Fir from seeds - secrets and methods of growing

fir seed Seed growing of fir is not a very popular occupation, because seedlings develop very slowly. However, fir from seeds at home grows strong and healthy. You just need to do everything right and wait a couple of years. But this is a great way to get many seedlings of this evergreen coniferous plant at once.

Preparing seeds for planting

You can buy planting material in the store, but if you live near the forest, you can save money and go there for seeds. However, in this case, it is very important to do everything on time. After all, when the cones fully open, the seeds will fall out and only sticks will remain. Start collecting seeds no later than early November, as if removing them from the cone, moving your hand from the base to the tip. Do not forget to sort the collected seeds, freeing them from the scales.

Don't throw away the flakes - they make a great mulch.

Next, put the dry seeds in a bag and send to stratification in the refrigerator until spring. In the spring, before sowing, soak them for a day.

Fir from seeds - planting methods

Seed growing of fir can be done in two ways:

  • winter sowing in open ground;
  • spring planting seeds in pots.

For spring planting, seed stratification is mandatory - it increases their germination. In autumn, the procedure is greatly simplified, and you can safely sow fir immediately after collecting the seeds.

Features of winter sowing of fir

When sowing in the open ground for a fir nursery, the place must be selected and prepared in advance. For the first couple of years, bright sun is contraindicated for young plants, so it is better to sow in partial shade. It is worth worrying about the soil, adding soil for conifers to the garden bed.

It is convenient to plant fir in shallow grooves, evenly scattering them. Sprinkle on top with a thin layer of soil. It is not necessary to deeply deepen so that the sprouts can break through the soil layer. It is advisable to mulch crops with pine bark. When sowing under winter, the seeds undergo natural stratification and in spring they will give more friendly shoots.

To prevent cats and other animals from digging into the seedling bed, fence it off with a net.

When to sow seeds in spring

Start sowing fir in the middle of spring, not forgetting to soak them first. Pour loose compost, sawdust and sand into small containers. Spread the seeds over the surface or in shallow grooves and lightly cover with a layer of soil. Cover the top with coniferous litter and cover the container with foil. After a month, when the seeds have sprouted, remove the film and provide good lighting. For the summer, the seedlings can be taken outside by placing them under the trees.

Transplant to a permanent place fir grown from seeds no earlier than 5 years of age.

Growing fir from seeds - video


