Knowing exactly what to feed the goslings from the first days of life, you can grow a healthy livestock

Geese are one of the smartest herd birds. Every poultry breeder must know what to feed the goslings from the first day of his life, so that the gosling grows and develops correctly. The diet of goslings is divided into several stages:

  1. Feeding on the first day.
  2. Meals from 2 to 10 days.
  3. Diet from 10 to 21 days.
  4. Food for grown-up goslings, from the 21st day of life.

Feeding diurnal goslings

Daily goslings from the incubator Feeding goslings in the first days of their life must be approached with great responsibility. Their further development and growth will depend on the first feed. In addition, it should be remembered that the chicks do not yet have immunity on the first day, the gastrointestinal system is very weak, so the diet should be easily digestible.

On the first day, you need to feed the goslings at home with chopped hard-boiled eggs.

Drink only boiled water, in which it is recommended to add 1 milliliter per liter of Chiktonik vitamins to prevent metabolic disorders, vitamin and protein deficiencies, you can use other vitamins that strengthen the immune system and growth of goslings.

It is worth noting that feeding the daily allowance goslings hatched in an incubator and in the traditional way, with the help of a brood goose, is no different. The first feed is given to the goslings immediately after they are dry. The sooner they get food, the higher their survival rate will be. The frequency of feeding varies from 6 to 8 times a day.

The diet of goslings from the second day of life

From the 2nd day, goslings can be released into an open-air cage, equipped on the street, under good weather conditions.

Onions for goslings are cut from the first days

The diet can already include not only chopped eggs, but also chopped greens of onions or clovers, small corn grits and shreds.

It is better to give water still boiled. The food should be sprinkled on a low pallet or a small piece of plywood board so that the goslings reach the food easily without trampling it. You can feed daily goslings every 3 hours, which will ensure the activity of weight gain and growth. It is necessary to constantly monitor that the water in the drinkers is always clean, if it gets dirty, it should be changed.

Chicks a weekFrom the third day, eggs can be removed from the diet of goslings, and more corn grits and tarts can be given. This diet should be observed until the 10th day of the goslings' life.

Meals for goslings from 10 to 21 days

From the 10th day, active growth of chicks begins, so they need as much food as possible, containing proteins and proteins. These types of feed include peas and other legumes. Along with the chicken, it is good to grind soaked peas, beans, or beans 4-5 times a day and give to the goslings. If there is no time to soak and grind peas, then you can give a little crushed peas. The amount of food fed should be 30-35% more than in the first days.

Goslings 10 daysAlong with the main food, it is recommended to introduce food additives into the diet, such as fish oil, bone meal, starting compound feed PK-5. It is recommended to periodically add potassium permanganate to the water. From the 14th day, you can enter into the diet of goslings with various mash, which should include potatoes, carrots and beets. According to the consistency, the mash should be dry, easily crumbling, but in no case stretching, or watery, in order to avoid clogging the noses of the birds.

Goslings nutrition from day 21

Goslings 21 daysStarting at three weeks of age, goslings are able to spend a large amount of time on their own in an outdoor enclosure. Meals from this age should be three times a day. IN goslings ration includes:

  1. Bran, or crushed wheat.
  2. Cereals (wheat, barley).
  3. Oilcake (added to the main feed, no more than 100 grams per day).
  4. Salt.
  5. A piece of chalk.
  6. Seashells (sold crushed).
  7. Green grass.
  8. Bread crumbs, leftovers from the kitchen table (not spoiled).

Another important aspect in keeping goslings is keeping the enclosure, feeders and drinkers clean.

The water must be constantly changing, the remnants of feed must be removed from the feeders every day in order to prevent fermentation and decay processes from starting, which can lead to upsetting the gastrointestinal tract of goslings and the development of a disease such as aspergillosis. It is recommended to change the bedding every two days.

Goslings grow quickly and after 2 months young fully fledged geese will walk in the courtyard. As a novice breeder, keep in mind that geese prefer a lot of green grass and love to swim.

Feeding goslings on the first day - video


