Is it possible to plant a lawn in the autumn?

The grassy carpet is a decoration of every garden area. In addition, lawn grass is not only part of the landscape design, it ideally protects the site from overgrowing weeds. However, there are times when the lawn grass was not planted in spring, for one reason or another. This raises the question: Is it possible to plant a lawn in the fall?

Autumn lawn. Benefits

The opinion of many professional gardeners tends to one thing: the lawn sown in the autumn period of time will grow strong and thick.

This judgment is fully justified if we consider some factors:

  • autumn soil, for sowing is in perfect condition, it is sufficiently moist and heated. In this regard, the shoots will germinate quickly, and the root system of the lawn grass will form and grow stronger. If you sow the lawn in early September, then by November the green cover will rise;
  • air temperature is an important factor. During this period of time, it is quite comfortable and not high, the whole atmosphere is saturated with moisture;
  • there is no massive germination of weeds, which means that much time will not be spent on fighting them;
  • autumn planting of lawn grass is a convenient option, because during the entire summer time, you can slowly prepare the soil for planting, gradually removing weeds, digging, apply fertilizer to the soil, roll and moisten;

Lawn planting options in autumn

  1. You can sow grass seeds in September. It is necessary to carefully prepare the soil and create the best possible care for future seedlings. If all planting rules are followed, then a green carpet will cover the personal plot, until the first frost. Next spring, almost from under the snow itself, you can observe an even, dense, green lawn.
  2. You can sow lawn grass seeds in frozen soil, but without snow cover. The best time is the twentieth of September or mid-October. The main thing in planting is to be in time, to process the soil. This method has its advantages. In the coming season, the lawn grass will not sprout, thus you will not have to deal with processing and mowing. During the winter period, the seeds will become hardened, acquire resistance to diseases, and with the onset of spring they will instantly begin to grow.

So, asking the question: is it possible to plant a lawn in the fall? The answer is simple: of course yes, especially planting lawn grass in the fall is ideal for gardeners who are ready to wait until next season for the green blanket to appear!

Video: planting a lawn


