How to feed geraniums during flowering, after wintering: folk and store remedies

how to feed geranium Geranium, like pelargonium, is a shrub herb of the Geraniev family. At home, the flower does not always grow well and the question arises: how to feed the geranium in order to achieve a beautiful appearance and abundant flowering. To solve this issue, flower growers use ready-made complex fertilizers and homemade recipes based on hydrogen peroxide, iodine, yeast and sugar.

Features of the use of complex store fertilizers

lush geranium bloom

Recently acquired geranium pleases with flowering for two to three months. After which the peduncles die, and the greens may turn yellow or dry out. It is important not to miss this moment and transplant the plant in time.

For transplantation, flower growers choose a nutritious soil with the addition of agents stimulating the root system:

  • Kornevin;
  • "Heterouxin".

Fertilizers cannot be used immediately after transplanting, since there is a high probability of damage to the roots by chemical elements. But after rooting, you can use organic and mineral dressings.

When deciding how to feed geraniums for abundant flowering at home, flower growers choose between several types of fertilizers:

  • liquid;
  • powder;
  • specialized;
  • complex;
  • organic;
  • mineral.

Each species has its own advantages, which it is desirable to use in accordance with the state of the plant:

  • nitrogen ones are intended for growing green mass;
  • phosphoric for flower stalks;
  • complex for the general tone and development of plants.

the result of proper feeding geranium

When choosing specialized ready-made products in a flower shop, you should pay attention to several effective products:

  • liquid products for abundant geranium flowering, such as Agricola, "Garden Club";
  • powder and granular preparations "Master color", "Clean sheet", "Keramira" and others;
  • popular organic preparation "Gumat" or "Gumi Omi" based on poultry manure and juices of vegetable compost.

Any purchased product must be diluted with water before use.

It is undesirable to fertilize dry soil - before feeding, the soil is moistened with water. This contributes to better absorption of the components. Sick or recently transplanted plants are watered with a weaker solution than indicated in the instructions.

Varieties of folk remedies for feeding

feeding geraniums with folk remediesGardeners replace expensive store fertilizers with improvised means, observing a noticeable result. According to the reviews of amateur flower growers, a positive effect is given by feeding geraniums for flowering with iodine and peroxide.

Use of iodine Fertilizing with hydrogen peroxide
It is used after flowering to build up greenery and improve plant immunity according to the scheme:

· Add 2 drops of the drug to 1 liter of water;

· Water once every two weeks in the summer.

Peroxide serves as a powerful antibacterial agent, oxygenates the roots, and fights mold. To improve the general condition of the plant, 10 ml of peroxide is added to a liter of water and watered once a week for a month.

Methods for treating yellowing leaves with folk methods


To fix the problem of yellow leaves, it is important to understand the reason:

  1. Perhaps the root system has outgrown the volume of the pot. This can be determined by turning the pot over: roots are peeping out of the drainage holes - it's time to transplant the flower.
  2. Possibility of infrequent or over-watering. If the soil does not dry out within a week, then the roots do not receive enough oxygen with an excess of moisture. Development of mold and decay processes is possible. When deciding how to feed geraniums so that the leaves do not turn yellow in this case, it is better to turn to peroxide. It not only removes bacteria, but also oxygenates the roots.
  3. Nutrient deficiencies after extended flowering can also affect leaf color. In this case, it is recommended to use a liquid infusion of mullein or bird droppings. If this is not possible, then a store-bought organic fertilizer will do.

Folk remedies for long flowering

yeast useFeeding geraniums at home for active bud-laying and long flowering can be done on the basis of yeast and glucose.

How to use yeast Sugar feeding
The yeast contains active fungi that improve the respiration of the roots, saturating them with nutrients. For 1 liter of water, use a teaspoon of dry yeast and three tablespoons of sugar. Keep in a warm place for at least an hour. Then pour in another 4 liters of warm water and water the flowers. Glucose feeding starts the budding process. It is carried out once a month using a solution of 1 tablespoon of sugar per liter of warm water.

Homemade geraniums, grown on a windowsill or in a front garden, actively respond to top dressing. With a moderate and varied soil nutrition, growers get a lush and long-lasting flowering of strong and healthy plants.

Top dressing geraniums for lush flowering - video


