Cabbage scoop and methods of dealing with it

pictured cabbage scoop Pests sometimes interfere with growing a healthy crop in the garden. Sometimes they can completely destroy vegetable crops. To prevent such cases from arising, you need to know some rules for dealing with harmful insects. In this article, we will talk about how to deal with the cabbage scoop.

The cabbage scoop is a butterfly with dark wings. Their shade (wings) can be different. For example, the cabbage scoop, the photo of which is presented, is gray.

Also, the wings of this insect can have a brown tint.

It is noteworthy that only the offspring of the cabbage scoop, the caterpillar, can harm the crop. The butterfly itself feeds only on plant nectar.

Cabbage scoop harm

Cabbage scoop

As mentioned above, only caterpillars are dangerous for cabbage. First, they eat up the upper leaves, and then hit the head of cabbage itself, making moves in it. Such a vegetable can no longer be eaten. It is noteworthy that the offspring of the cabbage scoop can harm not only cabbage, but also other vegetable crops. These include peas, beets, lettuce, and onions. Therefore, small holes that have appeared on the leaves are the first signal indicating that it is time to start fighting the harmful insect.

caterpillar scoops

Cabbage scoop and methods of dealing with it

As a rule, there are three methods of dealing with the cabbage scoop:

  1. mechanical;
  2. biological;
  3. chemical.

cabbage foliage affected by scoop

We will tell you about each method of dealing with the cabbage scoop in more detail

Mechanical method... This method is based on manual removal of insects from cabbage leaves. It is advisable to do this action after sunset - it is in the dark that the caterpillars come out of their shelters and destroy the crop. This method cannot be called effective, since even one uncaught pest can nullify all efforts.

To eliminate an additional source of nutrition for the cabbage scoop caterpillars, you need to remove the weed during the time. It is also necessary to loosen the soil from time to time, this will destroy the clutch of eggs.

The mechanical method of getting rid of the cabbage scoop includes the construction of special traps. For example, you can place containers filled with water with several spoons of jam around the area. The specific smell attracts pests, and they creep to the place of its spread.

Biological method... The essence of the method is to use special herbal tinctures (they are used for spraying) and biological preparations (used for watering plants). Here are some illustrative examples:

Herbal tinctures: recipes

  • To prepare the working solution, you will need pods of fresh (100 g) or dry (50 g) hot pepper. They are boiled for an hour in a liter of water. After the time has elapsed, the resulting liquid is filtered and insisted in a closed jar for 2 days. Then it is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • You need to boil 10 liters. water and add 300-350 gr. blooming wormwood (pre-chopped). Let the broth brew (6 hours) and then add a spoonful (tablespoon) of liquid soap to it. The working solution is ready.

The above recipes are used to spray vegetable crops. The peculiarity of herbal tinctures is that, due to their specific smell, they have a deterrent effect.

The use of biological products

Today, the following biological products are most popular:

  • Lepidocide. 10 liters. working solution needs about 50 gr. drug;
  • Bitoxibacillin. Cooking proportions are the same as in the previous version.

All biological products are first diluted in a small volume of water (a homogeneous slurry should be obtained), and then diluted with 10 liters of water.

We add that the biological method of fighting the cabbage scoop has one definite plus: it is completely safe and will not harm the plant being treated. However, it should be noted that this method is not always effective. This is explained by the fact that in most cases, drugs and tinctures only scare away, and not destroy pests.

caterpillars of cabbage scoop on foliage

inta-vir against scoopsChemical method of dealing with harmful insects

  • Inta-Vir. 1 tablet is dissolved in a small amount of liquid, then diluted with 10 liters. water;
  • "Sherpa". 10 liters. water needs 1.5 ml. drug;
  • Iskra-M. It is enough to dissolve one tablet of the drug in a 10-liter bucket of water.

In addition to the above examples, there are a number of other equally effective chemicals. These, for example, include "Decis", "Bankol", "Fury", etc.

The working solution is used for spraying affected vegetable crops. Its peculiarity is that it causes instant paralysis and death of many harmful insects.

IMPORTANT: When using this method, it is worth knowing that plants treated in this way cannot be eaten for about 10 days. Otherwise, you can get poisoned.

It is very difficult to completely eliminate the likelihood of an invasion of a cabbage scoop on a garden plot. However, with timely and correct processing of plants, their number can be minimized.

Folk recipes for combating cabbage scoop - video

  1. Albina Andreevna Knyazeva

    For cabbage, there is no pest worse than a cabbage scoop. If the caterpillars of the white-haired woman gnaw on the green cover foliage, the scoops penetrate the head of cabbage, gnaw through the passages clogged with secretions in it. One such larva, and the head of cabbage is unfit for storage. Little joy in shredding to cut the caterpillar. Therefore, all summer residents hate the night butterfly. The best way to get rid of it will be repelling sprinkling of soil around the bush with pepper, dust from dry yarrow, celandine and marigolds. The scoop is harmful not only to cabbage, but also to root crops. You can destroy the masonry by loosening. If dark caterpillars appear, then it is difficult to detect them during the day. They curl up on the ground in a ball and hide under lumps of soil. Only loosening or watering with infusion of hot pepper will help detect the pest. If there are holes on the leaf that appeared at night, the caterpillars are attached nearby. First, they fall down on a cobweb, and then they penetrate into the middle of the head of cabbage and become invisible.


