Miraculous clove oil: unique properties and recipes for use

clove oil A simple oriental spice is used not only in the preparation of gourmet dishes, but also in cosmetology and pharmacology. Fragrant and rich in active substances, clove oil, the properties and uses of which are given below, have won the hearts of people for many centuries. It is used to prevent serious diseases and maintain women's beauty and health. The recipes, along with regular routine procedures, create stunning results.

Production technology


Clove essential oil is made from the clove tree growing in the south of East Asia. It has a tart spicy scent with hints of fruity sweetness. After contact with the taste buds, the oily potion leaves a bright fresh aftertaste. Almost all parts of this exotic tree are used in its production:

  • flowers (buds);carnation buds and flowers
  • kidneys;
  • branches;
  • leaves;
  • fruit;clove fruit
  • shoots.

Allergy sufferers, as well as those suffering from hypersensitivity, beauticians advise to use oil obtained only from the kidneys. It is valued for its healing properties because it does not irritate the epidermis.

Flowers are harvested before they are ripe and fully bloom. This principle applies to fruit as well. dry clove budsFirst, the resulting crop is dried naturally or in special installations. Using water-steam distillation, growers extract valuable plant fractions from the liquid. Using this technology, clove oil is produced all over the world, which contains about 85% of eugenol. This is the main component of the ether. It is widely used in cosmetology and perfumery.

It should be noted that only 1 kg of oil comes out from 8 kg of unblown flowers. Sadly, to get the same amount of product, you need to process up to 15 kg of fruit.

Unrivaled oil properties

clove oils from different parts of the treeIn the commercial sphere, surrogates for the essential oil of clove are gaining momentum, the use and properties of which differ from the original. Therefore, the hostess needs, at least by external characteristics, to be able to distinguish between them. The aroma oil extracted from the buds of the tree has a slight yellowish tint. Over time, the mixture darkens and becomes richer. Unfortunately, manufacturers paint the extract from leaves and branches in the same brown color. At the same time, the vegetable fat from the shoots does not change its dark color.

It is contraindicated for pregnant women, since it affects the hormonal background of a woman. In addition, some components of the product are responsible for maintaining the tone of the uterus.

pregnant women should not use clove oilSince cloves contain many vitamins, antioxidants, fats, minerals and tannins, the essential oil obtained from it is useful for:

  • nervous system;
  • female organs (restores the menstrual cycle);
  • immunity;
  • digestion;
  • brain (memory and attentiveness);as an anti-sclerotic agent
  • respiratory tract;for the treatment of bronchitis
  • oral cavity;
  • bones and joints;with joint disease
  • muscle tissue.

This tree belongs to the Myrtle family, evergreens. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the antibacterial properties of clove oil.clove oil to fight the flu virus The volatile substances of the ether are capable of eliminating viruses, bacteria and microbes, which is extremely necessary during the flourishing of influenza or ARVI.antibacterial property of clove oil

Doctors advise taking a few drops orally (twice a day) during the entire period of the illness.To do this, drop 2 ml into a teaspoon of honey and dilute the substrate in ½ cup of warm liquid.

Many housewives try to regularly saturate the house with this tart aroma, thus disinfecting the room. This sugary smell also repels insects:

  • flies;fly
  • mole;mole
  • ants;clove oil in the fight against ants and aphids
  • aphids.

The uniqueness of the drug is that it restores cells. It is used as a rejuvenating and healing agent. Clove oil is also widely used in dentistry, because it has regenerating and disinfecting properties. It is recommended to treat wounds with a soaked cotton swab. The main components of the product heal tissues and also treat:

  • pulpitis;clove oil for pulpitis
  • periodontal disease;clove oil for paradanthosis
  • stomatitis.

Some scientists have confirmed that the oily substrate removes acute or aching toothache. The spicy elixir also has a calming effect on the nervous system. With its help, millions are filming:

  • voltage;
  • fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • stress.clove oil as a stress reliever

Do not use pure concentrated product. You should always dilute it with a base (sunflower or olive).

The amazing properties of clove essential oil include improving blood circulation and relieving skin inflammation. for the treatment of acnePimples, acne, bruising and flaking will become a thing of the past. quickly removes bruisesThose suffering from asthma, tracheitis and bronchitis should use either concentrated ether or preparations containing this vegetable fat.

Pantry recipes

clove oil bathThe magnificent aroma and tart taste of cloves will make a good match for any salty and refined sauce. It is used to season fried or stewed meat, in particular game, and fish dishes. A few more drops are diluted in alcoholic and simple drinks. If in cooking oily spice is added by eye or depending on preferences, then in cosmetology everything is different. Each individual application of an essential oil saturated with clove VOC has the following dosage:

  1. Bath. Previously, 4 drops must be dripped onto sea salt, milk or honey, and then diluted in a full bath with warm water.
  2. Dental treatment. For 15 ml of base 6 drops of oily liquid.
  3. Pain reliever. Two milliliters per teaspoon of honey.
  4. Oil burner. Four drops into a container.lamp with carnation oil
  5. Massage. 3-5 ml for the whole body, and one or two is enough for the back.massage with clove oil
  6. Healing cuts and wounds. Dilute 30 ml of oil in a glass of water. This lubricate the damaged areas three times a day.for quick wound healing
  7. Bowel (stomach) upset. Mix 1 part of the drug with 2 teaspoons of olive oil.
  8. Aromaculon. For a day, it is enough to drop two drops into a clay tank.pendant with essential oil of carnation

It is forbidden to use such spicy aromas for people during a period of strong excitement of the nervous system. They are also contraindicated in hypertensive crisis.

It can be safely mixed (1-2 drops) with hand or face cream to remove blackheads and pimples. The biologically active components of clove oil improve blood circulation in the head, therefore they are effective for hair growth. If you undergo a course of ten-day therapy (the interval between procedures is 3 days), you can improve the condition of the hair follicles by 100 times. To prepare a mask from this miraculous elixir, you should take the oil:

  • carnations;
  • juniper;juniper oil
  • rosemary;rosemary oil
  • jojoba (this is the base, which means you need 30 drops).jojoba oil

All other components are equal in amount - 5 drops. sprouted seed oilYou can take as a basis essential oils from almonds, peaches, olives, or sprouted cereal seeds. The mixture should be rubbed in either at night or 2 hours before taking a bath. You should wrap your head well with a plastic bag, and on top with a terry towel (knitted hat). The result of this experiment will be strong, shiny, silky and thick strands.hair with clove oil

Clove oil is used to reduce spores. You need to take the ether of geranium, clove and sage (one drop at a time), and then grind with the yolk. Apply for 20-40 minutes.Wash off with hot water. Then soften the skin with a cream.

whole body clove oilSuch a complex use of clove oil has a beneficial effect on the body's systems, and the unique properties of the components and minerals - on the speed of the main life processes. The result is health and beauty!oil to tighten skin pores

Video about the properties of clove essential oil


