The incomparable Veles pear

Veles pear Veles pear in spring in the Moscow region is a decoration of the garden. A snow-white fragrant tent created by the fancifully curved branches of the crown. The variety is new, only in 2001 was included in the state register. Its creators, botanists Efimova and Petrov, crossed the Lesnaya Krasavitsa and Venus varieties. Another name for this pear is Daughter of the Excellent. The variety is intended for central Russia.

Features of the variety Daughter Excellent

pear Veles or Daughter Excellent

Gardeners, amateurs and professionals alike rate the fruits of this variety with the highest score. Photo of Pear Veles, description of the variety, impressive. An adult tree will break off under the weight of the fruit, and each branch requires a support. The height of the pear does not exceed 4 m, but its crown is spreading, pyramidal. The bent branches extend far from the trunk and bend downward.

Fruits are medium-sized, weighing 170-200 g, wide, with a clean shiny surface. The taste of the fruit is gentle, sweet and sour. The Veles pear color is yellowish, with a delicate blush.

fruits of the Veles varietyVariety advantages:

  • frost resistance - the tree tolerates winters in the Moscow region well;
  • stable harvest;
  • good fruit preservation.

Late fruiting is considered a disadvantage - 6-7 years after planting. The more the pear has tied the crop, the less fruit will be in weight.

The Veles pear variety is resistant to fungal diseases. The tree is partially self-fertile. But this ability is poorly expressed. Therefore, for a good yield, you need to plant at least one Severyanka pear tree in the neighborhood, Chizhovskaya... These varieties are also tolerant to diseases and are pollinators for the Veles pear. The variety ripens closer to autumn. You can determine that it is time for the pear to be on the table by its yellow skin and softness. For storage, slightly unripe fruits are removed.

Fruit tree agricultural technology

seedlings of the Veles varietyThe health and fruiting of an adult tree depends on the correct planting of the Veles pear and the care of the seedling. Therefore, each stage must fulfill its own tasks:

  • choice of location, seedling and planting;
  • pear breeding methods;
  • watering and feeding regime;
  • prevention against pests and diseases;
  • autumn work on preparing the tree for winter;
  • spring awakening.

The place for the pear is chosen sunny, with protection from the north wind. The groundwater should be deep, below 2 meters. The landing pit is prepared in advance. The fertile layer is removed and set aside. The depth of the pit should be 1 m. The bottom layer is laid with drainage and a layer of sand, then a mound is created from fertile fertilized soil and a root system is placed on it, a stabilizing stake is inserted.

planting a pear seedlingTwo-year-old seedlings should have an even trunk, a small number of branches. The root system should be well developed, about 25 cm long. You can plant a Veles pear in spring and autumn.

When planted in spring, the trees will get stronger and leave in the winter grown up, with an established root system.

The pear is propagated by Daughter Excellent layering and cuttings. For grafting, take a two-year branch in winter, break it into cuttings of 15-20 cm, and fix it in this state. Cut into pieces and put the roots in a dark plastic bottle in the spring in melt water using activated carbon. The cuttings are planted in a nursery and grown until autumn. The cuttings cannot be bent to the ground, so the box in which the roots germinate is arranged on a branch, on which cuts are made to the cambium. A branch with roots is separated from the skeletal branch only after 2 years.

propagation of pears by air layeringIn the first year after the rooting of the tree, crown formation begins. At the same time, special attention is paid to the prevention of thickening, which will lead to diseases.

Watering a young seedling is the most important part of seedling care. Newbirds need 2 buckets of water in the trunk circle 3 times a week. Mature fruit trees are watered every week in the morning or evening. Watering can be organized by sprinkling or a watering can along the grooves or in the near-stem circle. The blotting depth should be 15 cm.

watering and feeding with liquid fertilizersFertilizing the tree with organic and mineral fertilizers during the season is important. In the first half of summer and spring, nitrogen and organic fertilizers are used. Mineral and organic dressings alternate. Before flowering, give urea or saltpeter. After flowering, organic matter is insisted and introduced into wet watered ground. In the fall, they give potassium-phosphorus fertilizers that increase winter hardiness.

Formative pruning is carried out on seedlings, sanitary and regulatory - on fruit trees.

If done correctly, the tree will endow the gardener with delicious ruddy fruits.

What gardeners say about pear varieties Daughter Excellent

Reviews about the Veles pear from gardeners and summer residents are the most favorable.

Ninel Petrovna from Narofominsk said that her pear blossomed for 4 years after planting, presented with two bouquets of three pears each. Until September 5, she kept 4 things, the rest were stolen by the grandchildren earlier. All are ripe, one has grown by 260 g. The taste is fabulous! I endured the winter of 2014 perfectly.

Andrey from Sergiev Posad planted a seedling in 2014. The pear blossomed at 4 years old, there were no fruits. I need a girlfriend - a pollinator. I planted another variety in the crown. I will wait for the result.

Video about the Veles pear variety


