How to grow garden azalea or how to plant and care for outdoor rhododendron

lush blooming garden azalea Sadovaya azalea often also called rhododendron. It differs from species that are grown in indoor conditions by increased winter hardiness, which allows the shrub to winter in the open field, provided it is sheltered.

There are many varieties of outdoor rhododendrons that winter well in gardens. These include such persistent and hardy species as the azalea Grandiflorum, Nova Zembla, Japanese and deciduous azaleas and many others.

Depending on the specific variety, rhododendrons may differ from each other:

  • the shape and color of foliage and inflorescences (there are both simple and double buds of the most varied colors);
  • height (from compact half-meter bushes to real trees 3 m high);
  • flowering time (early, middle or late azaleas);
  • belonging to an evergreen or deciduous species.

To grow a bush of incredible beauty in your garden, you need to know the intricacies of planting and caring for a rhododendron, because it has a rather demanding character.

Garden azaleas are very slow growing and reach full development only 3-4 years after planting.

On this topic:azalea - home care after purchase + video!

Where to plant?

Like the rest of this species, outdoor rhododendrons need good lighting. However, this does not mean that they should be planted in the sun itself. The most suitable place for azaleas is light partial shade, where the bush will not fade in direct sunlight. When planting in the deep shade of flowering, you will have to wait a very long time.

To protect the root system from the sun and to avoid rapid evaporation of moisture, it is necessary to mulch the bush with coniferous bark and fallen needles with a layer 10 cm thick. They will also provide the plant with the necessary acidity.

Planting pit preparation

Loose and acidic soil should be preferred when planting. Pure peat is not suitable for these purposes, but if you mix it with fertile soil, you get exactly what you need.

A layer of coniferous litter should be laid at the bottom of the dug hole, and only then the prepared soil mixture should be poured and watered abundantly.

Care of young plantings of azaleas

Garden azaleas love moisture very much. In the first two years after planting, it is advisable not only to regularly water the ground under the bush, but also to spray directly on the leaves.

Also, in the first few years, it is necessary to pluck out the faded inflorescences, preventing them from forming seed pods. This is necessary for the bush to form. Tying the seeds takes away strength from the azalea and negatively affects its appearance.

Top dressing is also important, because without them, the azalea will develop even more slowly. A complex preparation of the Greenwordl trademark or other nitrogen-containing fertilizers works well for these purposes.

It is necessary to apply fertilizer under the rhododendrons twice:

  • in spring, with the beginning of active growth;
  • after abundant flowering.

Video about growing garden rhododendron


