Why you need a smart plug and how to use it

smart socket An ordinary electrical outlet unpretentiously fulfills all commands - connects a table lamp, a vacuum cleaner, charges the battery. In contrast, a smart socket (smart socket or - for the more advanced - smart socket) allows itself to be programmed. She is able to execute commands given remotely from an external device suitable for this purpose - a smartphone, laptop, tablet.

How does a smart plug work

smart plug in operation

First of all, what are smart sockets for? Instruments and electronics are always equipped with a mechanical or electronic switch. The mechanical switch on the device (toggle switch) has two states - "on" and "off", which are physically changed by the user.

The electronic switch functions differently. It includes a block that can move the device to the desired position using a network connection. Thus, no matter what happened when the button was last pressed, the new state of the device will change to the desired one. For this, the electronic switch device has a special memory card, with which the previous state of the device is memorized. The memory of the printed circuit board “remembers” the previous state and compares it with the set one. Based on the results of such a comparison, it takes the necessary action.

When the device is disconnected from the network, the memory is reset. Therefore, the first press when turning on will mean the state of the device that was set by the user by default.

smart plug operationWhat is a smart plug? It allows one click / click to set the required state of the device, without requiring for this to physically disconnect it from the mains. In this case, the control gadget itself can be located far from the location of the device it controls.

Signal transmission is carried out exclusively via Wi-Fi, so the smart socket will not work in an area of ​​unstable access to the Network.

How a smart socket works

general view of the electronic switch

A smart socket consists of the following elements:

  1. A transceiver that controls external power.
  2. An intelligent hub that determines the source of the control signal.
  3. Battery compartment (for low power smart plugs) or current converter (for other types of smart plugs).
  4. A contact group that includes one or more types of external connectors.
  5. Plastic case with connectors and information labels.
  6. Fasteners.

Note that, unlike standard mechanically coupled outlets, the devices under consideration require external power supply. Therefore, although the energy consumption for smart outlets is small, they still discharge over time. This happens when the device repeats signals from the hub especially frequently.

smart socket assemblyModern networks are a collection of cells that are independent from each other, so the smart devices themselves act as network repeaters. As a result, the range of the Smart Hubs is increased. Thus, smart plugs enhance the overall network of the hub by acting as network repeaters.

The mesh network will be significantly more resilient if the smart plugs are evenly distributed throughout the served area.Then the energy consumption for the transmission of the control signal and the probability of errors during its transmission will decrease.

Features of choosing a smart socket

smart plug to smart plug connectionHow does a smart plug work? First of all, the necessity of using the device is found out. For example, if most of the devices available in the premises (air conditioners, fans, heaters, etc.) do not have the appropriate option, then there is no point in purchasing a smart-socket at all.

Can you check it? There are several simple ways:

  1. Read the instructions carefully.
  2. Check if the unit is equipped with a smart plug.
  3. Ask a sales assistant to remotely turn on the device directly in the store (self-respecting specialized supermarkets are always equipped with smart sockets).

Next, suitable places are selected for mounting the device. They should not be in “dead” zones that are difficult to reach for the control signal. This is especially important if the home is located in an area with weak or unstable internet.

general view of the calibratorMost modern home programmable device sizes are smart plug compatible. For this reason, the normal mains plug is first connected to the smart-plug, and only then to the smart socket.

Zone installation of smart plugs is critical to ensuring the safety of the home, since motion sensors can recognize the fact of an intrusion into a prohibited space, but not transmit a signal to its intended purpose.

Installation and application sequence

smart socket settingHow to connect a smart plug? First, check the compatibility of its application with the device. You need to turn it off and then turn it on again. If the device does not turn on automatically, then, alas, it will not work with a smart plug.

Fortunately, such troubles are becoming less common. The list of models of smart devices is constantly growing, which are controlled via a smartphone application or via the Internet. Some devices also allow voice control.

In order to use a smart socket (in rooms where there is already access to wired Internet or Wi-Fi), you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Download the required application for an Android or iOS device (the name of the application is indicated in the user manual).
  2. Create an account using the "Add device" option.
  3. Scan the QR code that appears on the screen.
  4. Configure a smart socket by implementing the connection diagram indicated in the manual. When configured correctly, the toggle LEDs on the device panel will light up.
  5. After a while, one of the indicators will flash: this means that the smart-socket is ready for use.
  6. Press the control button and hold it down until the smart socket picks up the Wi-Fi signal. When this happens, the indicator will stop flashing.

Now you can connect the device you want to control. To do this, use a smart-plug. Periodically, it is worth checking the functionality of the smart socket using a calibrator.

The smart plug should be sized to match the smart plug.

Why do you need a smart socket in the house - video


