Is it possible to use watermelon for pancreatitis, cholecystitis and gastritis

The sweet juicy pulp of watermelon is liked by many Who doesn't want to pamper themselves with a fresh-smelling honey slice of watermelon in the summer? Not only is the pulp delicious, it perfectly quenches thirst and replenishes the supply of life-giving moisture in the body on hot days.

The medicinal properties of watermelon are also well known:

  • Fruits with red flesh contain lycopene and other substances that have anti-inflammatory protective effects, as well as exhibit antioxidant properties, protecting the body from aging.
  • Watermelons are low in calories and can be used in the fight against excess weight.
  • Fiber and other components in the composition of watermelons are able to activate metabolic processes and digestion.
  • It is a natural diuretic.
  • Watermelons are a source of magnesium and other mineral elements that improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular system, regulate, protect from stone formation, heart rhythm disturbances and take part in many metabolic processes.

But is the scarlet pulp of the largest berry useful to everyone? And is it possible to eat watermelon with pancreatitis, cholecystitis and gastritis?

The relationship in the work of internal organs

A large berry will fill the body with vitamins and nutrients

Despite the performance of various functions, the internal organs in the human body are often interconnected, and the disruption of the work of some leads to failures in others. As a result, when diagnosing chronic pancreatitis, for example, doctors are faced with inflammation of the gallbladder, that is, with cholecystitis.

Bile accumulated in the bladder is usually gradually demanded for digestive processes, but when bile stagnation occurs, exacerbation of cholecystitis cannot be avoided. The digestive organs also suffer at the same time. If the gallbladder and liver are normal, the intestines do a great job with the incoming portions of food. When the work of one of the organs changes, the established process of digestion collapses.

An insufficient amount of enzymes enters the intestine, but gastroenterologists often note the irritating effect of bile and pancreatic juice on the tissue. And disruptions in the digestion of food negatively affect the course of pancreatitis and cholecystitis. The circle of diseases seems to be closed. Drug therapy in combination with a special diet helps to get out of the situation.

Nutrition in the presence of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis or a complex of diseases should be as gentle as possible and not irritate the walls of the intestine and stomach.

A small amount of watermelon will not harmMoreover, this requirement applies not only to the composition of the dishes, but also to the size of the portions.

  • Plentiful food, like spicy, acidic and fatty foods, is harmful and can, by stretching the walls, cause serious damage to well-being.
  • In order for food to be better absorbed and not to have an additional irritating effect, for all these diseases, dishes are served at a moderate temperature. Hot and cold food is contraindicated.

Also, doctors advise to adhere to a clear diet.

Watermelon for gastritis

Healthy watermelon dessertThere are many causes of gastritis. Today, this disease can accompany nervous and physical overload, it is noted in people who eat irrationally or irregularly.

Gastritis also often accompanies cholecystitis and pancreatitis, which become the cause of its development.

Is it possible watermelon with gastritis, when both an increased level of acidity and a lower one are observed in the stomach? The acidity of the stomach before meals is from 1.5 to 3 units, which allows you to disinfect and dissolve any products that enter the digestive system. If a failure occurs, the production of acid decreases or, conversely, is activated, this leads to undesirable consequences for a person. The acidity inside the stomach can become a threat to the tissues, or if the acid level drops, it is insufficient to process organic matter.

A few slices will not change the acidity levelWatermelon with gastritis, by virtue of its composition, cannot somehow seriously affect the change in the level of acidity, but with excessive use, filling the stomach, stretches and presses on its walls, further injuring the damaged organ. As a result, the pleasure of juicy pulp inevitably ends with painful sensations, heaviness, vomiting and other undesirable symptoms.

  • If at gastritis watermelon is consumed in portions of 1-2 slices, then the fruit will only benefit at any acidity level.
  • It is extremely important that on the patient's table there are only high-quality fresh watermelons that have not been stored in cut form.
  • It is unacceptable to eat watermelon from the refrigerator.

Watermelon with pancreatitis during an exacerbation

When a bright inflammatory process is observed in the pancreas, doctors strongly recommend giving up all types of fresh berries, vegetables and fruits.

With exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis and cholecystitis, watermelon should not be consumedAnd watermelon with pancreatitis in the acute phase is no exception. The reason for the danger is in dietary fiber, which, during an exacerbation, can increase gas formation in the intestines and thereby provoke indigestion, diarrhea and severe intestinal colic.

If the patient has not only pancreatitis, but also gastritis or cholecystitis, watermelon with exacerbation is also contraindicated, since its use will only aggravate the overall picture of the disease.

If pancreatitis is noted in a mild stage, or the disease is chronic and does not cause serious concern, watermelon in reasonable quantities and subject to the rules for its use is allowed. At the same time, the medicinal properties of watermelon are used in the process of food rehabilitation.

Watermelon with pancreatitis in remission

Patients with pancreatitis can have up to 1.5 kg of watermelon per dayThe onset of permanent remission means that the person with pancreatitis can afford to expand the diet to include some fruits and vegetables. These include fresh watermelon.

The maximum serving size that a patient with pancreatitis can afford, depending on his health condition and product tolerance, is from 150 grams to 1.5 kg.

It is important to remember here that watermelon can be included in reasonable quantities in salads, consumed in the form of juices and cold desserts, but salted or pickled watermelons with pancreatitis, cholecystitis and all types of diseases of the intestinal tract can be dangerous.

Watermelon with cholecystitis

Patients with cholecystitis, pancreatitis can only have fresh watermelonInflammation of the gallbladder or cholecystitis can be acute or chronic, and in some cases the disease is accompanied by the formation of stones.

An infection from the intestines often causes an inflammatory process and stagnation in the bile bladder. Already with developed cholecystitis, less and less bile is involved in digestion, and this negatively affects the digestion of fat absorption. A stone that prevents the outflow of bile, as well as injuries and such a dangerous disease as diabetes, can provoke the development of the disease.

Like many other diseases of internal organs, the course of cholecystitis is greatly influenced by the diet and diet.

With cholecystitis, you must adhere to a dietThe patient's condition is aggravated:

  • with a lack of dietary fiber and an excess of easily digestible fats and carbohydrates;
  • with frequent overeating and non-compliance with the meal schedule;
  • when included in the diet of spicy, fatty foods, as well as alcohol.

And in this case, the medicinal properties of watermelon and the fiber included in its composition will be useful, which can positively affect the process of cleansing the body, establish the emptying of the intestines and gallbladder. True, one should not forget about moderation and gradual introduction of the product into the diet.

What can you eat with pancreatitis - video


