For active growth and immunity - potash fertilizers, their importance and use for plants

Tell us about potash fertilizers, their value and use in gardening and horticulture. I want to feed my roses with potassium next year - they have been producing very few buds lately. And the berries began to bear less fruit, although in the first years the branches simply burst under the weight of the ovaries. Subtracted that potassium contributes to the formation of flower buds. And what other effect does it have and which drugs contain the most potassium?

potash fertilizers, their value and application We plant trees and shrubs in the garden, and in the garden potatoes to have our fruits, berries and vegetables, we grow flowers in flower beds to admire their flowering. Did you know that potassium is vital for all these crops? It is potash fertilizers, their importance and use in all areas related to the cultivation of any crops that are the key to healthy development. With a deficiency of this element in plants (it does not matter at all which ones), immunity is weakened. They grow poorly, bear less fruit, hibernate worse and often get sick. Therefore, potash top dressing is part of the mandatory measures for your garden and vegetable garden to be healthy, develop well and produce a harvest every year.

Potash fertilizers - their meaning and application

the importance of potash fertilizers

Preparations with a high potassium content are irreplaceable and necessary for all plants. It is potassium that is "responsible" for the metabolic process, activates photosynthesis and provides water balance. It also helps crops absorb carbon and nitrogen, without which they cannot thrive. Fertilizers with potassium not only accelerate plant growth, but also increase their winter hardiness, which is especially important for perennials in the garden and flower beds. Crops that do not lack this trace element are less vulnerable to fungus and have better immunity. If we talk about root crops, then potash fertilizing and the yield will increase, and will help it to be stored for a long time.

Potassium retains heavy soil such as loam for the longest time. On peat soil, potash fertilization is necessary more often, since its accumulations are quickly exhausted.

It is possible to determine that plants lack potassium by the following signs:

  • growth slows down;
  • the stems stretch out and become thin;
  • the buds are smaller or they are not at all;
  • fruiting worsens, its quantity and quality decreases;
  • foliage becomes yellow or blue, wrinkles or brown spots appear on it;
  • cultures are often sick.

What potash fertilizers are used in the garden and vegetable garden

The use of potash fertilizers depends on their specific type. Some preparations are best applied in the fall, but most can be used throughout the spring and summer.

Among the drugs that are most often used for fertilizing fruit and berry and vegetable crops, most of all potassium contains:

  1. Potassium chloride (60%). It contains chlorine and strongly acidifies the soil. Therefore, despite its benefits, it is not recommended on acidic soil and for berries and vegetables.potassium chloride
  2. Potassium salt (40%). Also, due to chlorine, it is not suitable for all plantings. It is introduced mainly in the fall.potassium salt
  3. Potassium sulfate (50%). Suitable for all types of plants, can be used throughout the growing season.potassium sulfate
  4. Potassium carbonate (50%). Most effective on potatoes. You can add it at any warm season.potash
  5. Potassium nitrate (potassium 37% plus nitrogen).More suitable for spring application on fruiting crops.potassium nitrate
  6. Kalimag (potassium content 20%).kalimag
  7. Kalimagnesia (potassium fraction 32%).potassium magnesium
  8. Nitroammofosk (potassium content 16%).nitroammophoska

An overview of potash fertilizers, how and when to apply them


