Growing tarragon is fun

growing tarragon Growing tarragon is quite unusual in our area. You don't often see him in your backyard. This perennial herb is also known as tarragon. Comes from the same genus as wormwood. Wild tarragon is widespread in various parts of the world: Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Eastern Europe. Everyone can grow this healthy plant with an original spicy taste.

Growing methods

methods of growing tarragon

There are several ways how to grow tarragon in the country. Among them, you will definitely find the best option for yourself.

Here you need to make a reservation: seeds may not give high germination. Carefully consider the choice of the manufacturer. He must give a high quality guarantee for his product. Positive reviews on the Internet are not always true, so you should consult with friends or acquaintances who may have already purchased such seeds.

Tarragon is a frost-resistant plant. Seeds are often planted directly in open ground. High germination rate will be only in those regions where there is fertile black soil.

From seed through seedlings

growing tarragon seedlingsIf your site has a different type of soil, you need to sow seeds for seedlings. Since it will be very difficult to grow tarragon in a different way.

Recommendations for growing tarragon:

  1. It is better to plant tarragon on seedlings in February. Before this, the seeds are soaked for 3 to 4 days in water. The most optimal water temperature is room temperature. To make the seeds germinate faster, you can use special growth stimulants.
  2. There are no special land requirements for this growing method. It should allow moisture and air to pass through well and dry quickly. Tarragon does not tolerate excess water. Special holes in the bottom of the container will help protect the roots from rot (excess moisture will come out through them) and small pebbles (with a thin layer of 1 - 2 cm).
  3. Sow seeds to the surface of the earth. No holes or grooves need to be made. It is enough just to sprinkle them with earth a little. A dense layer of soil on top will seriously slow down germination. A lot of water is not required when watering. It is impossible for the grains to sink deep into the soil. Before the first shoots appear, it is enough to moisten the ground with a spray bottle.
  4. Cover crops with film strips or regular bags. Choose a warm (+ 15 ° - + 18 °) and bright place.
  5. With the appearance of the first sprouts, the film is removed. This will take at least 14 days. When two fully formed leaves appear, they begin to dive.
  6. As soon as warm spring days are established, the seedlings are transferred to open ground. Plants are resistant to short-term frost.

Sowing directly into the ground

sowing in open groundThis plant tolerates cold easily. Therefore, many are interested in how to sow tarragon on the site. This should be done in early spring or autumn.

When the seeds are sown directly into the garden, they make small grooves, water the soil, plant the planting material and sprinkle it a little with earth.

seedlings of tarragonSeedlings are expected if the temperature outside is kept within + 18 ° - + 20 °. This regime is not typical for all regions. Therefore, experienced gardeners advise using the seedling growing method.

When two true leaves are formed on each sprout, the seedlings need to be broken through.

Growing tarragon from cuttings

growing from cuttingsIf spring is usually warm in your area, you can propagate tarragon by cuttings already in early May.The air temperature must be at least + 18 °. Choose young and healthy stems. The length of the cutting is from 10 to 15 cm. The cut is made at an acute angle (about 45 degrees). Next, place the cut of the cutting in a jar with a solution of a growth stimulator for a day. Then place the cutting in the ground, covering it with plastic. A well-equipped greenhouse is perfect. This method takes patience. Wait for the first roots no earlier than a month later. Then transfer the cuttings to the garden, where you plan to grow tarragon constantly.

From layering

growing from cuttingsChoose a suitable stem that is still young (1 to 2 years old). Prepare a groove or groove in the ground. For this breeding method, it is desirable to have a wooden staple in the form of the Latin letter V. On the part of the stem that you want to root, make several cuts (not very deep). Using such a bracket, pin the stem to the ground and lightly cover it with soil on top. Moisten the ground periodically until roots appear. In the spring of next year, the rooted stem is separated from the adult plant and planted in the garden.

By dividing the roots

division of rootsAgronomists believe that growing tarragon in the open field in one place can be carried out for a very long time (up to 15 years). In practice, experienced gardeners recommend renewing the plant every 4 years. Otherwise, it grows too much, clogging other garden crops, and also loses its taste and characteristic aroma.

The old plant is carefully dug up. Roots twisted and damaged by diseases are removed. The rest are divided into parts, each of which should have from 2 to 4 growth buds. Then it remains only to drop them off in a predetermined place.

How to water and fertilize

regular watering of tarragonPlanting and caring for tarragon outdoors is easy. Prefers moderate watering... If the summer is very hot and dry, it can be increased slightly. The average watering regime is once every 2 - 3 weeks.

Fertilizers are applied to the ground in spring (before flowering or after the first weeding). It is best to feed it with infusion of mullein (dilute not less than 5-6 times) or dried ash (a glass or two under each bush). Potassium chloride and superphosphate (1 spoon / 10L of water).

When tarragon has been growing in the garden for the second year already, urea (10 g), superphosphate (25 g) and potassium sulfate (15 g) can be scattered over the garden. In the future, it is better not to use nitrogen-containing fertilizers. From them, the leaves are saturated with nitrates and lose their taste.

Tarragon is very popular in cooking. Fresh and dry leaves are added to marinades, sauces, vinegar tinctures. It is widely used for pickling cucumbers and mushrooms. Chopped tarragon with celery and parsley is an excellent seasoning for dressing soups. Certain varieties are added to salads. Tarragon is consumed in moderation. One dish contains 25 - 30 g of fresh leaves and only 2 - 3 g of dry grass.

Preparation for the winter

harvesting tarragon for the winterHarvesting tarragon for the winter can be done in different ways:

  1. Fresh leaves can be frozen. Wrap them with cling film and place them in special compartments where you store fruits and vegetables.
  2. More often, the leaves are dried for the winter. Cut them off when the plant is bearing fruit or is about to bloom. The drying process takes place in a dry place, protected from sunlight. The air temperature should not exceed + 35 degrees, and the humidity should be kept within 5 - 7%. The dried leaves are ground into powder and stored in glass containers or bags made of natural fabric.
  3. You can also pickle the leaves. The washed, dried plates are finely chopped and mixed with salt in a ratio of five to one. The leaves are then tamped tightly into sterile jars and stored under plastic lids in a cool place.
  4. The leaves are put in jars, sprinkled with salt and poured with refined vegetable oil or vinegar. Banks are placed in a cool place.
  5. To have fresh greens all year round, grow tarragon in pots at home, like a houseplant.

Don't be afraid to try new things. Grow tarragon on your backyard and you will give a new taste to all your dishes.

Fragrant tarragon seasoning - video


