How to rejuvenate old Andre Anthurium

anthurium Andre One of the most common types of anthurium that is grown at home is Andre. It is a rather tall plant, capable of reaching 90 cm in height, but the stem is short, with a large number of aerial roots. The inflorescence of the cob is about 15 cm long, painted white or yellow, and the veil around it can be of the most varied colors and resemble a heart in shape.

How to properly rejuvenate anthurium?

A flower can live in a pot for a very long time, but even with regular transplants, the plant eventually becomes old and takes on an unkempt appearance. The stem extends upward, many dry scales are visible on it, among which aerial roots grow, and the leaves themselves become smaller.

To return a beautiful decorative look to anthurium, it must be rejuvenated. So you can not only put the flower in order, but also multiply it, having received several new bushes.

The rejuvenation procedure is as follows:

  1. Cut the stem of the flower with a sharp pruner so that 5-7 aerial roots remain on it.
  2. Remove, if possible, dry scales from the cut trunk.
  3. Put the plant in a jar of water, after adding a growth stimulator (for example, Kornevin) there, while the growth point should remain above the water.
  4. Do the same with all old stems, which have only aerial roots. Before planting them, the plants must grow their underground roots.

It is advisable to place the cut anthuriums in a separate dish, since it will be inconvenient to get them, in addition, fragile roots can be damaged.

If the stems have one or two roots of their own, they can be immediately planted in a pot by processing the cut. It is imperative to lay drainage at the bottom of the flowerpot, and add pieces of charcoal and bark to the ground for looseness. For the young Anthurium Andre a pot with a volume of 10-12 cm is enough; in a more spacious container, the plant will first grow roots and leaves, and flowering will have to wait a long time.

What to do with the leftover hemp?

Often a decent stump without leaves remains in the pot after pruning. It can also be used to propagate anthurium, because it is quite capable of releasing both shoots and roots.

The top of the hemp, where the cut is, should be treated with crushed activated carbon. Some growers use brilliant green for this purpose. When planting, such a stump must be completely deepened into the ground.

How to rejuvenate anthurium - video


