Other contraindications for feijoa fruit include:

  • predisposition to allergies;
  • individual intolerance to the constituent components of the fetus;
  • women who are breastfeeding;
  • children under 1 year old.

feijoa is contraindicated in breastfeedingThe daily norm of berries, according to some experts, should not exceed 200-300 g (5 pcs.). In this case, you should always pay special attention to your well-being, listening to your body. The best option would be to consult a doctor who knows the specifics of the use of food in medicine. It is forbidden to combine a tropical fruit with milk, because such a tandem causes indigestion. Poisoning is observed when eating unripe fruits.

Excessive consumption of feijoa fruits causes thirst, tachycardia, agitation of the nervous system and an increase in body temperature.

How to choose the right feijoa?

how to choose feijoaIt is necessary to understand that fruits ripen towards the end of autumn. For better transportability, the product is transported unripe. Berries ripen indoors for several days.

When choosing, attention is always paid to the characteristics of the pulp, which should be:

  • transparent cream shade;
  • jelly-like consistency;
  • with a rich pleasant aroma.

Ripe feijoa fruit is stored for 2 weeks. However, to do this, you need to put it in the refrigerator.

ripe feijoa fruitsIn the section, the fruit has a creamy white flesh near the rind and almost transparent in the central part. If there is no cut specimen, then the ripeness is checked by simple pressing on the berry. Moderate softness and rich dark green skin tone will indicate ripeness. However, too black skin (dark blotches, stripes on the surface) or brown center is a sign of berry rotting. The white flesh with a firm structure indicates that the exotic is still green.

The fruit can also ripen at home at a temperature of 23-25˚ in a well-ventilated area.

It has been experimentally proven that the chemical composition of the fruit depends on the storage conditions. Due to unregulated atmospheric conditions, the concentration of vitamin C in berries decreases. Still, this does not affect in any way how feijoa is useful for the human body.

Why is feijoa useful for the human body - video


