Terms of garden processing with urea with copper sulfate in spring

garden processing in early spring Apply chemicals on your site or try to grow organic products - this dilemma haunts many gardeners. Most prudently choose the golden mean, and spring garden processing urea with copper sulfate becomes in the new season one of the first measures to combat diseases and pests. Why is spraying so important? First, let's figure out what these drugs are.

Description of drugs and their effect on plants

Copper sulfate and urea have different effects on plants. It depends on their chemical composition.

copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is copper sulfate, each molecule of which attaches five water molecules to itself. In horticulture, it is used in the form of an aqueous solution as an antiseptic and fungicide - a substance used to combat fungal plant diseases. This drug is contact, that is, it does not penetrate into tissues, but only acts on the surface.

Copper sulfate belongs to the class of low-hazard substances, but when working with it, you must observe safety precautions: wear a respirator, protective clothing and goggles.

urea for the gardenUrea (urea) is a chemical compound containing 46% nitrogen and is used as nitrogen fertilizer... Soil bacteria decompose it to ammonia and nitrate. In this form, it is absorbed by plants. Nitrogen is one of the main nutrients for plants. The use of nitrogen fertilizers dramatically increases the yield of all crops. But an excess of nitrogen harms both humans and nature, therefore, the dosage should not be exceeded.

This fertilizer is used both in dry form, plowing into the soil, and in the form of an aqueous solution. Spraying with urea solution is a popular top dressing for gardeners, since liquid nitrogen is absorbed by plants much faster than dry nitrogen and practically does not get into the soil, thereby not creating excess nitrates in it.

Why spraying is necessary in early spring

garden treatment with urea with copper sulfateBiologists and agronomists identify several reasons at once why the treatment of the garden with urea and copper sulfate should be held in early spring:

  1. In the garden, the need for nitrogen in trees arises at the very beginning of the growing season and continues until mid-summer. But the soil has not yet warmed up in early spring and the natural processes of microbiological formation of nitrates in it are suppressed. Therefore, spraying with nitrogen fertilizer to replenish nitrogen reserves is necessary during this period.
  2. Spraying the garden urea helps to get rid of many pests hibernating in the bark - aphids, apple red mites, moths, flower beetles, glassworms, leaf rollers and others. To do this, use a concentrated urea solution - at least 700 g per bucket of water. Before the leaves bloom, this concentration is completely safe for the tree.
  3. With the onset of heat, fungal diseases of fruit trees are activated - powdery mildew, scab, moniliosis other. These diseases are easier to prevent than to cure a weakened tree. An early spring spraying with a 5% copper sulfate solution will help suppress fungal spores.

Such high concentrations of copper sulfate and urea for trees can only be used before the leaves appear.

You can spray the garden with a solution of copper sulfate only before bud break in order to avoid burns. After the start of the growing season, use Bordeaux mixture.

How to prepare your garden for spraying

preparing the garden for processingBefore the spring processing of the garden with urea with copper sulfate, it is necessary to prepare the trees:

  • cut dry and diseased branches;
  • clean up areas of dead bark;
  • grease the places of cuts and cleanings;
  • collect and burn last year's foliage.

All cleaned areas are disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate, cuts - with garden varnish.

For this procedure, you need to choose a dry, windless day when the air warms up to 5 degrees Celsius. Spraying is not beneficial in rainy weather.

How to prepare the mixture

preparation of a solution of copper sulfateA solution of urea and copper sulfate for treating trees is prepared as follows:

  • 700 g of urea is poured into a clean 10-liter bucket;
  • pour water into a bucket and stir until completely dissolved;
  • in a separate bowl, dissolve 500 g of copper sulfate in a small amount of hot water;
  • diluted vitriol is poured into a bucket and mixed again.

mixing two solutionsSprinkle trees in spring with urea and copper sulfate abundantly, soaking the trunk, branches and the ground of the trunk circle.

The finished mixture is used immediately. Before starting work, put on protective equipment - goggles, a respirator and gloves.

These drugs can only be diluted in glass, wood, or plastic containers.

The spring processing of the garden with urea with copper sulfate, carried out according to all the rules, is a guarantee that your garden will be much healthier and will delight you with a friendly harvest. But we should not forget that a whole range of measures is needed to get a good result in the garden. Trees need various fertilizers and protection from diseases and pests throughout the year.

The first spraying of the garden - video

  1. Alexei

    Are you sure that copper sulfate should be a solution of 5%, and not 0.5% ???

    • Natali

      A 5% solution is used only in late autumn or early spring, when the buds are dormant. There is no point in using 0.5% at this time, it is too weak. A 0.5% solution, if necessary, is used to treat plants over foliage.


