Reproduction of clematis by seeds: tips for beginners

bright bloom of clematis Even a novice amateur florist can plant clematis in his garden so that a blooming, eye-pleasing liana grows from the seeds. Reproduction of clematis by seeds requires some skills and knowledge, but all the trouble will pay off in full by obtaining seedlings that will be adapted to your growing conditions.

Reproduction of clematis by seeds: at home and in the open field

clematis from seeds

Clematis is at the peak of popularity and is rightfully considered the king of vines, decorating gazebos, terraces, pergolas and fences. The plant is not picky, it feels great in flower beds and in the garden. At first glance, clematis conquers with the original color of its leaves and gorgeous flowers. Some decorative varieties can boast of abundant flowering - up to two hundred buds per plant. Seed propagation allows improving varietal performance or even developing a new clematis variety.

The best time to plant clematis seeds

clematis flowerGardeners do not always have the opportunity to purchase seedlings of Lomonos (another name for the plant), so they resort to seed propagation. When growing clematis from seeds at home, sowing is recommended in the autumn. During the winter, the seedlings will grow and get stronger, and in the spring they can be safely planted in open ground.

clematis seedsWhen to sow clematis seeds? Sowing seeds immediately after harvesting is not recommended; they should lie down for a while. For large-seeded varieties, this period is 2.5-4 months, and 2 months will be enough for small-sized grains.

The germination times of seeds vary depending on their size. Small seeds sprout quickly, while large ones are much slower. This fact is explained by the fact that in large-seeded vines the embryo is in an underdeveloped state. The shell of such a grain contains substances that prevent early germination, which makes it possible for the future plant to achieve full development.

How to grow clematis seedlings at home

shoots of clematis seedsBefore sowing, it is imperative to carry out preparatory measures. First of all, this is the stratification of clematis seeds, which allows you to grow strong seedlings at home, with disease-resistant immunity. This procedure involves keeping the seeds for some time on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. On average, this period is about 3 weeks.

Boxes are best suited for sowing, which in spring can easily be taken out into the open air to harden seedlings.

The right choice of soil is essential. The soil mixture should consist of garden soil, humus, sand and ash... The substrate can be purchased at a flower shop or you can make your own. How deep to embed seeds is determined, guided by their size. According to the rules, the planting depth should be twice the size of the seeds.

seedlings of clematisFrom above, the crops are sprinkled with sand and slightly compacted. Thus, seed germination is accelerated. The germination period depends on the clematis variety and the specific growing conditions. On average, the appearance of the first shoots takes from 3 weeks to 3 months.

Watering crops should be moderate. The soil should always be moist, but in moderation. At the same time, stagnant water should be avoided, as it can be detrimental to crops.

Outdoor cultivation

growing clematis in the open fieldWhen to plant clematis seeds for seedlings when growing vines in the open field? The best time is early spring. First, the seed should be kept in the refrigerator for about 3 months.

Small seeds can be sown directly into the ground without prior stratification. The sowing depth of small-caliber seeds is about 1 cm. The first shoots should be expected in 1.5-2 months. Large seeds should be soaked in warm water for a while. Withstand them for 3 days, while changing the water every day. You can also carry out bubbling of seeds - pre-sowing treatment in water with oxygen. This procedure increases seed germination, enhancing growth processes.

Another option for propagating clematis by seeds is winter sowing in seedling containers or boxes. In the spring, immediately after the appearance of the first leaf, the seedlings are transplanted to a bed with light, loose soil. Young growth can be moved into ordinary garden soil after 1-2 pairs of true leaves appear. Immediately after transplanting, the seedlings should be pinched, just above the second pair of leaves, which will help accelerate growth.

clematis from autumn cropsAutumn sowing of clematis is the most popular among flower growers, as it allows you to enjoy their first flowering already in the new season. But, in this case, you should take care of the reliable shelter of crops for the winter. Film and straw can be used as a covering material.

Can clematis be grown from seeds? Specific nuances of growing

successful cultivationEach separate type of clematis has its own individual germination time. Large-seeded varieties germinate for a very long time, therefore, it is preferable to propagate them in a vegetative way. Clematis with medium seeds germinate on average 1.5 - 6 months. They germinate and give amicable shoots most quickly - small seeds.

Clematis also differ in the type of germination. There are such species that germinate:

  • underground - when sowing, they should be sprinkled with earth or sand;
  • aboveground - seeds are not sprinkled on top;
  • intermediate - sprinkle seeds conditionally.

Clematis of Manchu

Clematis of ManchuFeatures:

  • variety with medium seeds;
  • germination type - intermediate (sprinkled with sand 1 cm);
  • germination time - 2-5 months.

Clematis Tangut

Clematis TangutFeatures:

  • small-seeded variety;
  • germination period from 3 weeks to 2 months;
  • aerial germination.

Clematis Armanda

Clematis ArmandaFeatures:

  • germination type - aboveground (depth, embedding - 1 cm);
  • germination period - 70-108 days;
  • soil germination - 21%.

Video about growing clematis from seeds


