Competent cultivation of luffa from seeds at home for food and household needs

growing loofah from seeds at home In the 21st century, people have appreciated natural products, clothing and hygiene items. Therefore, growing luffa from seeds at home at their summer cottage has become the most favorite thing for many. The plant is often called "mad cucumber" or "edible washcloth". Each of these points to the unique characteristics of the loofah. Let's get to know this amazing plant better and find out how it is grown at home and transferred to the garden.

Exotic culture with humor

exotic luffa

Luffa belongs to the "royal" family "Pumpkin". In its natural environment, it is found in African countries and sunny India.

The culture is used in folk medicine in the treatment of:

  • worms;
  • anemia;
  • dermatitis.

In addition, it is believed that young luffa fruits contain components that help strengthen the body's defenses. Those who get acquainted with the culture think that in front of them is the most ordinary squash... After all, its fruits have a similar cylindrical shape. In a similar way, they are used to prepare salads, stews, or simply fried in a pan. However, the whole “essence” of the plant is hidden under the dense skin.

ripe luffa fruitWhen the luffa reaches full maturity, its flesh is pierced with so-called tufts. There are hard fibers around, which form a strong "skeleton" of an oblong fruit. Natural bath sponges are made of them. Therefore, growing luffa from seeds at home is of interest to many summer residents.

For cooking, only young fruits are used, which contain an abundance of calcium and phosphorus.

fruiting vineOn long liana-shaped shoots, wide alternate seven-fingered leaves grow. Sometimes they are whole. During the flowering period, large buds of yellow or white unisexual character are formed on the culture. Stamen specimens are collected in racemose “bouquets”, while pistillate specimens grow singly. After successful pollination, elongated fruits are formed on the shoots, which rapidly reach the sky. Hence the funny name "mad cucumber".

Biologists count about 50 plant species. However, the most popular are:

  • sharp ribbed (grows up to 35 cm, conical shape of the fruit, dense flesh, used for cooking);
  • cylindrical variety (maximum length about 70 cm, white pulp, used for the production of natural washcloths).

Despite its southern origins, the culture has wonderfully adapted in the middle latitudes. As a rule, it is cultivated in an open garden or in greenhouses. We will find out what agronomists advise for beginners ready to get to work.

Growing loofah from seeds at home

growing loofah from seeds at homeAn exotic culture from warm countries ideally develops in a garden bed protected from gusty winds (in the southern regions or during a hot summer) or a greenhouse. She loves loose, fertile soil.

Fertilize poor land if necessary:

separation of seeds for sowingWhen the soil is ready, start growing loofah from seeds at home for worthwhile purposes. Planting material is purchased in specialized stores or on the Internet. Then they lay it out on paper and thoroughly warm it up in any way possible. The easiest option is sun rays or radiators for heating, if the temperature does not exceed 40 ° C. The procedure takes up to 10 days.Then the seeds are soaked in aloe juice diluted with clean water (1: 1). Thanks to such actions, the grains gain the strength to germinate successfully.

peat tabletsCompetent agrotechnics for growing luffa provides for the preparation of separate containers for each plant. It was noticed that the "mad cucumber" is painful to transfer the transplant. Therefore, the culture is not dived, but immediately sown in a suitable container. Its diameter is about 7 cm.

An ideal option for planting a loofah is a peat cup or a container made of organic material.

Landing scheme

fertile substrateLuffa seeds aged in aloe solution are lowered into the substrate by about 2 cm, sprinkled with earth and watered abundantly.

Potting soil is prepared from ingredients:

  • top fertile soil;
  • river sand;
  • humus or compost.

All "ingredients" are taken in the same amount and mixed thoroughly.

The containers are covered with foil to create a greenhouse effect. When the first shoots appear, it is removed. Usually the plant has enough moisture, which it received during planting. And life-giving condensation is collecting under the film. The containers are placed on the windowsill, where it is warm and full of sunlight. The room temperature should be approximately + 30 ° C.

Luffa seedling in a potAfter the appearance of green shoots, the film cover is removed. And the plant is taken to a cooler place with a temperature of + 20 ° C. Then follow the advice of agronomists who know how to grow a loofah from seeds at home. In their opinion, about the fortieth day, the seedlings begin to harden. She is taken out into the street, first for 30 minutes, and then gradually increase the adaptation period to full daylight hours. As a result, the seedlings are ready for "relocation".

Top dressing

feeding luffa organicIn order for the seedlings to grow stronger, you need good feeding. It is prepared independently. First, fresh manure is placed in a glass container. Then pour boiling water at a rate of 1 to 5 and mix well. Cover and insist for 14 days, periodically shaking the contents of the jar. When dense elements settle to the bottom, the tincture is ready. With regular watering, luffa seedlings form 5-7 leaf plates and miniature antennae, for which they make a stable support.

Transfer to a permanent place

disembarking a loofah at a summer cottageWhen spring takes power, the plant is transferred to a new place. We will analyze in stages how to grow a washcloth for hygienic needs in the country. First of all, experts monitor the weather. If the ambient temperature is kept within + 15 ° C, get down to business.

Carefully prepare the bed:

  • dig up:
  • level the topsoil with a rake;
  • make holes in several rows.

If necessary, the soil is fed with wood ash, humus or peat. The distance between the rows is about 100 cm, since the plant has large leaf plates. The territory is sometimes prepared in the fall. Next, the culture is carefully removed from the pots, which are abundantly watered.

You can simply cut the plastic cups with a knife and plant the seedlings in the garden bed.

Luffa transplant to a permanent placeThe plant is placed inside the hole, deepening to the cotyledonous leaf plates. Then sprinkle abundantly with earth and tamp the top layer. Since planting a loofah and leaving is reminiscent of working with climbing plants, wooden supports are installed near each specimen. Thanks to this, the root system will successfully develop around a solid foundation. If done later, the luffa will die due to the damaged root system.

the use of luffa in cookingWhen the plant is grown for culinary purposes, it is planted directly in the garden. First, funnels are made 25 cm deep, about 30 cm in diameter. Half of the hole is filled with rotted cow dung. A seed is placed in the center and covered with earth. Water abundantly. The fruits are harvested in the middle of summer while they are still young.

Care for a worthwhile purpose

proper care of the luffaExperienced gardeners advise to grow loofah so as to get large fruits. The first rule is to control the growth of the culture.When it reaches 4 m in height, its main shoot is pinched. Thanks to this, new ovaries will not form. And from those that already exist, large fruits will grow. The second rule is timely watering as the top layer of the soil dries up.

Luffa grown in the Moscow regionThanks to a wise approach to business, gardeners successfully grow luffa in the Moscow region under a film or in a garden bed in hot times. A friable substrate is prepared in the traditional way. Disinfect it over steam or in the oven. Planting material is treated with potassium permanganate or growth stimulant. Rinse with water. Wrapped in a wet cloth and wait for miniature sprouts to appear. Then one seed is placed in each pot. The seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse in mid-May. If the summer is hot in the Moscow region, then the culture is planted in the garden in mid-June. They take care of them according to the generally accepted scheme established by agronomists. Ripe fruits are harvested in September. Natural washcloths are made if desired.

luffa on the archWe have carefully considered how to grow a loofah at home and get a useful product. The plant is used as an exotic ingredient in gourmet dishes. Quality washcloths are made from its ripe pulp. With careful observance of the rules for growing crops, a unique fruit with a dual purpose is obtained.

Growing luffa from seeds at home through seedlings - video


