Instructions for the use of Oxychom - a fungicide of wide use

instructions for use of Oxychoma To get an excellent harvest, gardeners are trying to protect their plantings from all sorts of diseases using fungicides. A simple instruction for the use of Oxychom allows you to correctly apply it in local conditions. Indeed, quite often the affected garden crops lose their presentation. Their foliage and stems wither, and things may not reach the fruit. Is it possible to somehow save the plants from certain death? How does the instruction manual for Oxyhom help you use it wisely? How to properly prepare the solution, taking into account the dosage? The answers to these questions will help you think wisely about growing vegetables.

Characteristics and mechanism of action of the drug

fungicide Oxyhom

Fungicide Oxyhom contains 2 active ingredients. Thanks to chloroxide, after treatment of the plant, a film forms on the surface of the leaf plates. It protects the culture from infections that bombard it from all sides. Fungal spores are unable to destroy this barrier and get inside the plant. Therefore, the culture is developing successfully throughout the entire period.

Oxadixil penetrates into the shoots and leaf plates, and then spreads throughout the plant. Thus, microscopic pests that infect the culture from the inside die instantly.

In the process of use, the following advantages of the drug were noticed:

  • produces a therapeutic effect;
  • used as a prophylactic agent;
  • the result appears 2 hours after treatment;
  • protects the crop throughout the season.

Fungicide Oxyhom is a white powder. It is sold in packs of 40, 20 or 10 grams. Sometimes it comes in the form of special tablets.

Instructions for the use of Oxychoma in gardening

plant diseasesFungicide effectively destroys microorganisms that cause various diseases of horticultural crops. It is actively used for spraying plants, both outdoors and in greenhouses... In the instructions for the use of the drug Oxyhom, a recommendation is given: vegetables should be processed no more than 3 times, grapes - 4 times. It is best to perform the procedure during the growing season if signs of the disease are noticed. The plant is re-treated after 14 days.

preparation of working solutionPrepare the solution in a 10 liter container. Put 20 or 30 g of white powder on the bottom and fill it with clean water. Then the liquid is thoroughly mixed and poured into a spray bottle. During the cultivation of the crop, gardeners are careful to ensure that the substance gets on the plant, and not on the ground. To achieve a greater effect, the drug is used along with its analogues ("Barrier", "Albit", "Vector", "Baylon"). Crops are treated before flowering, as bees and other insects can be affected by pollination.plant treatment rates

The optimal time for processing plants is early morning or after sunset in dry, calm weather.

A universal preparation for processing plants - Oxyhom is actively used to combat parasitic fungi that cause such diseases:

  • late blight of root crops;phytosporosis of potatoes
  • peronosporosis of cucumbers and onions;peronosporosis of cucumbers
  • beet cercosporosis;
  • grape anthracnose;
  • scab and spotting of apples and pears;apple spot
  • clusterosporiosis, curliness of stone fruit crops;
  • bacteriosis.

As a rule, each culture has its own dose of the drug and processing rules.For example, potatoes are sprayed when the bushes grow up to 20 cm above the ground. To prepare a working solution, 20 g of powder is diluted in 10 liters of water and the bushes are treated. A similar proportion is used when spraying tomatoes, onions and ground cucumbers.

Protective measures against poisonous substances

safety precautions when working with oxychomIn accordance with the instruction of the Oxyhom chemical, this fungicide is a dangerous and poisonous substance.

Therefore, it is necessary to follow the rules for using the drug, which include a number of points:

  • when working with the substance, be sure to cover your face and hands;
  • while spraying plants, it is forbidden to drink, smoke and eat;
  • upon completion of work, you should thoroughly wash your face, hands with soap and rinse your mouth;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use the fungicide in the rain.

If the concentrated preparation gets on the surface of the soil, it must be covered with dry sand. In some cases, summer residents remove the infected layer of soil (10 cm) and dispose of it away from the garden.

After the procedure, work clothes must be washed in soapy water to eliminate the remains of the poison.

Store the drug Oksikhom in a cool dry room, where children and pets do not go. In addition, there should not be any medications that humans or animals take. Compliance with simple safety rules is a guarantee of good health.

Fungicides for plant diseases - video


