Reproduction of poinsettia: difficult cuttings

reproduction of poinsettia Although the most beautiful euphorbia is a seasonal crop, many still want to have several luxurious specimens of this handsome man on their window. In this case, the reproduction of poinsettia must be carried out without errors. Then by December the florist will have an amazing multi-colored garden on his windowsill.

Cutting the shoots is advised only with a sharp blade or knife. Scissors tear / remove delicate tissue, as well as pinch the vessels passing in the trunk.

Reproduction of poinsettia

In its natural area (Mexico), the Christmas star is increased in number thanks to the seeds. Unfortunately, at home it is impossible to achieve full ripening of the grains. Moreover, it belongs to hybrid plants. Therefore, in subsequent generations, culture loses all its attractive characteristics.

Since the above technique is not relevant for the modern gardener, grafting remains. Nevertheless, with such reproduction, poinsettia will require increased attention. The event is held in an unusual way:

  • select strong shoots on the mother plant;
  • divide them into cuttings of 7-10 cm each with 4-6 internodes;
  • the lower part of the cut should be flat and immediately below the joint;
  • the overall leaves of the seedling are shortened by 2/3;
  • the sprouts are kept for about 15-20 minutes in warm water (40 ° C), then the milk will flow out and will not clog the veins in the stem.

During this time, prepare the planting substrate. To prevent living tissues from starting to rot, drainage is made at the bottom. Further, in equal parts, take leafy, sod land and peat... Washed sand is added to them (½ of half the mass). Mix thoroughly. Shoots are planted to a depth of 2-4 cm. A film is used as a canopy to create a greenhouse. Holes are made in such a simulated greenhouse. Every day the cuttings are aired and sprayed. A warm and sufficiently bright place is selected for the container, but not in the sun. They put it away from drafts.

After a month, the buds will swell, and the leaves will begin to tie. Such signs indicate that the sprout has taken root, which means that it has begun.

Growing nuances, as well as popular mistakes

As soon as the shoots stretch out decently, the beautiful euphorbia is pinched to form a luxurious crown. Then it is transplanted into a container 1 cm larger. The culture takes root only in dark glasses. In this case, the composition of the mixture does not change. They try to regularly water, spray and feed a young seedling. In this case, you cannot overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers.

Many people want to get a lush flower in a short time. Then several cuttings are placed in one pot at once. Moreover, you can create a multi-colored composition from a Christmas star.

When breeding poinsettia, many make unforgivable mistakes. To prevent them, you need to drain the juice from the cut shoot, thereby preventing blockage of the veins. It is also worth knowing that the plant suffers from both excess and deficiency of light. A similar situation is with watering. You do not need to fill or dry out the soil. By avoiding such shortcomings, you can extend the life of your ward.

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