Cooking an amazing drink - cranberry tincture at home

cranberry tincture “Eat, drink, be merry Russian soul” - this phrase reminds of the ancient tradition of getting together and having fun. In many regions, cranberry tincture is especially popular. It is prepared from fresh or frozen berries. Moonshine, vodka or alcohol acts as an alcohol base.

ripe cranberries

The berry itself contains a huge amount of minerals, a number of vitamins and astringents. It is interesting that with any heat treatment, the fruits retain their value. And cranberry tincture is a real medicine. After all, its juice gives the liquid an exquisite aroma, softness and specific taste. There are many popular homemade options for making this intoxicating treat. Each of them has its own flavor, depending on the constituent components.

Cranberries ripen in early autumn, but the berries can remain on the branches even during the first frost. However, they retain the entire set of useful elements.

Basic rules for making a hoppy drink

homemade cranberry tinctureTo get a good quality cranberry tincture, you should pay attention to the appearance of the berries. They should be fully ripe, without visible damage or purulent spots. frozen cranberriesEven frozen fruits are suitable, since the internal structure of the pulp changes dramatically. As a result, the product lets juice better.

Before preparing the cranberry tincture, experts advise freezing the berries in the freezer for about 24 hours.

Before using the best cranberry moonshine recipe, prepare the necessary tools:

  • wooden pusher (stainless steel can be used);wooden crush
  • container for berry slurry;container for slurry from berries
  • gauze filter for filtering juice;gauze for juice filtering
  • banks;tincture jars
  • beautiful bottles.cranberry tincture storage bottles

When everything is ready and you know the recipe for how to insist moonshine on cranberries, you can safely get down to business. First, they sort out the fruits, discarding the rotten and beaten ones. Then they are thoroughly washed in several waters and laid out on the kitchen surface to dry out. Next, each berry is pierced with a needle at several points for quick juice release. clear cranberry tinctureThanks to this operation, the drink will turn out to be much more transparent with a bright shade. If you just suppress the fruit, the liquid will be slightly cloudy.

Most often, such a healing potion is stored for about 16 months, so you should not postpone its tasting for a long time.

Traditional treat - cranberry moonshine

cranberry tincture on moonshineA tasty and aromatic tincture is obtained from moonshine, which is purified from various fusel oils and impurities. For this it is necessary to do a double distillation of the product. On the fortress, it should be no more than 45 degrees.

To prepare cranberry tincture on moonshine, you will need the following components:

  • moonshine purified from impurities (2 l);
  • cranberries (400 grams);
  • granulated sugar (300 g);
  • water (1 glass).

Work order:

  1. The berries are thoroughly washed in several waters. Pierce the peel with an awl or just grind it. Put in a clean jar (3 l), cover with sugar and mix.rinse the cranberries
  2. The container is covered with gauze and kept warm for 3 days. Then moonshine is poured into the container so that it completely covers the berries. Next, wait for the first signs of fermentation.pour the berries with moonshine
  3. When the process is started, add the rest of the flammable liquid. The contents of the jar are mixed well, and then covered with a tight lid. Insist moonshine on cranberries for about 2 weeks.insist 2 weeks
  4. After the expiration of the scheduled time, the liquid that has formed is poured into a clean dish and sent to the refrigerator. The remaining fruits are again poured with moonshine and kept for 2 weeks.strained tincture
  5. On the appointed day, the new liquid is filtered and mixed with the one that was stored in the refrigerator. The resulting product is poured into a jar or bottles.delicious drink

If, according to this recipe, the cranberry moonshine turns out to be slightly cloudy, it is filtered several times through clean cheesecloth.

Strong alcoholic beverage

cranberry tincture on alcoholOften, lovers of tinctures prefer to harmoniously combine berries and various herbal supplements. For example, the root of Potentilla erect (galangal) stimulates the work of the biliary tract. Therefore, by putting it in a drink, you can get a useful potion. cranberry and cinquefoil rootTo prepare cranberry tincture for alcohol, you need a simple set of products:

  • cranberries (about 800 g);
  • alcohol (250 g);
  • chopped root Potentilla (1 teaspoon);
  • boiled water (250 g);
  • sugar (350 g).

Experienced chefs make a strong drink like this:

  1. Cranberries are crushed until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Potentilla root is added, mix well.chop cranberries
  2. The mixture is placed in a clean jar and poured over with alcohol. Close the lid tightly and keep warm (preferably without light).pour alcohol
  3. Sugar is placed in boiled water and cooked until completely dissolved. When it cools down, pour it into a jar with berries. Insist 7 days in warm and dark.boil syrup pour the syrup over the berries
  4. When the specified period is over, the tincture is filtered through 4 layers of gauze to obtain a clear liquid.strain the tincture
  5. The finished drug is poured into jars or beautiful bottles. Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

To give the drink a bright color, experts add a little lemon juice.

Connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages should know that without a balanced approach, you can fall into the trap. According to the observations of experts, the lethal dose of alcohol for a person is: half a liter bottle of vodka, drunk in a short time, 4 liters guilt and 10 liters of beer. Therefore, one should remember the fundamental truth: “Do not look at the wine as it sparkles in the cup. In the end it will sting like a viper. " Reasonable approach to alcoholic beverages leads to fun and joy of the heart. It is good when they strengthen friendships, and do not destroy family relationships.

Scarlet Russian vodka

exquisite taste of tinctureConnoisseurs of high-quality alcoholic beverages are unlikely to refuse an exquisite scarlet drink. It is easily prepared at home using a recipe for cranberry vodka tincture. Let's first look at the list of ingredients:

  • good quality vodka (0.5 l);
  • fresh or frozen cranberries (250 g);
  • sugar (one and a half cups);
  • boiled water (2 tablespoons).

List of basic actions:

  1. Ripe berries are carefully examined, choosing only good quality. They are washed in a wide container, changing the water several times. It is dried, after which each fruit is pierced with a needle.pure cranberry fruit
  2. The fruits are put in a jar, poured with vodka, covered with a lid. After that, the container is turned over in different directions and placed in a dark but warm place for 14 days.pour vodka on the berries
  3. When the appointed time expires, the resulting liquid is poured into a bottle by filtering through a gauze filter.strain the drink
  4. To sweeten the drink a little, prepare syrup. To do this, throw sugar into boiling water, stir until it is completely dissolved. When it cools down, it is poured into a flammable liquid and gently mixed.add sugar syrup to the drink
  5. They close the jar with a tight lid, send it to the refrigerator and wait for the right moment for a pleasant meal.close the tincture jar tightly

The cranberry tincture prepared on vodka is served as an excellent treat for the festive table. In addition, the scarlet drink is used as a medicine for the prevention of certain diseases. cranberry tastingIf you drink it in moderation and on business, you can get not only pleasant sensations, but also improve your health.

Some cooks add a little liquid honey to the tincture to increase the sweetness.

Video recipe for cranberry tincture from the chef


