Step-by-step instructions for transplanting violets at home

Adult violet plants need replanting Saintpaulia in the apartment becomes a common favorite. She takes up little space, is touching in her outfit. However, like any plant grown in artificial conditions, it is demanding on the content. One of the important components of care is the timely replacement of the substrate in the bowl, transplanting the plant and its reproduction or rejuvenation. How to transplant violet at home, step by step there is a lot of information on the site and in the video.

Read on:violets how to care to bloom?

Signs of the need for transplantation and methods

A violet purchased in a store must be transplanted.

There are several reasons when replacing land becomes necessary for a home plant. It is impossible to replace with top dressing the composition of the soil that is specially selected so that in a wet state it can feed the plant. Over time, the soil is depleted, compacted and the plant begins to starve.

It is necessary to transplant indoor violets:

  • after quarantine of a newly acquired plant;
  • if a white coating appears on the top layer of the substrate;
  • when, when examining a plant taken out of the pots, it is clear that the root system is too dense:
  • the plant has a depressed appearance, dying foliage and feeding do not help;
  • a young growth of violet rosettes has emerged from the rooted leaf, which needs to be planted.

In these cases, the plant can be transplanted in various ways. The simplest and easiest is transshipment. Without destroying the lump of the removed plant, it is carefully rearranged into another, slightly larger container and sprinkled with fresh earth. So a young flower is transplanted, which is growing rapidly, and the substrate has not yet had time to deplete.

You need to plant a young outletMore often, violets are transplanted at home with a complete replacement of the earth, and we will analyze this method in detail. To transplant a plant you will need:

  • prepare the container;
  • purchase or make up nutrient soil;
  • prepare a plant for transplantation;
  • make a transplant;
  • take care of the plant before taking root.

In the spring, a transplant is carried out with a complete soil replacementA favorable time for transplanting Saintpaulia is spring, when the plant has the greatest vitality. If necessary, you can replant the plant in the fall. In the summer, the survival rate is affected by the increased temperature, and in the winter by the lack of sunshine. Flowering plants can be transplanted if they are flooded and root death is inevitable. A flowering plant needs to be rid of peduncles, fresh wounds should be dried, and only then rooted.

Capacity requirements

Capacity for planting violetsAny utensils taken after plant transplantation should be thoroughly washed and disinfected. For saintpaulia, bowls with drainage holes, up to 10 cm high are suitable. The diameter of the upper part should be 15-20 cm. An adult plant grows well in such a pot. For young rosettes, cups with a diameter of about 6 cm are needed. Only after filling the container with roots can the beginning of flowering of the transplanted plant be expected.

If plastic cups are used for transplanting violets at home, then the drainage layer must compensate for the depth in order to maintain proportions. For better bottom irrigation, wicks can be inserted into the drainage holes, through which the earth will be saturated faster.

Nutrient substrate composition

Nutrient substrateViolets love light, acidic soil, including:

  • black soil - 5 volumes;
  • peat - 3 volumes;
  • coarse river sand - 1 part.

It is imperative to add a horse, non-decomposed peat or sphagnum moss, perlite and vermiculite, brick chips. The total amount of additives should not exceed the amount of sand taken. Use expanded clay and crockery shards for drainage. You can use purchased soil for Saintpaulias.

The soil for planting violets must be free-flowing and wetRegardless of how the soil is obtained, it must be steamed and disinfected with potassium permanganate. The earth can be revived by adding EM-1 preparation 2 weeks before use, or just before planting a little vermicompost. Before use, the soil must be moist, but free-flowing.

Plant preparation for transplanting

Before transplanting, the soil in the pot is well moistenedIt is necessary to moisten the soil several hours before transplanting so that the plant can easily slip out of the pot. At the same time, the earth should not stain the hands and leaves of the plant.

The flower taken out of the pot is carefully examined. At this time, the roots can be partially or completely cleaned of the ground, cut out the damaged ones. With overgrown roots up to 2/3, they can be removed without harm to the plant.

If there is rot, the plant is cleaned to healthy tissue and treated with crushed charcoal. When the root is found dead, the rosette can be rooted in water. Then plant the plant in the ground in the usual way.

For transplanting, warm settled water should be prepared.

How to transplant a violet at home step by step:

  1. Pull the wick through the drainage hole, cover the hole with a convex bowl or moss so that it does not get clogged with earth.Refueling the wick
  2. Lay vermiculite on the bottom of the dish in a layer that will provide the proportions of the volume for the roots. In a plastic glass, the layer is higher; in a bowl, expanded clay is poured into one layer.Placing vermiculite on the bottom of the pot
  3. A layer of prepared earth is poured, and straightened roots are installed on the surface, gradually adding soil. In this case, the backfill is lightly compacted with a stick and gentle shaking.Pour some earth
  4. Falling asleep along the neck, the plant is slowly and gradually watered so that the soil is compacted around the roots. In this case, the subsidence of the substrate is inevitable. Additionally, the earth is poured to the border of the root system, without deepening the necks.The neck of the violet should not be buried in the ground
  1. The plant is swayed slightly to make sure it does not fall on its side, whether the roots are tight. A layer of vermiculite is poured on top, like mulch.For better survival, create a mini greenhouse
  2. Until survival, the plant is covered from above from excessive evaporation of moisture, but so that the air passes through. The plant is not watered before rooting, but a tray of moss or a wet rag around the pot will create better conditions.

For a visual representation of each operation, you can use the lesson "Transplanting violets at home video" installed at the end of the article.

Plant rejuvenation

Older plants throw out few pedunclesIn order to make an old plant bloom profusely, it can be rejuvenated. Signs of aging will be the bare bottom of the trunk, which becomes clearly visible. When rejuvenating, you can remove some of the roots and leaves, then plant in a smaller bowl. But usually only the ground part is preserved, cutting off the trunk with the leaves dried from below with a sharp disinfected knife.

Rooting the crown of the plantThe plant is planted a little, and then dipped in a glass of water. When a good root system is formed, the plant is planted in a prepared container.

The rejuvenated violet is ready for planting in a potThe transplant is carried out in the same way as when rooting a plant using the method in step-by-step instructions. You need to take another dish, since the root system is small and until it fills the container, the violet will not bloom. At the same time, you can remove some of the sheets and propagate the plant you like with them.

How to plant young plants

3 or more young rosettes can be obtained from one sheetThe sockets obtained from the rooted leaf are transplanted after 2 - 3 months into separate cups, where they will grow for a long time until they bloom and the pot becomes small.

A young violet has blossomedThe main thing in keeping such babies will be the creation of favorable conditions for development - good lighting, temperature regime and moderate soil moisture.

Violet transplant with substrate replacement - video


