Mouse peas are a graceful plant for severe inflammation

mouse peas The attention of many people is attracted by drooping brushes of purple inflorescences that grow on a green lawn near the forest. However, few people know that mouse pea is a sedative, anticonvulsant, healing, and hemostatic agent. In addition, this "sparrow flower" (another name) is given to pets for food. This feed contains up to 3% fat, which is good for livestock. In addition, due to its structure, this herb serves as an excellent honey plant for bees.

Mouse peas from a biological point of view

mouse pea structure

The herbaceous plant is a branched stem that reaches a size of 130-150 cm. It is covered with small gray villi. Its feathery leaves are somewhat reminiscent of foliage. acacia... There are twisted tendrils at the tips of these twigs. They help the culture grow by clinging to other surfaces.

During the flowering period, which lasts from June to September, the shoots tilt slightly towards the ground. At the same time, they create an amazing extravaganza of colors on the green canvas of the meadow.

There are 3 main shades of blooming of mouse peas:

  • lilac;
  • ultramarine;
  • snow-white.

blooming of mouse peasOften, up to 40 bizarre buds (10 mm in length) are located on one branch. The oblong petals bloom only at the end of the flower. Two of them are in a darker shade with contrasting veins, and the other 2 are a tone lighter. Such amazing combinations will add zest to any landscape design.

The habitat of the mouse pea

mouse peas in natureThe tap root of the mouse vetch (Latin) extends several meters deep into the soil, which explains its vitality. In structure, it resembles wheatgrass, therefore it grows rather quickly. Depending on where the mouse pea grows, it is considered a weedy or useful crop. It is especially dangerous for grain crops, because it stifles the development of their root system.

However, most often it can be found:

  • along the carriageway;
  • on the edges of the forest;
  • among the bushes;
  • in the garden;
  • in mountainous areas (sometimes);
  • in the meadows.

Large-leaved peas are classified as perennials. A single bush can produce over 600 bean-like seeds. This amount of seed material ensures the germination of the culture in one place for 4-5 years.

Mouse pea roots have growths / seals. They are rich in nitrogen-fixing bacteria that saturate the soil with nutrients. It is sown as fertilizer in May, and embedded in the ground - at the beginning of flowering.

Useful properties of mouse peas: when disadvantages turn into advantages

bean plantThe legume plant is used exclusively in traditional medicine, since pharmacology only studies its medicinal properties.

However, herbalists successfully use decoctions, infusions, and also tinctures from it:

  • for wound healing;
  • as a diuretic;
  • to stop bleeding.

In addition, the passerine flower has soothing and anticonvulsant properties. It was thanks to them that he became popular in folk medicine.

Such unique features of the plant are possible due to the fact that it includes:

  • proteins (about 30%);
  • phosphorus;
  • flavanoids;
  • calcium;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • vicianin (narcotic drug);
  • tocopherol.

In addition, the mouse pea plant is successfully used in cooking. It serves as a great addition to pickles and vegetable stews.It is added as a dressing for soups or cabbage soup.

harvesting mouse peasThe listed healing components of mouse vetch are indispensable in the treatment of skin diseases: wounds, abscesses (used in powder form) and boils. This also includes insect bites, especially poisonous ones, and all kinds of cuts and bruises.

Infusions of this herb relieve inflammation, which can be traced when:

  • rheumatism;
  • hemorrhoids (for pain, bleeding);
  • cancer diseases;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

These potions help dissolve benign formations in the mammary glands. In addition, poultices based on medicinal infusions relieve swelling, which is observed in kidney disease, as well as dropsy. In addition, this plant culture is included in the collection of herbs intended for weight loss.

Dried mouse pea roots are used to prepare medicinal decoctions. The resulting natural medicine normalizes the digestive system, and also relieves intestinal inflammation.

Mouse peas are harvested in summer. Its branchy roots are carefully dug, cleaned of dirt and sent under a canopy. Leaves as well as stems are plucked and dried. The raw materials should not be exposed to sunlight and moisture. The plant material is stored in paper envelopes or in cotton bags for 2 years.

Time-tested decoction recipes

decoction of mouse peasFresh herbs are chopped with a knife, dried and sent to a coffee grinder. Then 3 tbsp. l. the powder mass is poured with cold water (500 ml). Bring the contents to a boil and remove from the stove. After insisting for 1 hour, filter the broth. By tradition, the agent is taken 30 minutes before meals, only 50 ml. The maximum dosage per day is 150 ml.dried mouse peas

This medicinal drug is recommended for:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • severe bleeding;
  • bronchitis, tracheitis.

Hepatitis C is treated with an infusion of mouse pea roots. They are dried, crushed, and then filled with water (0.5 l). As soon as the liquid boils, the dishes are removed from the heat and left for 3 hours. Take the medicine in a dosage of 60 ml 3 times a day.

mouse peas in folk medicineTo relieve puffiness, use a decoction of dried or fresh leaves / stems of the plant. For 250 ml of water take 15 g of raw materials. The resulting mass is simmered over low heat, but not boiled, for 15-20 minutes. After the aqueous infusion has cooled, it is filtered through cheesecloth. Drink up to 2 tbsp per day. l. drug mixture.

Infusions of mouse peas are contraindicated in breastfeeding, as well as pregnancy. It is dangerous to use if you are dehydrated, in particular, with severe diarrhea and dysentery.

The resulting plant concentrate is used for lotions. Such compresses are used to treat varicose veins, hemorrhoids, as well as benign tumors. Before starting therapy with mouse peas, it is better to consult a specialist. This approach to treatment is always rewarded with excellent results.

Edible mouse peas - video


