Useful berry in your garden - irga

berry irga on your site Do you have at least one irgi bush in your garden? Not? Then be sure to find a secluded spot on the site and plant an irga there. Already in the month of May, you will see a gorgeous bloom on it. Further, after the flowers, berries will begin to develop, the beneficial properties of which are so much talked about. And in September, the green foliage will turn red and yellow. It is impossible to look away from her. Decorate your garden and provide family vitamins.

The plant gives out strong growth from the root, which must be constantly removed.

Planting irgi

To get a good harvest from the shrub, you need fertile loamy or sandy loam soil, as well as a place where the scattered rays of the sun penetrate. If, when planting, the seedlings are buried 8 cm more than during the previous planting, an enhanced growth of shoots begins from the roots. The planted and thoroughly mulched seedling is immediately watered and pruned, leaving stems with 5-6 buds.

By watering your plant regularly, you will get more fruit.

Bush care

After the first pruning, active growth of young shoots begins, which cannot be removed until the age of three. Next comes the active formation of the bush. When you reach 10 years old, rejuvenating pruning is performed. For the convenience of picking berries, the branches must be shortened to the desired height.

The use of irgi berries as ornamental plant also requires pruning and shaping the crown of the shrub.

Useful berry irga

How good berry irga... Perhaps not everyone will like its sweet fruits, but they contain iodine and carotene so necessary for the human body. And also a large amount of trace elements, pectins, vitamins and acids. Savvy housewives will definitely prepare at least a few jars of irgi jam. By adding a little berries to tea, you will significantly increase immunity, and your nervous system will become much more resistant to various stresses.

Irga is taken as a prophylactic agent for blood clots, varicose veins and heart attacks. For a patient with angina, it is enough to rinse the throat with berry juice so that the disease begins to recede. People with heart problems simply need vitamin P, which is so rich in irga.

With reduced pressure, irgi berries are consumed a lot and often cannot be!

In addition to berries, bark of a bush, its leaves and flowers are successfully used in folk medicine. The bark and leaves are used to make medicines for diarrhea. To relax and sleep in a restful sound sleep, they drink teas, decoctions from dried or fresh leaves.


